‹ Prequel: Last Flight Home
Status: Slowly but surely :D

Too Much Of You Is Never Enough

But The Truth Is, She Has No Idea That I'm Even Here

~Alex POV~

I arrived at the all too familiar house that I could call home. I got out of the taxi that brought me and paid him generously with the money that I had in my pocket, unaware of how much I had, but I didn’t care. He seemed happy enough and sped away as I shuffled my feet. I glowed inside when I began to walk up to the house, knowing that I was about to be welcomed with joy from the one person that knew how to make me happy. I grabbed my keys from my belt loop and inserted the key into the door. I turned it cautiously and the door sprung open, welcoming with a burst of Blake’s lovely scent.

I stepped into the house and listened intently for any sounds, but there was nothing. I walked through the entry way and into the living room, passing the pictures that Blake put up of us and our loving family and friends. I couldn’t help but smile of all the good memories that were captured in the frames.

I toured the entire house, noticing that there was nothing out of place or any sounds to hint that anyone was here, until I heard the front door open. My eyes widened and I raced down to the door. There I saw a woman, fiddling with the door and cursed under her breath.

I chuckled to myself and said, “Having troubles?”

She turned around and nearly choked when she saw me.


“Emily?” I coughed. I thought it was Blake. I was just about to wrap my hands around her waist too.. that would have been bad.

“Alex! What are you doing here?!” Emily seemed a little stunned at the fact that I would actually be here… in my own house…crazy.

“I came to visit! I had a little break and decided to fly back,” I flashed my known charming smile, “Where’s Blake?”
“This is such a surprise! Wow! We didn’t expect this!” Emily’s eyes jumped out of her sockets, “ Um, I’m sorry Alex, but can you excuse me for a second?”

I nodded my head as she walked back outside and took out her phone. She had to be calling Blake…

I guess I wasn’t the surprise they were looking forward to.

~Blake POV~

My stomach was huge. I swear I was a watermelon with arms and legs. All the “presents” that came along with pregnancy was what I was feeling today. However, my due date was nearly a few months away and all of these symptoms were natural according to my doctor. Speaking of which, every time I went to the doctor, I cringed just because I was alone. Emily would come occasionally, but for the most part, it was just me; it would be just me and the lump that took hold of my body until the time came to push.

I was still unsure of whether or not to keep the baby or not. I’ve stayed up night after night contemplating the possibilities. In all honesty, I knew in my heart that there would be no way that I could give it up after I took care of it for 9 months and held the precious bundle of joy in my embrace.

I wanted to keep the baby’s sex a secret because it was worth the surprise. I still hadn’t picked out any names just because I wanted Alex and I to decide together, but that still leaves the problem of actually telling him that we are having a baby… Some fantastic planning I’ve got…

I walked out of Babies ‘R Us with a few bags in hand, filled with diapers, clothes, and other necessities to add to the growing collection of baby supplies in my closet. Just as I got to my car, my phone rang profusely as I tried to find it in my never-ending purse.

Once I pulled it from the bottom of my bag, I put the phone to my ear and answered with sigh filled hello.


“Emily?” I questioned as I set the bags in the passengers seat.

“YES. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT COME HOME,” she whispered with force into the phone.

“Why? I’m headed there now.” I shut the passenger’s door and waddled over to the driver’s seat. “We’re still on for lunch right?”

“Alex is here.”

I dropped my keys to the pavement. My heart skipped a few beats before it nearly stopped altogether. The dreaded words that I thought I wouldn’t hear for nearly a few more months.

“Blake? Are you okay?” Emily panicked, hoping to hear my voice on the other side.

“Lex-ALEX-MY ALEX?” I picked up my keys and jumped into the car.

“YES. He flew all the way here from Europe, in the middle of tour I might add, to see you.

“Oh my gosh, Emily. What the fuck am I going to do? I can’t see him, I can’t do this, Emily, I’m freaking out. I’m not ready for this-,” my breathing became ragged and I gasped for the limited air in my confined car.

“BLAKE, just go over to my place and you can stay there. I’ll meet you there once I deal with your husband,” Emily always had a quick fix to everything and by that point, my breathing was finding its way back to normalcy.

