Status: Writiingg <33

Lay Me Down to Sleep, Sweet Angel

Ch. 1

Running away.
Running far away from this life.
I can't take it anymore.
Run run run till I feel safe.
Till I feel like no one can ever find me.
Disappear from this ugly world.
I cant take it anymore.
All I can see are the trees blurring by, when I come into the forest.
I'm not afraid.
It's dark.
It's raining.

I get so deep in the forest that when I look back I can no longer see the opening from where I came in.
I fall down into the wet leaves and dirt.
I lay still, and I hear the sound I needed to hear.
The black bear was coming.
The bear that everybody has been talking about.
I lay there and think, take me, black bear, take me. Take this pain and kill me.

When I hear the footsteps getting closer, I begin to change my mind, and think about what I'd leave behind.
Right as those thoughts came in, the bear was right in front of me, ready to grab me.
No no!, I thought. "No! Don't take me! I change my mind! Don't you understand? I have family!"
The bear, now standing up, growls loudly at my screaming words for dear life.
He bends down and grabs me by my shirt.
I'm crying.
"No! Don't! Please!"

A light appears and blinds me, and all of a sudden I'm released and I hear the bear's footsteps running away.
The blinding light is still there.
I try and let my eyes adjust but all I can make out is this woman.
Blonde hair, blue eyes, wrapped in white cloth and light.
She was smiling at me.
Then everything went black, and I was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me what you guys think, please.