Never an Ending

Chapter 1

I looked up from the ending pages of my book, and the last words rang in my head, ‘They rode off into the sunset and lived happily ever after.’ I kept on thinking about those words when I was awoken from my day dream.
“Rae! Do you know the answer to my question?!” My Social Studies teacher, Mrs. Barkly shouted at me.
“Um…” I pondered. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. What was the question?”
“Rae! You know I won’t tolerate disrespectful students!” Mrs. Barkly proceeded to yell at me.
“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”
“I had better hope not!”
The next thing I knew, the bell rang for school dismissal.
While walking down the locker-lined walls, my friend Chelsy caught up to me.
“Rae! You think you’ll be able to go roller skating today?” She spoke. I shrugged.
“I got a lot of homework. Sorry, Chels.”
“Barkly taking it hard on you again?”
“You know why, right? You’re always day dreaming in her class! I could swear it, girl, your brain is 5/6 creativity and 1/6 school smarts.”
“Hey! I get A’s in Health and Math!”
“Okay. How about 2/6?
“I was thinking more like… 7/16?”
“Oh, whatevs! My point is you’re too creative!”
“There is no such thing!”
“See? Only a person that was too creative would say that.”
“Yeah, point taken. Anyway, about roller skating... how about tomorrow?” I said eager to change the subject.
“K, I’ll meet you at 7:00. See you there!”
“Bye!” I called after my friend before she got on her bus.
Of course, the universe hates me, so instead of Chelsy sitting on the bus with me, I got a smelly 5-year-old that kept on shoving animal crackers up his nose. For a while, he tried to shove one up MY nose!!!
“KID! Would you quit it ALREADY?!” I finally screamed at him. And of course, he started bawling his eyes out.
The next day, I woke up to a demon-of-a-child’s voice, almost making my ears bleed. The name of the demon-child was Kimmy, my 3-year-old little brat-of-a-sister. Turns out, she woke me up at 5:00 in the morning! TWO HOURS before my alarm was set!
“WAKE UP, RAAAAAAE!!! IT’S TIME FOR SCHOOL!!!” She roared in my ear while bouncing on my bed.
“NO IT’S NOT, YOU LITTLE TWIT!!! It’s in two more hours!!!” And, of course, she too started bawling her eyes out!
“I’m telling MOMMY!!!” She screamed while storming into our parents’ room.
‘Oh, great!’ I thought to myself. ‘Just what I need to start a GOOD day!’
So, as a punishment, I had to stay up the rest of the day. Kimmy didn’t quite get it. She thought it was really time for school, and it wouldn’t have been a punishment at all. Boy, was she wrong…
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Hope you like it!