When Love and Death Embrace

<^> S-K-A-T-E <^>

You fell over in pain. You could feel the blood rushing out of your stomach. You knew you had lost the baby. Skylar was getting beat the shit out of him; but at that point you didn't care. All you cared about was trying to stay alive. Katie ran up to you and applied pressure to the shot.

"Ryanne! You have to stay awake. Don't close your eyes! Please Ryanne! Don't! Aubrey! Help me!" you tried to stay conscious as long as you could. Just before you lost consciousness, you could swear you saw ville holding your body. You couldn't make out their face. You fell unconscious soon. You were trapped alone in darkness. Even after you came home from the hospital you were trapped, alone and scared in darkness. You found out that ville didn't hold you as you feel into the darkness. Everything in your world was falling apart. You had lost your baby, your love, your sanity and your freedom. You weren't allowed out of your room and you didn't care. You were stuck in darkness. You hadn't spoken to ville in about a month and a half. Aubrey and rabb were to be married in a week; unless you were still stuck in the helpless state you were in. you walked around like a zombie. No emotion whatsoever. Your sleep was filled with nightmares and tears flowed from your eyes like the Nile. You were drained both physically and emotionally. Even though you were depressed, suicide was the furthest thing from your mind. You didn't want to give death another win. You played with death most of your life. The only thing you thought about was betrayal; Betrayal from skylar, bam and mostly ville. He would be back from the tour soon. Even though you were mad at him, you loved him more and more each day. You finally decided that enough was enough. You were lying in your bed just staring up at the ceiling. You got off the bed and went to take a shower. You did feel better. You got out and dressed in some black capris and a black boy beater that said, 'I'm strange, maybe even crazy. But there's never a dull moment.' You decided to do your hair and makeup to match your outfit. You looked in the mirror and actually smiled. You couldn't remember the last time you smiled. You got your cell phone and texted Katie with a smiley face. You had walked out of the darkness for a little while. You walked to the balcony and opened the doors. You stepped out and felt the cool wind hit your face. It felt good on your extra pale skin. You finally felt like something was finally alright. Well, until you were dragged back into your by bam. You were now lying on the floor looking up at bam. His face was priceless; a mix of worry and fright.

"Ryanne are you crazy? Did you think jumping would end it all? It doesn't. Don't give up on me now. You've gone too far to quit now. You'd be a damn idiot if you quit now." you got off the floor and hugged bam.

"bam. You're such an idiot sometimes." He backed away and looked at you.

"what are you talking about?"

"I wasn't gonna jump. I was just getting some air. I'm not that stupid. I've finally realized how stupid I've looked the past few weeks. I'm ready to just forget everything and restart me life. I'm tired of moping around." He smiled and hugged you again.

"I'm tired of you moping around too; it's not as fun without you. All rabb does now is worry about the fucking wedding; it's been hectic. Plus, dico went out of town to visit his sister. So it hasn't been fun at all." You were happy to see that no one had changed while you were gone. As you smiled, he smiled back at you. "it's nice to see you smile again. I've missed it."

"me too. Can we go downstairs now?" he nodded. You took his hand and led him out of the dark prison cell you called a room. You walked out to the banister and looked down. You saw the crew, ape and phil, Vito, Katie and Aubrey and some other guy you didn't know. You sort of hoped to see ville there, but no. he was still on tour. Your eyes didn't leave the new guy. you smiled at him and he smiled back. You quickly walked down the stairs with bam. Once you were at the bottom of the stairs you ran straight into ape's arms. She hugged you tightly. You then proceeded to hug everyone, stopping at the new guy. "who are you?" he smiled and held out his hand.

"my name's Tim O'Conner. Everyone calls me Tim." You laughed slightly and shook his hand. You thought he was really cute. His beautiful brown eyes stood out. You felt like you knew him forever. "what's your name?"

"I'm Ryanne; but everyone calls me ry. It's nice to meet you Tim." You let go of his hand. then you just stood there and smiled at him.

"it's nice to meet you too. Bam's told me a lot about you." You sighed and looked over your shoulder to bam.

"of course he has." Bam smiled as he walked over to you. He put his arm around your shoulder. "what have you told him?"

"I'll tell you later little sister. Right now we're going out to dinner. Go get ready."

"bam, I don't wanna go tonight. I'd rather stay home for a while. We can go out tomorrow night."
"ugh. Fine, that means we all stay home."

"no. you all can go. I'll be fine by myself." Bam looked at you cautiously.

"nah, I don't want you here alone."

"I'll stay with her bam." Tim said as he walked over to you.

"you sure dude? She's a lot to handle" you elbowed bam in the stomach and gave him a stern look. He was always ruining stuff for you.

"yeah I'm sure. I hang around with you don't I? I think I can handle your sister."

"alright fine. But don't let her out of your sight. She's still recovering. Got it?" he nodded his head. "good. Ry, you know the rules. No fucking while I'm gone. Got it?"

"aww bammy boy! You take the fun out of everything." He kissed your cheek.

"of course I do. Now call my cell if you need anything." He grabbed rabb by the ear and pulled him out. Everyone followed except ape.

"aren't you going with them mom?"

"unfortunately. Tim, take care of my girl." he saluted and so did you. "at ease you two. Bye ry." She kissed your cheek, then proceeded to walk out to the rest of guys. You looked back at Tim and smiled.

"bout time they left. So what do you wanna do?" he looked at the playstation and then back at you. You saw the look. "oh no bitch. I know you are not challenging me, Ryanne Jones, to playstation." He nodded. "you're going down bitch! Pick a game." He ran over and picked up Tony hawk American wasteland; you laughed. "so what game will we play?"

"S-K-A-T-E. that is, if your not to chicken." He then proceeded to cluck like a chicken. You grabbed the wireless controller.

"I could go outside and play; but I would still beat you. Bring it on." He smiled a really cute smile. You sat in front of the TV and played the game. You chose bam as your skater. You found it funny that you were in control of him for a while. You got S-K-A. you handed over the controller to Tim. "let's see if you could do any better." He chose himself. You knew you had seen him somewhere. "conceited aren't we?"

"well you chose your brother. So why can't I choose me?"

"I only chose bam because that's the only time I really have any control over him. Plus, he probably screwed me over."

"when has bam ever screwed people over?" you laughed and agreed. "now hush while I kick your ass." You sat back on your elbows and watched him. You felt your shirt accidentally ride up. You put your hand on your now flat again stomach. Your fingers ran over your shot wound scar. The tears welled up in your eyes. You shook them away; that was your past and it was behind you. You never wanted to think of it again. "ha! S-K-A-T! I win! What now ry?" you looked up and smiled at him. "so what do I win?" you leaned in and kissed his cheek. "that works. So what do you wanna do now?"

"hmmmwe can go 4-wheeling, skatinganything really. So you pick."

"let's go 4-wheeling." You ran to the door, grabbed the keys for the 4-wheelers and ran out. You hopped on yours and Tim hopped on bam's.

"first one out to the old casino and back wins." You yelled over the hum of the 4-wheelers.

"what is it with us competing against each other?" he yelled back.

"I always do this to the guys I like! I have to make sure that you're worth my time."