Status: Active(:

Tongue Piercings and Hair Flips

Cat Lady

I hated Justin Bieber.

Not him, personally. But everything he had, everything he carried with him. His good looks, cute giggle, sexy voice that was comparatively low, while his singing voice was higher and more… girly. Though, still smooth.

For the first half hour, I had been working. I hadn’t been lying when I said he was inspiring. He was, honestly. But soon enough, I couldn’t control my mind anymore, and couldn’t work. He just kept distracting me! We spent another hour, or two just messing around. Him singing random songs, me trying to match his voice, him trying to match mine. It was kind of like a classic scene from a romance movie, where you laugh and have a good time; and just for a moment, forget that you aren’t supposed to be with the person. For just a moment, everything feels right, rather than completely upside down, fucked up and wrong.

My feelings for Jail-Bait were wrong, but… I couldn’t lock them up in my unconscious like I wanted to. Everything I did practically breathed adoration for the kid. The kid.

“My mom is going to kill me” He mumbled after checking his chunky, and especially douche-y watch. I shrugged and began packing up my stuff so that I could head home and spend yet another night alone in my apartment. “Wait, what are you doing?” Justin asked, noticing what was going on on my side of the room.

I gave him an ‘are you dumb?’ look, and pointedly continued packing up my stuff. “Packing up. I gotta go home, kid.” I said. He pouted, and rolled his eyes at the name I’d called him.

“No way do I wanna go back to the hotel…”

I laughed at Justin’s sulky tone and shrugged. “I wouldn’t either. Wanna come to my place? I have cats!” I said, smiling like a dork at the thought of Anemone and Tux. Justin scrunched his nose up and flipped his stupid helmet of hair out of his eyes.

“I’m more of a dog person” He said, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

“I have a dog too”

“Oh really?”


“Oh, okay then. Maybe for a bit” He said. We nodded to each other and walked from the studio. Having Justin with me made things a bit more difficult, seeing as everyone knew who the little douche-bag was. With a sigh, I hailed a cab and opened the door for the sixteen year old, before climbing in after him.

When we arrived at my apartment building, I hung back to pay while Justin got out and wandered towards the main doors, his brown eyes staring around unknowingly.

“Wrong building, short-stuff” I murmured, making him spin around to face me.

“But this is the address you gave him” He whined, obviously sounding confused. I laughed and put my arm around his shoulders, guiding him towards the door.

“And you’re really gullible. Hey Justin, do you like buttons?” I asked. He looked up at me in confusion, mixed with a bit of uncertainty. Honestly, I don’t see how that was remotely sexual, or suggestive… Oh, the workings of the dirty sixteen year old mind.

After a moment, he shrugged and I laughed before giving him a little push. “Run ahead and press the up button on the elevator. I have to grab my mail, and the elevator takes forever anyway” Justin looked relieved, and nodded before jogging to the elevator.

Once I’d retrieved my mail, I met Justin by the elevator, and climbed in with him when it finally got there. The entire way to my door we were silent, which was a little unnerving, but I merely assumed that Justin was caught up in the luxury of my fancy lifestyle… Not.

Inside the apartment, Justin’s eyes wandered more, searching I assumed. I set down my stuff and pulled off my jacket which I tossed onto the couch. Then I walked towards Justin, who was still standing, only now more stiffly, in the doorway.

“So is this the part where you rape me?” He asked as I bent down and picked up Tux. I gave him a confused look, to which he responded to with a cocky grin. “Lure me to your apartment with the promise of a dog, when clearly there isn’t one. Sounding more and more like the Pedo-Van by the second. Y’know, offering little kids candy if they get in the van, and then—“

“I know what a pedo-van is Justin. And no, I’m not going to rape you. Even if I tried, it wouldn’t be considered rape.”

“It wouldn’t?” He asked, crouching down to pet Anemone who was purring at his feet.

“Nope. It’s not rape if it’s not forced, and it isn’t rape if it’s enjoyed”

Justin stood up completely straight, and crossed his arms over his chest, a fierce look on his baby-like face.

“Calm your shit, I’m joking. What do you like on your pizza?”

“Pepperoni, bacon bits and a whole lot of you”

I turned to him, and he winked. I slouched my shoulders a little, and gave him a look.

“Very funny. I’m getting pepperoni. You fucking tease” I muttered, before going into the kitchen, his laughter still reaching my ears from the other room.

“Why would you force me to watch this?” Justin asked, making me turn to him with an annoyed look.

“it’s a classic, you little under appreciative modernized monkey child.”

What?” I smiled and said nothing, until Justin punched me.

“Wimpy punch”

“I am not a monkey child!”

“You have a temper like one”

Justin crossed his arms and muttered something about me looking like a horse, before he grabbed another slice of pizza, which he took one bite of, and then put back on his plate.

“Waste of food” I said in a sing-song voice when he reached forward to put the plate on the table.

“Sell it on eBay. Josh, I gotta go.” He said. Finally, I stopped joking around and turned to him. Did I want him to leave? Of course I didn’t, he smelt like clean laundry and innocence, and was better company than two cats.

“Will I see you tomorrow?” I asked. He smiled and nodded his head. Hey, at least now he was willing to see me without me stalking him first.

“I got shit to do during the day, but… I’ll tell my mom I have dinner plans and we can make it the sequel to tonight?” He asked. I brushed my hair out of my eye and shook my head.

“No, I wont torture you with more of my old man tastelessness. We’ll do something cool though. Now get out, before your mom sends the cops after me” I grinned. He smirked back and got up, jogging to the door and wrenching it open.

But before going out, he turned back to me and flipped his hair before giving me the cutest one-sided smile I had ever seen.

“Thanks Josh” Was all he said, before he slipped out and left me to my cat-ladyness.
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You guys, I'm gonna cry.
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