Status: Active(:

Tongue Piercings and Hair Flips

Hissy Fits

Everyone knew that Josh was gay. He had come out a while back, and it was… Completely unsurprising. To everyone. Myself included, and I hate making assumptions about people without knowing for sure. But I mean… Come one, the guy wears tight shirts, spends excessive amounts of time on making sure his hair looks cool, and can sing higher than me.

And I’m a sixteen year old boy whose voice is still changing. To be honest, I was a little embarrassed.

Even so, I don’t think I was ever expecting Josh to just straight up kiss me like that. Especially not when pretty much every song of mine was about girls. I mean, how much more of a clue did he need that I wasn’t into guys. I was so shocked, that I couldn’t even move. I couldn’t even comprehend what was happening.

About the time that I realized, was when Josh snaked his burly arms around my waste, and it was then that I began freaking out. Holy shit, I was being kissed by a tweny-seven year old punk-pop star who is male in the middle of a party full of lots of paparazzi. That snapped me out of my shock, and I quickly pushed him away with as much force as possible.

“What the hell?!” I practically shouted as I stood up and wiped my mouth immaturely on the sleeve of my sweater. And as I stared down at the dopey, drunken look on his face, my anger grew. Did he even have a clue as to what he had just done?

“Dude, chill” He slurred, making my mouth drop open.

“YOU JUST KISSED ME!” I shouted, making everyone in the general area stare. Great. And Josh? Yeah, he just sat there laughing.

“Waytago kid” He said between stupid giggles. I rolled my eyes and took his half finished drink from his hand. Then I walked off, towards a really dark part of the house, where everyone was dancing. After looking around, I saw that no one was looking my way, but then again; I don’t think anyone was really paying attention to anything. In fact, bodies were so close together that I couldn’t see across the room. I couldn’t even see much more than a few feet in front of me.

So I put the glass to my lips and tipped my head back, scrunching up my face as the bitter, burning liquid travelled down my throat. The warmth left from the icky stuff filled my throat and stomach, and I almost threw up. However, I shook my head and then flipped my hair back into place, before putting the glass down and walking back into the light.

“Nasty shit” I muttered under my breath as I walked towards the bar. I had no idea how Josh, or anyone for that matter, drank that stuff. Still, I needed something to help me… get over what just happened. I think being sulky and leaving the party would just make me look like a whiny bitch.

But then again, why was I even there?

Scooter had said that it would be good to mingle with other musicians, keep my eyes open for collaboration possibilities. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed and play Call Of Duty. But nope, instead I was being kissed by a man. And I didn’t like it.

With the alcohol buzzing around inside me, I walked back to Josh and sat down, sighing as I closed my eyes and leaned against the back of the couch.

“Done throwin’ your little hissy-fit?” Josh asked, making me peep one eye open.

“Will you just shut up?” I sighed, rubbing my temples. In response, Josh just snorted.

“If you’re so fucking pissed, why’dya come back?”

Again I sighed and flipped my hair out of my eyes.

“Screw you, I’m going home” I muttered, then stood up, gasping when Josh grabbed my wrist to stop me. Without moving any part of my body besides my head, I turned to him and stared at him emotionlessly.

“I’m sorry Justin” He said. I narrowed my eyes and yanked my wrist back.

“Apologize when you’re sober, and maybe I’ll forgive you” I muttered, then turned and walked out, typing a message for Kenny to come pick me up as I weaved blindly through the crowd.

And now, all I could do was hope that no one saw that little exchanged of saliva that Josh forced upon me.
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Yayay Justin's perspective. The perspective will always change like that.

Alternating between Josh and Justin.

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