Status: Active(:

Tongue Piercings and Hair Flips

Moving Forward

“Why does it rain so much in Vancouver?” I asked, turning away from the window to stare at Josh, who was sitting on the couch with a guitar in his lap, a nice little duck look on his face and a lack of me beside him.

“Near water.” Was all he said. I blinked a few times and turned back to the window, watching as the rain came sheeting down from the gray sky. The soft sounds of Josh’s guitar drifted through the apartment, filling the silence that had settled between the two of us, a silence that was rather… Odd.
I looked around at the apartment, noticing that it was getting kind of dark outside, the cheese on the leftover pizza from our dinner was starting to harden, and mine and Josh’s phones were side by side. I sighed and turned back to the window, watching as people ran in and out of buildings and cars.

Our phones were getting more action than we were.

I turned to face him, my head cocked to the side. “Are you okay?”

Josh looked up, his eyes wide and lips pressed together. “I’m fine.” He answered.

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the window, ignoring the cold that was seeping through my t-shirt from the glass.

“Humor me.” I muttered, making him look up, a slight smile on his lips.

“Okay… I’m being distant, because I’m so crazily attracted to you, that I’m afraid if I were to be too close to you, I would probably combust due to sexual frustration… Or molest you, or some shit like that.”

I laughed quietly and crossed my arms. “Okay, now what’s the real reason?” I asked as I walked over to him and took his guitar from his hands, setting it down carefully on a nearby chair.

“I was being serious, actually.” Josh said, making me burst out laughing. However, my laughter was cut off by him wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his lap, both of us staring at the other with goofy smiles.

“Have I ever told you how soft you are?” Josh asked suddenly, making me raise an eyebrow as he ran his fingers down my face and along my jaw.

“Don’t think so. Have I ever told you that the blue in your hair is tacky?” I asked, making Josh shake his head.

“You just don’t understand style.” He murmured as he smoothed my hair back, off of my forehead.

“And you don’t understand sizes.” I said, as I pulled at his too-tight t-shirt. Of course, he snorted.

“Neither do you, Biebs. Those jeans are so not tight enough. I should be able to see every detail of your beautiful legs.” He said, running his hand down my thigh.

I blushed and looked away. “You’re full of bullshit.”

He laughed quietly and then leaned down to kiss me, his hand knotting in my hair.

“Would you get angry with me, if I carried you to my bedroom?” Josh asked once he’d broken away.

I peeked over in the direction of his room, then shrugged. “I’ve never actually seen your room… But uh, I don’t trust you to carry me. You’ll probably just hit my head on a door frame or something.” I mumbled as I rolled off the couch and started walking to his room.

“Damn, you figured out my plan. I was hoping that I could knock you out, and have my way with you.” He said, a smile forming on his lips as I turned around and gave him a weird look. “I’m kidding, Jail Bait.” He said as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him, his face nuzzling into my hair.

“You suck, I was actually worried about my virginity for a minute there.” I said quietly, smiling as the warmth of Josh’s breath seeped into my hair while he laughed.

“Trust me, Bieber. We’ve eye fucked so many times, people may now rightly call you a whore.”

“Oh, wonderful.” I rolled my eyes and tripped slightly over Josh’s legs.

When he opened the door to his room, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

“Do you ever do laundry?” I asked as I stepped over what appeared to be one big pile of nothing but dirty socks.

“I do… Occasionally. At least I keep them sorted.” He said as he sat down on his bed and watched while my eyes explored the room.

“Occasionally… You know, my room is usually messy too. But it’s never covered in dirty clothes. More so, with shoes and random pictures of hot girls.” I mumbled as I spun around and looked from floor to ceiling.

“So in other words, pictures of me?” I laughed and walked over to him, cupping his face with my hands.

“You’re so cute sometimes… But hey Josh, I gotta go.” I said, hating the way his face instantly fell. He always made a fuss over me leaving. And if it weren’t for the fact that my mom would kill me if she found me not in my hotel room, I would probably just stay until Josh finally kicked me out.

If that were to ever happen.

“Why? Please don’t.” He whispered, making me smile and laugh softly.

“I have a mother who insists on eating dinner with me… Or, sitting with me while she eats, and I pretend to be sick.” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Stay, please? Please Justin. You’re… You’re the tongue piercing to my Josh Ramsay!” He blurted, making laughter erupt from me.

“And you’re the hair flip to my Justin Bieber, but I—“

He cut me off by standing up and kissing me, his arms wrapping around my waist and holding me close to him.

“Stay” He insisted against my lips.

“Why should I?” I murmured back as I peeked my eyes open to look at him.

“Because I love you.”

I said nothing.

“Justin. I love you.”

“Shut up.” I hissed, burying my face into his chest. He breathed in heavily and rustled my hair as he exhaled.

“I love you.” He repeated, this time causing me to yank myself away from him and turn around. I was pretty sure that I resembled a sulky child, but I didn’t care.

“I said shut up, Josh” I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Why can’t you just say it back, Justin? I know you feel the same!” He said with his voice raised.

I spun on my heel to stare at him, my eyes narrowed. “Because it’ll make this real! I’m afraid if I say it out loud, it’ll make my feelings real!” I said, wiggling my finger between him and myself.

Josh deflated a little, looking hurt.

“You don’t want this to be real?” He whispered, making all my defensiveness disappear.

“I do… I’m just… Scared.” I said, making Josh snort.

“And you think I’m not? I’m not afraid to say it!” Obviously not. Now, it was his turn to get all defensive.

“I wont say it… Not yet. But I’ll show you as best I can.” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his. At first he was hesitant, but soon loosened up and put his hands on my hips before taking a step closer to me so that there was no space between our bodies.

We kissed like that for I don’t know how long, but suddenly the only thing helping us see, was the moon. I pulled away and rested my head against Josh’s chest, wondering how long I could get away with staying.

“Justin.” Josh whispered, making me look back up into his eyes. Without saying anything else he kissed me again and turned around before backing me up. When the backs of my calves hit the side of Josh’s mattress my heart did a little flip, but I didn’t push Josh away, or tell him to slow down. Instead I kissed back with more intensity and took deep gulps of air when Josh pulled away and gently lowered me down onto the mattress, his body hovering over mine slightly.

“I love you, Justin. And I mean it.” He whispered, his breath hot against my face.

“I know you do. And I still refuse to say it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the wait Kiddies, couldn't figure out how I wanted that to happen.

Anyway, I hope you like that, as well as the story itself... Here's an idea... Why don't you comment and let me know? If I know that people are actually reading and enjoying this, I'll probably update faster. Makes sense, yeah?

Comments and subscribers are loved.