Status: Active(:

Tongue Piercings and Hair Flips

Being Lonely

It was all Josh's fault.

 It wad raining, and I was dying of boredom in my hotel room. I couldn't even text him because of what he had said that morning when he called me. 'I'm working with the guys in the studio today. I tried to get out of it, but I didn't want to give them the real reason why, and they weren't buying my alternate reasons.' I couldn't even text him, 'cause he said that the boys would get suspicious. So, my Josh was hanging out with his band members instead of spending time with me. That's fine, I didn't care.

Did I even want to spend time with him?

My conclusion was yes. Yes I did. I'm pretty sure that Josh and I were well past denial at this point. We just... We enjoyed each others company, and so what if we happened to find ourselves wrapped up in illegal kisses? We were both males with unnaturally large lips. They just... Fit together.

Not that we had kissed since that night in the park. I think Josh felt... Uncomfortable kissing me when we barely knew each other.

Especially with the age difference.

Or maybe, he thought that I was uncomfortable with it, and kept his desired locked up? I wasn't sure why the thought of that frustrated me. I often found myself actually wanting to kiss him, wanting my small hand to be wrapped up in his larger hand, loving the look in his eyes when he was around me. But then I was disgusted in myself, as well as him.

No, I didn't particularly want to have feelings for a 27 year old vampire wanna-be. But I also knew that I couldn't keep denying the feelings I had for him. It wasn't just the attraction.

He made me happy. It was as simple as that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this sucks. Just a filler chapter.

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