When Love and Death Embrace

<^>Playing the Game<^>

"ry?" you turned your head to see Tim standing in the doorway. Your heart dropped to the pit of you stomach. You hopped off the windowsill and stood up.

"hi. I thought you were visiting your brother in New York. What happened?"

"ry, I need to talk to you. You wanna walk around somewhere?" your heart dropped further into your stomach.

"uhhsure. Ville is getting some tests done. So I have some time." He nodded and walked out into the hallway. You quickly followed. You caught up to him, who had walked halfway down the hallway by the time you had gotten out of the room. He led you out to the garden in the back of the hospital and sat on a bench. "so what did you wanna talk about?" he sighed heavily as he looked at his hands. "Tim, what is it?"

"it never worked from the beginning did it?" you looked at him confused, yet you knew what he meant. "it just didn't work did it?" you sighed and shook your head no. "that's what I thought."

"I am so sorry Tim. I really didn't want to hurt you. I really did love you. It's just"

"it's just you were in love with ville. You've always loved ville more than you loved me. I bet if I was in the hospital you wouldn't have stayed with me like this."

"you're wrong. I would have stayed with you, you know that." He heavily sighed and stood up angrily.

"I don't know that! I don't anything about you Ryanne! How the hell I could have stayed with you for 2 god damn years and not find anything about you is fucking beyond me!" what the hell was he doing? You knew that he somehow didn't mean any of it, but your anger put your logic on the back burner.

"what the fuck are you talking about?" you said as you also stood up angrily. "I have told you everything about me! You know more about me than anyone! How can you say all this bullshit?"

"because it's true ry! It's not fair that I try my hardest to make you happy and you're fucking some guy behind my back!"

"and the bullshit keeps on coming. Who else would I be fucking other than you?"

"well I saw ville running out of your room after you ran out. So what does that leave me to think?"

"it doesn't leave you to think anything! You know I would never to that to you! Nothing happened!" you yelled as some tears fell from your eyes.

"not this time at least! I know damn well that you have in the past. Bam told me." You sighed and sat back down.

"you know what? Not everything bam tells is the truth. Ville and I are nothing but a game in the past. I played before and always lost. This time though, I won. I found a guy who was playing the game against me. We're still playing the game Tim, but to keep playing I had to give up and forfeit the other game I was playing. I'm sorry Tim. I give upyou lose." You took off your engagement ring and put it in his hand. You then proceeded to walk into the hospital. The tears streamed from your eyes, which didn't help you when you passed bam in the hallway. He saw your tears and grabbed your hand as you walked past. "get off bam. You know I'm a sore winner." He let go and stared as you walked away. You turned the corner into Ville's room where he was watching TV. He did a double take of you and sat up.

"ry, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" you walked over to him and sat on his bed. You smiled as you cried a river of tears. "ry love, what happened?"

"I won villeI won." You grabbed his hand with your left hand to show him that the ring was gone. You laid your head on his lap as you cried. He comforted you by stroking your hair. You cried for a while and eventually cried yourself to sleep with your head still in Ville's lap.