‹ Prequel: Last Flight Home
Status: Slowly but surely :D

Too Much Of You Is Never Enough

Go Back to the Place We Knew Before

- 2 Years Later -

“Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year… and I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere… and this is my reaction to everything I fear… Cause I've been going crazy I don't want to waste another minute here…”

I smiled when I heard my favorite song playing on my dock that echoed on the walls. I couldn’t help but sing along with the music… or should I say husband.

I got up from the bed and headed for my closet to pick out clothes for the day. I slid my dark washed jeans on and my white tank top.

I began to dance to Weightless like I was a little girl again and hopped up on candy.

Just as the bridge of the song hit, I felt strong arms slither around me, which caused me to jump. I moved around in the strong arms hold to see the person that pressed their body on mine.

My face lit up, “ALEX!”

I leaped into Alex’s arms and bombarded him with kisses.

Alex purred against my lips, “Mmmm hi baby.”

“I didn’t expect you home for a few more days!” I said with an enormous amount of joy.

“I decided to head back a little early to see my lovely wife,” Alex smirked and inched his lips to my skin until I felt the amazing sensation that I was experiencing.

“Well your lovely wife is so happy to see her darling husband,” I commented and rested my forehead against his.

Alex aggressively pushed me against the wall and pressed his lips further into mine. His eagerness caused me to moan softly, but Alex smiled when he realized that he was the one making me moan. He pushed his pants against my waist and I felt something graze my body. I jerked away, knowing exactly what was going on.

“Alex, you do not,” I chuckled under my breath and against his lips.

“What?” Alex wondered as his lips wandered down my neck.

“Have a boner already? That’s like record quick.” I scoffed and tugged on his brown locks escaping his head.

“Well what can I say? I got skills.” Alex rolled in his “accomplishment.”

“You’re ridiculous,” I coughed and walked away from him like it was effortless. Alex on the other hand…

“Where are you going?!” Alex panicked before gripping onto the nearest thing that he could to hold his balance. Was his boner that decapitating? “You need to finish what you started young lady.”

“Uh I’ll pass,” I giggled to myself. It was nice having this hold over him. I was going to enjoy this.

“Oh no,” Alex disagreed and limped toward me, “I’ve been gone for like a week and I was dying without you. I demand that you give me my welcome home present.”

“Demand?” I reiterated, “Man, that boner must be killing you then.”

I walked toward him and seductively graced my lips against his. He was practically drooling when I saw his facial expression. I circled him and gently touched various parts of his body, but not down below...

I strutted away in satisfaction, hearing the call of my name, “Blakeeeeee.”

“I love having this hold over you,” I smirked and pulled him close.

Alex let his mouth hang open and I swear I saw drool fall from his mouth.

“Come here lover boy,” I giggled and drug him to the bed to take care of his problem…

- A Few Hours Later -

Alex laid his head against my bare chest and I lightly pushed his sweaty hair out of his face. I kissed his forehead gently before closing my eyes sluggishly. Alex and I rested in the plush mattress that clouded around us for moments on end.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” I admitted with his fingers starting to intertwine in mine.

“Mhmm,” Alex murmured.

“We should do something tonight,” I suggested looking out into the distance.


“Maybe a nice dinner,” I went on, “I could make you dinner. It’s been forever since you’ve had a nice home cooked dinner.”

“That sounds good,” Alex whispered against my skin.

“Plus,” I trailed on, “You’ve got like a month off and I’m so excited to have you in my arms again.”


“I felt like I was going to die without you,” I confessed, “Not to mention, my boss has been on my ass for whatever reason. It was so hard coming home to a long day without you.”

Not too long ago, I was hired by Rolling Stone magazine to be in their stream of lead photographers. I loved that job so much and so thankful for it. I also had my own photography business that I’ve been running for about a year or so. Everything was so perfect that nothing could bring me down…

I got up from the bed and picked up my clothes that were scattered all over the room. I got redressed with Alex still on the brink of falling asleep. I let Alex relax because I knew that he was tired from touring and being the amazing musician that he has always been. He deserved some time to recuperate.

I started to walk out of the bedroom, “Blakeeeeee.”

“Are you okay Alex?” I panicked thinking that something was wrong. Alex waved his hand for me to come to him. I obeyed his command and crawled back into bed with him. Alex gracefully wrapped his arms around my and said, “I’m okay now.”

I glowed inside when he finished his last words before I kissed him just like we used to. Just like how it was meant to be.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter of the sequel to Last Flight Home :D

I truly enjoyed writing Last Flight Home and now I'm so excited to be writing the part in Alex and Blake's life. It's only the first chapter and I hope you give it a chance. Please be patient! Please comment because it always warms my heart to know what the readers think. Comments = update!

Thanks again and as always, comment!