Status: active, but comments are much appreciated! ^-^

Victims of a Crime

Best Friend

It'd been a week since my date with Zack, and I hadn't talked to him since.
What the hell? He loves me? I'm a fucking fifteen year old. He's twenty eight.
Why do these things happen to me?
Nick was coming today. He used to be my best friend when we both lived in Ohio, but he moved to Long Beach last year and wanted to see me. At least I didn't have to tell him that Zack and I were a thing, because we obviously are not.
I was in my room checking my Myspace when the doorbell rang.
Nick didn't even bother waiting for me to open the door. He pretty much crashed through it and hugged me to the point where I couldn't breathe. And to think I tried to make him seem like a bad guy to Matt.
"Kadelin fucking Rose!"
"Nickolas fucking Waters!"
We stood there hugging for a while.
"I fucking missed you," he whispered. We both pulled away and examined each other.
"You changed," I noted.
He twirled and smiled, revealing brace-free teeth and snakebites. "I know, right? I grew the fuck up!" Oh, him and the f-bomb. "So did you!"
I smiled, too. "Yeah, I guess I have."
"So, who's the lucky rental this time?"
As if on cue, Brian walked down the steps.
"Synyster fucking Gates!" Nick shrieked.
Brian laughed and shook his hand. "Yeah, I guess that's me. You're Nick, right?"
I honestly thought Nick was gonna die. Brian was his hero, the reason he'd started to play guitar and the reason we became friends.
"Synyster fucking Gates knows my fucking name!"
"Nick, chill. You're staying the week, you better relax."
"Yeah, Nick. And don't murder me in my sleep or anything," Brian added before going into the den.
I noticed Nick was shaking. "So, where you wanna sleep? My room, the living room-"
"I could sleep anywhere. This is my fucking role model's house. I would sleep on the fucking lawn if I had to."
I just shook my head. "You can go talk to him later. Right now, I just wanna be with my best friend."
He hugged me again. "Best friend?"
"Can we make our signature popcorn?"
I smiled and pulled him into the kitchen. "Hell yes."
I'd forgotten how great it was to have a best friend again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here you go!
I like this chapter. And I like Nick. Do you? O.o
I have a banner, thanks to Zackylicious, and I'll get it up soon. (: