Status: active, but comments are much appreciated! ^-^

Victims of a Crime

The Fight

"We're here," Brian shouted.
His house didn't look like it belonged to him. It was tan with dark blue accenting and a nice garden out front. I was hoping the inside didn't look like this. I couldn't take anymore perfection.
"Don't worry. Michelle decorated the outside, but I got the inside," he said, as if reading my mind. Thank God.
We climbed out of the Suburban and made our way into the house. He was right. The walls were mainly dark colors with guitars or other things you'd expect in their houses.
A woman, kind of tall but with brown hair, hugged me. Hugging was getting a bit old. "Hi, Kadie," she said once she pulled away. "I'm Michelle, Bri-"
"Wife. I know, I know."
Matt patted me on the back. "She's a huge fan, Chelle. She probably knows more than we do."
I laughed. "I doubt it."
"Here. I'll show you your room."
I followed her up the steps to a door that was painted dark red.
"Your mother left out the detail that you're a fan, or we would have decorated it much more to our style. But she did tell us that you like, how did she put it, metal shit? So we tried."
Michelle opened the door, and my jaw dropped.
It was my kind of perfect.
The walls were dark purple, and my bed was black with crimson bedding. Along the walls were AUTOGRAPHED posters of some of my favorite bands. Bullet for my Valentine, My Chemical Romance, Disturbed, and Stone Sour, just to name a few. I screamed though when I came to the last one. Why? I shouldn't have.
It was Avenged Sevenfold.
Michelle laughed and put an arm around me. "Yeah, you're a fan."
It was the poster that had a collage of them all. The only damn poster I didn't have. And next to each of them, in metallic Sharpie, was their stage names.
"You know, you're doing really well. Matt's cousin came one year for Christmas and fainted."
Even I chuckled at that. "This girl doesn't faint, so don't worry about that. Promise," I reassured her with a smile.
Zacky barged in with a beer in hand. "Hey ladies, the party started already."
Michelle shook her head. "Zachary James, it's only six o'clock. Must you get wasted so early?"
"Go ahead, Michelle. I'll stay in here. Go get drunk with your hubby," I told her.
She laughed and gave me a final hug. "I hope you like it."
She left, leaving me alone in this huge bedroom with nothing to do.
Might as well test the stereo.
I took my CD case out of my bag and sifted through it. I chose Diamonds in the Rough and started to blast "Crossroads" at the maximum volume.
What to do next?
I decided to put up my pictures again. Let the guys see me for who I really am. I made sure to put the pictures from their show in Cleveland in the middle, so it didn't draw too much attention. Especially to the fact that I'd taken about 1359275250298508272655.7 pictures of Zacky.
Yeah, best to leave my little obsession out of this new life. I could just go hug him whenever I wanted to.
I needed to be more decisive. I was just complaining about how they hug too much, and now I want to go hug Zacky whenever I feel like it.
The next song was Girl I Know, and I couldn't help but laugh. This song, after that previous thought. Just - wow. I hit skip and since it was on shuffle, the next song was The Fight.
Hell yes.
I heard a knock on my door and I let a groan escape from my mouth. My favorite song off this album and now somebody felt the need to interrupt me? Ugh.
The door opened, revealing a very wasted Zacky.
"Hey, baby."
I backed up, allowing him into my room. Big mistake.
"Um, hi, Zacky."
He set his beer on my dresser, which, might I add, was completely different from the one he originally had.
"How do you like your room?"
"It's pretty damn awesome."
"You like that word. Damn," he commented.
Suddenly, he was touching my cheek.
"Uh, yeah, Zacky, what are you doing?"
"Giving you what you want."
"I don't want this. I thought we settled on an uncle/niece relationship."
He sighed. "Can we just, you know, postpone that?"
He pressed his lips to mine.
I wanted to fight back. I wanted to kick him where it hurt. But he was too strong. His muscular arms held me in place, preventing any movement to be made by me.
The door flew open. "Zack! What the hell are you doing?!" Matt screamed.
He groaned against my lips and pulled away.
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm making out with a very gorgeous woman!"
"She's not really a woman, Zack. She's fifteen. You're twenty eight."
"Age is only a number."
"Maybe, but right now, if somebody else saw this, they might call the cops on you. Dude, you could be considered a pedophile or something. Look, just, leave her alone. I won't tell anybody."
Matt dragged him out of my room after he wouldn't move.
Holy shit.
I just moved into Synyster Gates' house.
I just started feeling at home.
And then Zacky Vengeance tried to make out with me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Spicy spicy spicy.
Bad Zacky. *sprays with spray bottle*
So, they're playing a show on me and Zacky's birthday in Vegas. Anybody wanna take me? (:
You'd be my best friend.
(Here, Zackylicious, not quite what you wanted, but I don't wanna do that much. Yet.)