Status: on going

The Untold Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Chapter 1 Outside the Hollow's Line

Sleepy Hollow. A small and very secluded village trapped deep in a heavy forest on top of a small hill... The year was 1672...mid-October and days away from my birthday. Nothing could contain my excitement. I would be sixteen and finally a woman! I was awfully tired being treated as a child; though it never helped that I was an adventure seeker and feared nothing; and what adventures I had... I was too curious for my own good...and trouble seemed to find me right when I was in the middle of my great adventures....However, nothing could have prepared me for the adventure that would change my life and reality forever...

"Victoria we must head back." whined Ashley.

"Yes. I heard you the first four times..." I called back, continuing to trek deeper into the forest.

"You heard, yet aren't listening! It's getting darker! We can not be this far from the line this late in the evening!" my friend then stumbled on a branch and fell to her knees.

I turned and headed back towards her, extending my hand. I knew she was scared but there was still time before sunset and I had to keep looking...

"Just a bit more dear, and I promise tomorrow we can do whatever you want." I said pulling her to her feet. She looked up at me in disbelief then back down to wipe the dirt from the front of her skirt.

"Oh, not even you believe that...and the only thing I want is to be finished with this!" she looked around exasperated. "Are you positive it was around here?"

"Of course, it's just like in my dream. Oh, Ashley if we..."

She interrupted me by yelling, "A DREAM?!" I ran and clapped my hand over her mouth.

"Hush! Or shall we light a beacon to the horseman to come find us!" I whispered quickly.

She shoved my hand away. "You told me you'd seen this flower before!"

I nodded. "Yes...In my dream last night...If we find this flower...we'll have a cure for your brother!" I turned and began searching again.

"Oh, Victoria..." I heard her sigh. "Doctor Tavington said..."

"He's a loon Ashley! I'm going to save him!" I had grabbed her by the shoulders and was shaking her.

"How?" she sniffled.

I stared hard at her; then slowly released her. "Help me find this flower please..."

She nodded then turned to keep looking as well.

I was brushing aside branches to a bush when I heard it. The sound of a gunshot. I turned and looked to Ashley to see if she'd noticed it too. From the look on her face, she had. I moved closer to her and stood at attention, looking for the source of the gunshot...and gasped.

A few yards off to our right, we saw Earnest Hampton running for dear life and screaming, "Please God, no! Please!"

I had grabbed Ashley' hand and had turned to run when she let out a shriek....I turned back to see....
Following Earnest was the headless horseman.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only chapter one guys.....more will be coming soon.
I had to cut it short because I'm sitting in my colleges library right now and I forgot my cord soooo my compy's about to die...otherwise I'd have written more.
Any questions or know what to do!!!!!
Love, V