Flawed Angels

A Moment Like This

“I can't believe Nick is friends with Christabel again!” Clare said over the speakerphone to Samantha as she and Chase tried to study.

“It's just Christabel Smith. What's the worse she could?” Chase whispered to Samantha.

“She could ruin my life and my relationship with Nick!”

“It's not a big deal Clare. You're making a bigger deal out of it than it actually is!” Samantha said as Chase started to nip at her ear. “Well I gotta go. Got to study.” Samantha hung up the phone before Clare could complain some more.

“So how about we close these books and get down to learning about the anatomy of one another.” Chase whispered huskily into Samantha's ear. Chase pulled Samantha onto his lap and cupped her cheek before kissing her lips. Samantha immediately began to move her lips against Chase's. She moaned as he poked his tongue into her mouth. Samantha laced her fingers into his hair and started to caress his scalp.

When Samantha moaned into his mouth, Chase started to move his hands under her dress and caress her thigh until he got to her panty line.

Samantha pulled away.

“Chase...” Samantha groaned as she took his hand away from her thigh.

“Sorry, I know you want to wait but that doesn't mean we can't fool around.” Chase said before leaning in and kissing Samantha urgently. She kissed back with much passion as she could muster.

Chase's hand slid up her thigh again and she felt nervous.

“Just relax baby...” Chase whispered huskily as he continued his trail up her thigh. But soon they were interrupted.

“Hey guys!” Cameron said as he stood by the entrance into the kitchen. Chase and Samantha pulled apart. Samantha's mom, Beth, walked passed Cameron to enter the kitchen with grocery bags.

“Hey Sammy, is Chase staying for dinner?” Samantha's mom asked as she placed the groceries on the counter.

“Mom, you're actually cooking dinner?” Samantha said shocked as she got off of Chase's lap.

“Actually, Cameron and I are cooking dinner. I know I actually haven't been around but I want to do something special for you.” Beth said before Cameron walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Great. It can be a double dinner date.” Chase said. Just then, Samantha's phone ringed. Samantha went over and looked at it. She had received a new text message.

To: Samantha

From: Unknown

Message: Better hope your kisses don't tell... Rissa

Samantha's eye widened as she thought about what she did a few days ago.

“Samantha?” Cameron said to her. She tried to remain calm. “Help me get the rest of the groceries out.”

“Sure.” Samantha said as she slipped her phone into her back pocket. They walked out of the house, to her mom's car. “So...”

“About the kiss...” Cameron said. Samantha cut him off.

“Let's just forget... it's not like it meant anything. Because it means nothing.” Samantha explained before grabbing the last of the groceries. “It doesn't change the way I feel about you.”

“Thanks for letting me stay overnight.” Ivy said as she dropped her bag by Harper's door.

“Your welcome. Plus, my mom and dad love you.” Harper explained.

“I know they do. Your dad makes one mean lasagna.” Ivy said. “It makes me wish my parents were like that.” Just then Harper's phone rang out; it was Griffin. She went over to her desk and picked it up.

“Hey.” Harper spoke into the phone. She looked over at Ivy, who was looking over the medals Harper had acquired over the years from he multiple sports she participated in. She smiled as Ivy twirled a piece of her thick black hair in contentment.

“Hey Harp. Are you doing anything tonight?” Griffin asked.

“I kinda have a house guest.” Harper explained.

“Let me guess... Ivy, isn't it?” Griffin huffed. Harper was taken back by his tone. “You've hanged out with her ever since the end of summer.”

“She's a really cool person.” Harper stated.

“And I'm not cool?” Griffin asked.

“It's just I need a friend to talk. A friend who is a girl.” Harper said.

“So you mean a girlfriend? I didn't know you were into that stuff.” Griffin joked. “

“You know you can come over if you want?” Harper said trying to change the subject.

“I got some things to handle here anyway. Thanks though. Goodnight Harp.” Griffin said before hanging up. Harper put her phone back on the desk and turned to see Ivy looking at her.

“I get the feeling that Griffin doesn't like me.” Ivy stated.

“He just a bit too attached with me. He thinks of you as competition.” Harper said as she used quotes to emphasize competition.

“Well, you can't help.” Ivy said before laying down on Harper's bed. “You're a competition everybody wants to win.” Harper felt the butterflies race through her stomach.

“So do you want to win?” Harper said as she slipped on to her bed, next to Ivy. She leaned into until she was atleast a inch and a half away from Ivy's face.

“There is something you need to know about me; I'm a lover not a fighter.” Ivy said. Harper felt shot down. “But I'm willing to fight for you.” Ivy closed the space between Harper and her by kissing her lips.

Christabel was laying in bed, looking at photos from her younger years. A knock came from her door and it soon opened. Mira peeked her head into the room.

“Watcha doing?” Mira asked as she came into the room.

“Just looking at photos. Where's Sevyn and mom?” Christabel asked as she sat up.

“Mom is putting Sevy to bed.” Mira said before climbing onto Christabel's bed.

“She's know I can do that right?” Christabel said.

“She thought that you could use some time to yourself since what happened tonight.” Mira said. “I can't believe you're actually going t go back to hanging out with Nick. And what are you going to do about the Joe situation?”

“I don't know. It's not like we are going to see him anyway. He practically lives with the Pierces.” Christabel said.

“So you've been keeping tabs on him?” Mira challenged him.

“ I have-” Christabel said before she was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Sevyn's cries rang through the walls. Christabel got up and went to Sevyn's baby room. Christabel saw her mom holding a wailing Sevyn in her hands. “I can take her mom.” Christabel took Sevyn into her arms and started to rock her.

“Christabel, you have... a friend here.” Christabel's dad, Charlie called. Christabel groaned as she started to make her way downstairs to the foyer of her house.

“Dad can you just tell them I'm... uh... Joe?” Christabel said with fear. Sevyn had quieted down but she was sniffling.

“Christabel?” Joe said as he looked at the Sevyn in Christabel's arms.

“What are you doing here?” Christabel said in a panic.

“Um... I just wanted to talk.” Joe said as he took his eyes away from Sevyn.

“We can go talk out on the back porch if you want.” Christabel said as she readjusted Sevyn on her hip. Joe just nodded before following Christabel to the back porch. They sat on the porch swing in the back.

“So who's this little cutie?” Joe said as he started to tickle Sevyn.

“This is Sevyn.” Christabel said nervously. “My parents adopted her while we were in Spain.”

“Oh...” Joe said looking disappointed. “Can I-I um hold her?” Christabel thought about it before handing Sevyn over Joe. Christabel watched as Joe and Sevyn interacted with each other.

Sevyn tangled her hand into Joe's hair as she babbled to him in baby talk. Joe was responding to her like he could her understand what she said. A smile was etched upon his face.

Just then, Christabel's phone vibrated. She pulled it out and looked at what it said.

To: Christabel

From: Unknown

Message: You guys make one happy couple... too bad Joe doesn't know... Rissa