‹ Prequel: Last Flight Home
Status: Slowly but surely :D

Too Much Of You Is Never Enough

Like A Deer Caught In The Headlights, I Won't Know What Hit Me

Alex and I never left each other’s side for the past few days. I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. Even though he had a month off, I knew that it would fly by faster than I wanted it to.

It was near ten in the morning when I decided to get up from my slumber. I noticed that the shower water was running and Alex was already out of bed. I couldn’t help but smirk as a light bulb went off in my head.

I got up from the warm comfort of the bed and quietly walked into the bathroom, hoping not to disturb him. I took all his clothing, all the towels, and everything that he could use for a cover up.

I ran back out, hiding everything under the bed and then I jumped back under the covers only to wait for him. When the water shut off, I nearly jumped up because I heard him yell, “WHAT THE FUCK.”

I closed my eyes when the bathroom door creaked open.

“Babe,” Alex groaned, “Babeeeeee. Please be up...”

I didn’t make a sound.

The bathroom door opened even more and I could hear Alex making a break for it. When I was sure that he was exposed out in the open, I sprung up, whistled seductively and gave him that devious smile.

Alex twitched and his eyes began to bulge out of his sockets.

“God dammit,” Alex said while trying to hide himself, “You were up!”

“Mhmmm,” I confirmed, “All apart of my master plan.”

I leaned back into the pillow behind me and put my arms to the back of my neck.

“I bet this wasn’t apart of your master plan,” Alex looked at me as one of his eyebrows raised above the other.

Alex leaped across the room and landed right on top of me. An instant scream escaped my mouth, “ALEXXXXXX!”

He pressed his body to mine, soaking wet, and pecked his lips on my neck. I could feel every inch of him… not that I minded, but this wasn’t exactly my picnic.

“Get off!” I couldn’t help but giggle while his lips trailed all over my face.

“Mmm that wasn’t the case last night…” Alex bluntly reminded me.
“Go get dressed!” I tried to slip away even though that was an automatic fail. Why did I even bother trying?


To my advantage, a ringing echoed through the entire house that sounded quite familiar to the doorbell. I smiled in relief.

“Who in the fuck would be here this early?” Alex sounded displeased.

“No idea,” I shrugged, “Better go get the door!”

“I got it!” Alex sprung up and began to sprint down to the door.

“Alex!” I panicked and followed right behind him as best as I could. My heart started thumping when I thought who could be at the door. For all I know, it could be my mother for one of her “surprise” visits. I’m sure she’d love to see Alex in his birthday suit…

Unfortunately, I had a feeling that he was already at the door by the time that I came to the stairs. I skipped down the stairs in attack mode and ready to jump on Alex (if in fact I beat him to the door).

When I got to the bottom of the stairwell, I noticed that there was no one at the door. I raised an eyebrow and thought wtf? Just as I my brain let that thought go, all of a sudden, a figure popped out of thin air.

“BOO!” it yelled and then started to cackle hysterically.

I screamed instantaneously and almost fell backwards because it took me way too off guard.

“Alex!” I could feel my face turn beat red, “You jackass!”

He still continued to bask in his accomplishment, “You should have seen your face!”

I became enraged and pushed him over to the stairs, “Go fucking get dressed.” Alex miserably climbed the stairs like a drunken gorilla… if that was possible.

I clenched my teeth and came to the front door to finally open it.

“Jack,” I stated with a hint of sarcasm. Of course it was Jack. Who else would be here this early in the morning?

“Good morning to you Blakey,” Jack pulled me into one of his all famous bear hugs. It didn’t last as long as they usually did, but he still gave the effect of a bear.

“Not to be rude, but what the fuck are you doing here?” I snickered and shut the door behind him.

“Can’t I come and visit my besties,” Jack said in his girly impersonating voice that got me laughing every time he did it.

“Of course,” I nodded my head, “but what the fuck do you want?”

“I just wanted to visit!” I could tell that he was lying right through his pearly whites. I glared at him intensely and just waited for him to give in.

“Okay, okay I’m starving and you guys always have food,” Jack admitted and ran to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and sluggishly joined him in the kitchen.

“Where’s Alex?” Jack interrogated me immediately.

“He’s upstairs getting dressed.” I answered him in an irritated tone.

Jack swung the refrigerator’s door open and nearly stuck his entire body in to find some grub.

“Are you excited for tour?” I asked as I grabbed myself a glass from the wooden cabinet above my head.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Jack rummaged through the refrigerator just like he always did. I didn’t bother to stop him because I knew he wouldn’t.