“What are you going to say?” My lips trembled over each other.

“Well I was planning on saying that you went on a business trip for a few days.” That’s my Emily.

“I can’t believe this. Why did he come back?” I adjusted the rear view mirror to focus on me, only to see my face red and terrified.

“TO SEE YOU, OF COURSE.” Okay, that was kind of a stupid question. I guess I tried to trick myself into thinking that he came back to see a Baltimore Raven’s game or something...

“This is so random though. No call, no email, no mention of coming here.” I banged my hand against the steering wheel.

“He probably wanted to surprise you.” Emily tried to reason with my odd way of thinking.

“Yeah he sure did, but it all doesn’t add up. Alex just doesn’t do things on a whim… Do you think he knows about the baby?” My breathing sped up again. This baby was only known to my close friends and of course the people from work…unless the media had something to with it. However, All Time Low wasn’t under the eye of the paparazzi so that couldn’t be it… Then what could?

“How could he? I haven’t said anything… nor have you. It’s impossible.” I could tell through the phone that Emily was pacing and grabbing her forehead for support.

I half chuckled and started the engine, “Nothing is impossible for Alex.”

~Alex POV~

I waited and waited. Not more than a half an hour though. Emily was here which was debatable. It didn’t make sense that she was here, maybe to pick up something, but with Blake not here? It didn’t add up.

This was just my luck, I spend hours on end trying to find a flight, flying back, getting a ride home, and finding that she’s not here.

Emily walked back into the living room and shoved her phone in her pocket. She smiled faintly at me and sat down next to me.

“I’m just going to stay here for the night.” I put my hands over my face flustered in my idiocy.

“Yeah I’m sure that’s fine,” Emily answered back to me. Of course it’s fucking okay that I stay here, it’s my house. Don’t say ‘you’re sure its fine.’

“When did you say Blake would be back?” I murmured in between my hands.

“In a couple of days, you never know though. With our boss it’s hard to tell.” Emily sighed and fiddled with her fingers.

“Well I leave tomorrow night, so I guess it’s impossible,” I groaned into the tensioned air.

“It sucks that you came all this way for nothing,” Emily patted my back.

I shook my head, “I knew I should have called.”

“Well just think,” Emily tried to comfort me, “You got a little break away from touring which we all know is stressful.”

I didn’t say a word. If anything, this trip would make everything more stressful. This visit now had me on pins and needles just because I wanted to see Blake even more. On top of that, the smell of her invaded the entire house, only making my need for her stronger.

“I got to get going,” Emily interrupted the awkward silence, “If you need me, give me a call.”

Emily gave me a quick hug before walking to the front door. I reached my hand out and said, “Hey Emily, can I ask you something?

She jumped back to me, “Yeah, what is it?”

I hesitated to ask the next question, but it had to be answered and Emily would know the answer. “Has Blake been hiding anything from me?”

Emily bit her lip with force, “..No, never. Why would she?”

“I just had a weird feeling that she’s been hiding something from me. I guess it’s a crazy thought.” I acted like it was a stupid question and scoffed at myself.

I saw Emily’s hesitation before she answered my comment. Her eyes barely shifted and then she said, “Crazy, indeed.”

That was the icing on the cake. Blake was hiding something from me. I knew that Emily wasn’t going to give in that easily, and with Blake gone, there would be no way that I could figure this out. I had to figure it out myself with the clues left here. Just call me Detective Gaskarth.

Investigation begins now…
♠ ♠ ♠

I feel proud of myself that I was able to get this out as quickly as I did, because I wasn't planning on updating until tomorrow or so, but I started writing and this came out. Note, that I did not proof read it so I apologize.

Anyways, I recieved no comments on my last update, and I guess I can understand because I didn't update for awhile so for all you silent readers and what not, please let me know how you are feeling on this story. I am also planning on giving shout outs on the upcoming updates, so keep an eye out!

Oh I wanted to ask, how is everyone feeling about Dirty Work? :D <3

Thank you for all the support! Love all of you bunches! <3