Status: Active(:

Tongue Piercings and Hair Flips

Pick-up Lines

To be honest, I was hurt. I didn't think I had been that bad, but maybe Justin was weird around me? Maybe I shouldn't have been so blunt about everything? But I mean, hey. The kid had a right to know.

Even so, I had slept restlessly, unable to sleep because I was so busy worrying about what in particular I had done to chase Justin away. Maybe it wasn't me, but.. The age difference? 

I sighed and shoved my hands into the pockets of my jeans as I walked, playing with my tongue ring as I walked to my favorite coffee shop, a couple doors down from the Starbucks where I had met with Justin.

And when I looked into the window of the Starbucks, I couldn't control the intense wave of... Pleasure that I felt when I saw Justin sitting, by himself, at the bar against the window. He was sipping some unknown drink, while writing something in a book. On his head, where those douchey purple StudioBeats headphones, some black sunglasses and a gray hoodie. 

Even in slacker mode, he was fucking sexy.

Stopping short, I stared a little more, and then turned to go into the door of the Starbucks. For the sake of looking casual, I ordered a coffee and then moseyed on over to where Justin was seated.

For a minute, I just sat there looking out the window, waiting for him to realize I was there, but he just kept writing in his cute, scrappy left handed boy writing. Finally, I got an idea. I turned to him and pushed one side of his headphones off, before speaking.

"Hey baby, you're out of this world. So why don't you take me back to your spaceship, and you can show me Uranus" I got the words all out, before he even had time to comprehend what was going on. And by the time he had, he looked absolutely disgusted.

"You know, I would call the cops, but I don't think they'd believe me if I said that Josh Ramsay is stalking me..." he said. I just grinned at him stupidly, and his facial expression went from clever, to shocked. "You aren't even going to deny it?!" He practically wailed.

Still grinning, I shrugged. "I know you aren't stupid, and you know that I'm attracted to you. I think we're past denial at this point, sweet cheeks."

Justin stared at me in complete disbelief, before turning away and sighing. He then closed his book, capped his pen and gathered his stuff before walking away.

"Hey, where are you going?" I called after him. He turned sluggishly, a sexy grin on his face.

"Away from you?"

I smiled as well, completely unable to be serious with that look on his face.

"Okay, well call me!" I yelled, making a few people turn to me. Justin just raised his eyebrow and shook his head slightly.

"You, Josh Ramsay, are an idiot" he said, before walking out. I turned to the window with a smile, sipping my coffee until I realized that Justin was walking past. We met eyes, and he stopped, doing a cute little dance, before laughing and continuing to walk.

What a sex panther.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait kiddies.

Not that I deserve them, but comments and subscribers please?