Sequel: La Fin Des Bohèmes

Les Bohèmes

The Dancer

MIMIMA"And Mimi Marquez, clad only in bubble wrap,
MIMIwill perform the famous lawnchain handcuff dance
MIMIMARQUEZMIto the sound of iced tea being stirred."

Everyone is cheering for the dancer. The dancer will give them what they want, and they know it, if they have enough.

She embraces the hands feeling her, thrusting money towards her and trying to get it to where she stores it for safekeeping. But she has more dignity than that. She stops them before they can get far enough.

The sea of nameless, identical faces shout instructions to her. She ignores the demands for her to expose herself but turns, falls to the ground, prowls to them, anything she knows will keep them happy.

Only one man is on her mind.