Status: active, but comments are much appreciated! ^-^

Victims of a Crime

Crash Lips, Not Cars

Sixteen bags of popcorn and four cheesy horror movies later, Nick and I were incredibly bored.
"Can I see some of Syn's gear?"
I shrugged. "I guess so."
I led Nick into the den, where Brian was watching tv and drinking a beer. "Hey, kiddos."
"Nick wants to see some of your junk."
Brian turned the tv off and set his beer on the coffee table. "Alright. You wanna see guitars?" Nick nodded eagerly. Bri led us through a doorway into a room housing tons of guitars.
"Holy shit!" Nick yelled, immediately trying to touch every single one of them. Brian was about to stop him when his phone went off.
Silence, then-
He flipped the phone shut and forced us out of the room.
"Bri? What happened?" I asked.
"Zack was in a crash."
My heart started to pound faster than it ever had. Zack? No. He couldn't be. This was some sick joke. A really sick joke.
"I'm heading to the hospital now. You two need to stay here and not touch anything."
"No! You need to take me with you!"
Brian shook his head. "You're staying here. Nick, take care of her," he said before running out the door and speeding off in his car.
Nick hugged me. "He'll be alright, hun. He's stronger than you think."
Here, in Nick's arms, I felt safe. I felt like nothing could hurt me. That was something I had never felt from Zacky.
Was I falling in love with my best friend?
I began crying. Not just because of the crash, but because of everything.
Nick led me to my room and laid on my bed with me, stroking my hair and telling me everything was going to be alright. I wanted to believe him, but I couldn't. Nothing was alright, and I was beginning to think nothing would ever be alright.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is short, it's kind of a filler, but this is the big thing that was supposed to happen. ^-^
Originally, Nick was supposed to be some sick, twisted kid who just wanted Kadie and could care less about her feelings. Now, he's creating a love triangle. I think I did this so something exciting would happen, because I was beginning to lose hope for the story. Comments, please! (: