A Night of Death and Destruction

The one Halloween you wish didn't exist.

I narrowed my eyes towards the distance as a lone car sped through the night; I hid in the shadows as I watched it pass. The howl of a wolf could be heard in the distance as I searched the horizon for anything suspicious and made my way down the quite roadway. Praying that the night would hide me from any wandering eyes.

The night was calm, but the breeze held a frightening chill that would have any human bunking down into their cozy beds. A fog blanketed this sleepy town in a gut wrenching realm of horror and decay.

I could smell the blood from a mile away and as I reached the city’s limits I could see that I was not the first to enter. Windows were broken, doors thrown off their hinges. I could hear screams far in the distance as I made my way down the now seemingly quite street.

Blood bathed the manicured lawns of every single home. Patches of ripped clothing littered the street as well as miscellaneous body parts hung down from tree branches. Gnarled torsos thrown under cars; innocent men, women, and children massacred in their beds.

I quietly walked down the sidewalk making sure that I didn’t step into anything that might leave my leather boots in the garbage. Smashed pumpkins and Halloween decorations lined the homes and stores. Little bats hung from the power lines snickering to one another.

A lone figure stood in the distance. A man dressed in black; head to toe. He was a seemingly average looking with bright blue eyes, but what most couldn’t tell was that this man was no man at all.

He was a beast. A long told lore to keep children in their place. But this creature was no legend: he was real and he was dangerous. His children lined the streets; dressed in blood coated attire from their late night snack.

“Oh Annie, glad you finally made it,” the man laughed. “I was wondering when you were to show”. I sighed as I finally reached him. A blood coated smile was awaiting me; his arms spread wide.

I walked into his embrace and held on tightly. “Papa, what have you done?” I asked as I leaned up to kiss him on the cheek.

He smiled once again at me and spun me around so that my back was too his chest. “What does it look like, my dear?” He pointed to the withering bodies my brothers and sisters held.

Not one human was spared in my family’s night of destruction. I wonder how many innocent souls had actually been mauled and drained of blood. But I didn’t dare ask for I knew the consequences of ever undermining my father. I looked around once more as I heard a blood curdling scream from my left.

I turned to see my brother Avery carrying a young woman down the street towards my father and I. When his eyes found mine a bloody smile crept it’s way to his pale lips. He hiked the woman farther up into his arms as he carried her closer. She begged and screamed.

“Please!” she yelled. “I won’t tell anyone, I swear!” Avery laughed and whispered into her ear causing her to struggle and scream more. I closed my eyes and breathed through my mouth as they finally reached where we stood.

Tears poured out of the woman’s eyes as Avery dumped her on the ground near our feet. As soon as she touched the ground she tried to get away, but Avery was quicker and quickly broke both of her ankles. The woman cried out in pain. The scream so high pitched it hurt my ears.

My father bent down and slapped the woman in the face. “Silence!” he yelled at her. She looked up at him; her eyes wide with fright. She tried to hide her tears, but all it did was make her choke. “Now, listen to me you insignificant piece of human flesh,” he whispered to her. “You will obey thy word and be a sacrifice to thy daughter’s being”.

The woman tried to speak, but was silenced once again. My father beckoned me over, a quite smile teetered on the edge of his face. I slowly walked closer to the woman and bent down in front of her. The smell of her blood warming my senses.

“Do not be afraid,” I whispered to her. “Your pain will be over soon and all will be forgiven”. I slowly took her head in my hands and wiped away her tears. My head cocked to the side as my eyes flashed black. The woman screamed as I ripped her head to the side; severing her spinal cord and breaking her neck. She fell limply into my arms. I moved the hair from her neck and braced myself.

My canines slowly entered her soft neck and blood began to fill my mouth. I moaned as her life force entered my body. Nourishing me with another nights worth of life. The crowd around us clapped and whistled as I finished my meal. They knew that their dates with the night were safe for another year. I took a gasp of breathe as I came up; blood dripping down my neck.

My eyes were solid black as I dropped the woman’s lifeless body away from me. I stood and gathered my cloak around me as a black luxury car pulled up along side my father and I.

The door opened and a man stepped out. When his eyes landed on me he smiled and reached his hand out for mine. I walked towards him slowly as he asked my father if the deed was done and my father replied with a yes. The man smiled once again and as I reached him gathered me in a tight embrace. “I am sorry you had to do that Annabelle,” he whispered in my ears. “Let’s go home yes?”

I nodded and followed him into the car. I watched as the city vanished behind us and I was finally able to let go of the horror that I had to be a part of. I looked up at my companion and smiled. “I love you mi amour,” he said.

I kissed him on his lips and whispered, “and I you Drake”. The lights slowly faded away and I no longer could see any reminisce of the town that had been desecrated by my family of the undead.

But I knew that in another hundred years that this massacre would happen again and again. For I was the reason that these humans were no longer alive. I was the key to a reign of terror that has raged on for centuries and all it took was one life by my hands every hundred years to keep it moving forward. I was a creature of myths and fantasies.

I was the reason why every one-hundred years on Halloween’s Eve a small coastal town was burned to the ground.

I was the reason why mother’s held onto their children in the darkest of hours.

I was the reason why humans feared the night.

I was a vampire. Dangerous and unforgiving.
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