Sequel: La Fin Des Bohèmes

Les Bohèmes

The Landlord

BENNYCOFFyet I'm the one attempting to do some good"

The landlord watches his tenants as they live.

But, he observes, they aren't just living; they're creating, they're loving, they're surviving, taking each day as it comes and making the very best of it.

He's forgotten that he used to be one of them once, and he can't help but admire them, their resourcefulness. They use everything to their advantage, even burning the eviction notices that he slips underneath their doors to create slight flickers of heat.

They're all fighters. He may not agree with what they stand for, especially they're against him, but there is no denying their strength.

Everyone believes that the landlord doesn't care, but he does.
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Thank you so, so much for everyone who has read, commented and given me such amazing feedback! You've all helped and inspired me, and I love each and every one of you.