Status: Active(:

Tongue Piercings and Hair Flips

Jail Bait

I think in this light, anyone looked good. And with the amount of alcohol that I’d consumed, ‘anyone’ looked even better.

The room was dark, with black lights making every light coloured-anything glow, while strobe lights made everyone feel dizzy, and a little bit high.

Not that half the people there weren’t high already.

That’s partially why I was so confused about his being there. He was… innocent. Small, inexperienced. He was an awkward little virgin that flinched every single time someone walked by drunkenly, with their drinks sloshing over the edge of the cups. He looked frightened, and even though I wasn’t much of a fan of the little douche-bag, I felt bad.

My feet seemed to move themselves, completely against my own will, towards him. And when his brown eyes looked up at me, I couldn’t help but sit myself down beside him.

“Overwhelmed?” I asked. Justin nodded and flipped his hair out of his eyes. I honestly didn’t see what it was about that stupid hair flip that made girls so fucking in love with him. “You get used to it” I said. He looked back over at me, a skeptical look on his face.

“After a few drinks, right?” He asked sarcastically, but there was a slight shake to his voice. If his One Time video proved anything, it was that this kid did not know what a real party was like. I grinned and shrugged.

“A drink sometimes helps. Want me to get you anything?” I asked. His face went totally taken aback and he shook his head vigorously. After a couple seconds, I placed my hand on the top of his head to make him stop, the motion making me a bit dizzy. As I removed my hand, I couldn’t help but notice how soft his hair was.

I also couldn’t help but notice how… Well, how gorgeous he was. This kid was fucking jail bait, with his little button nose, huge lips that were often forming a warm smile, and his big wondering brown eyes. This was something I couldn’t blame on the odd lighting of the room. Even if I wasn’t a fan of the kid, he was good looking. And I could appreciate that.

We sat in silence, while I sipped the drink in my hand and Justin looked around nervously. I really just wanted to get up, and walk away from him. But something made me say. Bieber was a talented kid, I had to give him that. But his music was uncreative, a little bit obnoxious, and completely over-played. I believed that he got his fame from his looks, and being a punk-pop star, it was kind of expected for me to hate him. And I had, until I sat next to him and I saw that really, he was just confused, innocent and actually not so bad.

“Hey wait… You’re that guy… From um… Marianas Trench! Josh Ramsay, right?” Justin asked. I smiled and nodded, then began to spin my tongue piercing around in my mouth, using the tip of my tongue.

“The one and only.” I said, causing him to smile. I then sighed and looked down at my shoes before I drained my drink. “Hey, I’m gonna go get a refill. Want something?” I asked. Justin nodded and flipped his hair again.

“Sprite please” He said. I chuckled under my breath as I got up and walked away from him. Part of me really wanted to spike his drink, but I didn’t have the heart.

When I got back, Justin took his drink eagerly and began sipping it in the most adorable way possible. Was this little retard seriously getting to me? He was like, two feet tall. Whatever, he was freakishly adorable, and it was making me angry.

The drinks just kept coming. Justin and I stayed there pretty much the entire duration of the party. And the more we talked, the less painful it became. I wasn’t sure if that was because Justin actually had a stand able personality, or because of my constant intake of alcohol. We had even exchanged cell phone numbers, in case we wanted to collaborate or something. All I knew, was that the later it got, and the more empty glasses that piled up beside me, the better he was looking. And I was seriously hoping that I could blame that on the alcohol.

In fact, I was feeling a little wobbly. As in, I was kind of wavering back and forth, and Justin looked a little… frightened of what might happen.

“Um… You okay Josh? You aren’t lookin’ too good” Justin said, making me giggle drunkenly.

“Well you… Just so happen to look… very good” I slurred, making the Sixteen-year-olds innocent brown eyes widen.

“Josh, I think I could call you a cab” He muttered, then went to stand up. However, I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down.

Everything seemed to happen really fast after that. Justin continued trying to convince me that I needed to go home, I kept resisting, saying that I was fine, and then all of a sudden I was kissing him. Squarely on the lips.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woohoo for drunk Josh!
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More will be explained in the next chapter, if you're confused.