“Good question,” I scoffed and walked to the refrigerator to steal the orange juice.

“Its so crazy to think that we’re going to be gone another year,” Jack shook his head, “But why am I complaining? Booze, boobs, and party.”

Did he just say… A year?

“What did you say?” I coughed out.

“No guy could go wrong with that.” Jack rambled on until I grabbed his arm lightly, shaking him to get back to this reality.

“What?” Jack snapped playfully at me.

“Did you just say that All Time Low was going to be gone for an entire year?” I felt my heart speed up.

“Yeah…” Jack looked at me like I was crazy, “Alex didn’t tell you?...”

The carton of orange juice slipped from my hands and splashed to the floor. Orange liquid splattered all over the kitchen and oozed out all across the tiles. Jack’s expression changed when he realized that I wasn’t aware of the situation and you could tell that he was thinking, “Oh shit, what did I just do?”

I bit my lip to try and hold back the tears that I knew I couldn’t fight.

“I’ll be back,” I murmured in disbelief. I turned away from Jack and headed upstairs to confront Alex. It was something that I didn’t want to do, but it had to be done.

When I came to our bedroom doorway, I peaked inside to see Alex in a pair of his black skinny jeans and searching through his closet for a shirt.

I cautiously strutted in and sat down on our bed that was now made up. Alex had to have straightened everything up…for the first time in his life.

Alex was deep inside his closet and unaware that I was there. I took a deep breath in and started the conversation that had to be addressed, “That was Jack. He just wanted to get food… like usual.”

Alex didn’t even bother to look up, “That fat fuck needs to go to the god damn grocery and get his own fucking food.”

Alex was indeed just messing around. Alex and Jack always insulted one another, but they never meant it. They loved each other more than peanut butter loves jelly.

The room was silent for a moment until I asked, “So when are you packing for tour?”

“It always ends up being the night before,” Alex confessed throwing all the shirts that he didn’t care for onto the floor.

“Yeah,” I stumbled to say, “So you’re going to have to pack a lot, since you’ll be gone for a year.”

I faintly slipped that in, wondering if he would realize… probably not…

“Yeah you would think but-,” Alex trailed off and finally raised his head up to see me with tears in my eyes. “How did you find out?”

“What does that matter? Its that I found out,” I began to get angered.

“Blake, I was going to tell you,” Alex tried to mull it over with an excuse. He knew just as well as I that an excuse did nothing.

“You just failed to mention that you’re going to be away for an entire year!”

I couldn’t hold anything in at this point. His cat was out of the bag and it wasn’t going back.

“You know that this is my career! This is what I do!”

“I know that, but you can’t just lie to me and say that you will only be gone for a few weeks.”

“I didn’t know!”

“So when did you plan to tell me, Alex? Right before you left? A few weeks into tour? Or never?”

“I was going to tell you,” Alex sighed, “I just couldn’t find myself to tell you right away.”

“Why? Did you think that I wasn’t going to find out or something? You knew that I was going to find out. So did you expect for me to forget about you in a few weeks and just move on with my life?”

“I didn’t want to hurt you,” Alex muttered, “I didn’t want to see you upset.” He scooted towards me as I pulled back even more.

“Well it’s too late for that,” I felt tears emerge from my eyes, “So you had the idea to leave me here while you go on tour and then possibly tell me at some point so that I could cry my eyes out when you couldn’t see it?”

“No Blake,” Alex took a step towards me, “I never want to leave and/or hurt you ever. I think you know that much about me. I just didn’t know how to tell you something like that… You know what, tour is off. I’m staying with you.”

“No!” I protested, “You’re not calling a year off of something as big as this just to be with me.”

“But you are the biggest thing in my life and I’m not going to mess that up!”

I didn’t say anything. Things were already messing up right before my eyes.

Alex sighed in heavily, “What do you want Blake? What do you want me to do because right now I’m a little confused.”

“Just leave,” I choked out, “just leave and go on tour and have a great time.”

“Blake…” Alex was taken aback from the words that escaped my mouth so quickly.

♠ ♠ ♠
I know its been forever since I've planned to update this story, but I'm sincerely sorry about it. This update isn't as detailed as I wanted it to be and I'm sorry about that. I apologize if it gets a bit confusing.

So, things in this story are already getting intense and I hope you guys continue to read and hopefully enjoy it. Let me know of what you think may happen and what you might want to happen. I'm totally open for ideas on this story.

Thanks again to the readers, commenters, and subscribers. I hope you guys continue to be the awesome mibber's that you are.

Comments = update!