Never an Ending

Chapter 2

YAY! The universe took pity on me! Chelsy got on my bus ‘stead of hers today. Apparently, she found out you can do that in the morning! She sat with me and told me which roller rink it was gonna be at. It’s a place called Smoking Shoes. I’ve never roller-skated before, so I kinda got the first-time jitters just thinking about it.
When we got to off at our stop, Chelsy PURPOSELY tripped me in front a so-called ‘hottie’ that she’s been trying to set me up with a while. Course I dropped my book bag plus my flute (in band, I play the flute). Again, of course, he didn’t help me pick up any of my stuff, like all ‘hotties’ do. I knew Chelsy had hoped he would, and I was glad it didn’t work.
“Chelsy, I read that 80% of guys who are cute, are also ignorant, self-centered, and slobs.” I informed her.
“Oh, come on, Rae. You can’t believe EVERYTHING you read. Especially when you’re talking about James Felfer!” She completely disagreed. “’Cause I definitely ‘Felfer’ him!
James Felfer was the ‘Cute Butt’ of the school… or, so I was told. ALL the girls at Xanderman Junior high, except a handful, absolutely drooled over him. I actually believed what I had read, and I’ve seen him dig for earwax! EWWW!
Anyway, I had five minutes to get to Arithmetic and pick ALL of my stuff before the first period bell rang. Apparently, Chelsy had planted a veeeery large book next to my locker titled ‘How to Date Guys.’ Before I went to math, however, I placed a trash can next to her locker with that book on the very top. I was late to class, but it was worth it.
“Rae! I’m surprised at you! You’ve never been late to my class before! Do you have an excuse?” Mr. Hefley exclaimed.
“No sir.” I politely replied. “Sorry Mr. Hefley.”
“Anyway, let’s get on with class, shall we?” Mr. Hefley started class. I watched with anticipation, since (I also read) that 40% of your entire life as an adult is math. So, I would know how to balance check-books, multiply huge numbers in my head, and (if someone at my future job asked) know the square-root of pie on the top of my head.
“Don’t forget to study! There’ll be a big test on Monday!” Mr. Hefley dismissed class.
I have to go to band practice after math; so, I picked up my flute and headed toward band class.
I unfortunately tripped in the hallway, and my instrument and music books fell everywhere.
“Oh! Let me help you.” Offered a guy passing by. We gathered all the books and I hoisted my flute up.
“Thank you. And I’m Rae.” I introduced.
“No prob, I’m-“
“LATE! Sorry I gotta go!” And I ran off…without hearing another word…
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