When Love and Death Embrace

<^> The incident <^>

"he'll tell you ville!" the doctor thought you were insane. That is, until he saw that ville was indeed awake.

"whoa! Mr.valo! you actually woke up, we didn't think you would. Well this made my day a whole lot easier. Miss. Jones here has probably waited the longest out of all your visitors. She's the most patient girlfriend to wait after an incident like yours." You were going to correct him that you weren't his girlfriend; but ville beat you to the punch.

"what incident happened?" well, not the same punch you were going for.

"well from what we're told, Miss.Jones locked herself in an escalade while it was in a closed garage. an attempt at suicide I suppose. You then rushed in to save her before she could die of asphyxiation. The next thing we know is that Mr.Margera found you passed out body holding her passed out body. They called the ambulance and brought you here. You both suffered from a mild asphyxiation, more you than her since you have asthma. We've never seen a set of patients slip into a coma from your case. So I suppose you could say that you made it into your record books. Miss. Jones woke up about 3 weeks ago and hasn't left. She's been a real trooper." Ville looked over to you and smiled. He mouthed 'thanks' and you nodded your head. "right now we have to run some tests on you, to make sure you're alright." The doctor then turned his attention to you. "don't worry miss. Jones. We'll bring him back in soon. You looked at ville with a sorrowful look. He smiled and held his hand out for you. You grabbed his hand and sat by his side.

"I told you it was all my fault."

"no. it's not your fault. I didn't want to live without you. So I guess that's why I did it. Don't say it's your fault, it's not. plus, what other person would stay with an unconscious man for 3 weeks? It's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you." He was being modest. You knew he was just saying that to make you feel better. The doctor took the brain wave wires off his head. The nurse then came in to help bring ville to get testing. She helped him into a wheelchair and wheeled him out. You were now left alone with the doctor who was looking at the brain activity reports.

"so when can he leave doctor?" his attention turned from the monitor to you.

"depends on how he does in the tests. We'll probably keep him here another week."

"well when I came out of my coma, I got to go home the next day. Why can't he?"

"well because he's got asthma. So he ran a higher risk than you did. So we'll have to run lots to tests just to make sure that he won't slip back into the coma. Don't worry; he'll be out in no time at all. I'll be back a little later." The doctor then took the repots and left the room. You sighed and looked back out to the beautiful sunset over the Pittsburg skyline. You sat there awed and overwhelmed. The colors of the sky made you feel safe; like nothing bad could happen to you.