Status: Active(:

Tongue Piercings and Hair Flips

No regrets

I stared down at Josh, biting my lip nervously.

“Wanna sit down?” Josh asked. I hesitated for a moment then nodded and sat down across from him, with my hands laying limply on the table. Silence surrounded us, until Josh sighed. “You’re afraid of me now aren’t you?” He asked. I continued chewing my lip and then sighed, leaning back so that my hands fell into my lap.]

“Josh you… kissed me” I mumbled. To my not-so-surprise, Josh just rolled his eyes and played with the single bracelet on his arm.

“Yeah, but I was drunk. And isn’t that why we met up? So that I could apologize?” He asked. I nodded and flipped my hair out of my eyes. When I looked back at Josh, he was just staring at me with a blank face.

“Yeah, okay? So get on with it” I snapped. He shook his head quickly and looked at me again, a sheepish look forming on his face.

“I will, but first… I haven’t had breakfast. Do you want anything?” He asked. I shook my head curtly and then watched with a glare settled on my face, as he walked off to the counter.

Why had I even agreed to come?

I sighed and picked at my finger nails while I waited for Josh, then looked up as I saw movement near me. Josh kept his eyes glued to me as he plunked down into his seat, then sipped whatever beverage he had gotten. The entire time, he was silent. And I certainly wasn’t going to start apologizing for him.

“You know, everyone was too busy having orgies to even notice” He muttered finally, as he pulled a doughnut from the white paper package it had been given to him in.

“That isn’t the point.” I muttered, taking a minute to look him over. He was definitely significantly older than me. Like, in an illegal way. But he just shrugged and took another huge bite of his doughnut, making me stop and stare, wondering how the hell he fit all that food in there.

When Josh noticed me staring, he narrowed his eyes and bit into his doughnut, almost seductively.

Was he trying to seduce me?!

And if he was, then why was I actually responding to it?!

I should not be turned on by Josh Ramsay eating a doughnut.

“What?!” I finally snapped, unable to bear it anymore. His face went back to normal and he laughed quietly.

“You get paranoid so easily” He said smoothly, making me roll my eyes.

“Can you just hurry up and apologize so I can go?” I asked impatiently.

“It isn’t an apology if it’s forced”

I stared at Josh, my mouth slightly open. He just continued to grin at me, until I finally closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, taking a deep breath. I felt like I was dealing with a little kid. Shouldn’t it be him feeling that way?

“Okay fine, I’m sorry Justin. I shouldn’t have kissed you, but you must understand that I was in a drunken haze, and in my defense; you looked gorgeous in that lighting” He said making my eyes pop open and my jaw to drop.

“How does that make anything better?!” I yelped, trying so hard to explode… or cry. Josh just shrugged.

“I apologized, so now it’s up to you to accept it or not”

I sighed, knowing he was right. However, before I could even say that I did, or didn’t accept his apology, he spoke again.

“But just because I apologized, doesn’t mean that I regret it. And just because I apologized, doesn’t mean I don’t want to do it again.” He said, not even looking at me.

Again I just stared before a slight smile formed on my lips.

“You need to learn to shut up every once and a while” I said, making his head snap up. When he saw I was smiling, he smirked a bit too, some of his choppy blue and black hair falling into his eyes.

“Am I digging my own grave?” He asked.

“A little”
♠ ♠ ♠
FINALLY! Man, oh man, that took WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY too long.

I had a bit o' writers block.

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