Status: active, but comments are much appreciated! ^-^

Victims of a Crime

Welcome to the Family

My mother shaking me was what pulled out of my peaceful slumber. She wasn't too gentle with it.
It was chilly for an early October morning. Sure, we weren't exactly in Texas, but Southern Ohio usually didn't get down this cold so early. Another reason I was glad to be moving to California - no more unbearably cold weather.
"You're leaving in 30 minutes. I called a cab to come take you to the airport." She left. It would probably be the last time I'd ever see her. She seemed to think it was no big deal.
The annoying little yellow vehicle came as promised and dragged me away to the huge mass of people humanity called an airport. I didn't like it. Me being claustrophobic didn't help any, considering the large amount of people swarming around me.
Somehow, I got on the plane and left, without having to connect anywhere, and landed safely in California.
Mother never told me who to look for, or where to meet him, or anything useful like that. Soon, I found myself on a bench in the middle of a big mall type place.
Voices from behind made me jump.
"I'm pretty sure that's her."
"C'mon, that doesn't even look like her picture."
"Yes it does!"
"Great. She's wearing a shirt."
"Syn, relax. She can't be that bad, if it's her."
"See! Even you're doubting it, Shadows."
Syn? Shadows? Whaaaaaaaaaat?!!
No matter how hard I fought it off, I had to turn around. I wish I hadn't.
My jaw dropped.
"I told you it was her!" Matt yelled in Syn's face.
Syn brushed it off and approached me with an open hand. "Hi, Kadie. I'm Bri-"
"I know who you are," I whispered, cutting him off.
He laughed. "Well, that's good. So, I guess we can skip introductions, eh?" He pulled his hand back.
What the hell was going on here? Was I going to live with Avenged Sevenfold?
Holy shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
This realllly short, I apologize. Writing it before school, because, like I said, it's a write-as-you-go story. And, I'm really busy anymore. I'm getting rid of two of my other stories, because Word got screwed up and I lost everything. You guys can tell me, and I'll try to rewrite the others. /:
So, what should happen next?
(Zackylicious, thanks for the comment, and your name is quite amazing.)