Status: active, but comments are much appreciated! ^-^

Victims of a Crime

Your Betrayal

I awoke to Unholy Confessions blasting from my phone. I couldn't help but smile. Yesterday had been amazing. First off, I was here, in Synyster fucking Gates' house. Second, Zacky came in my room, drunk off his ass and totally made out with me. And then Matt caught us. Oh well.
I dug through my bag and found my City of Evil tee and some purple skinnies. I stripped, completely forgetting the door was open.
"Hey, Ka- Holy shit!" Brian screamed and closed the door. I just laughed and got dressed.
"You decent yet?"
"Yes, Brian, I'm decent."
He creaked the door open and peeked at me, just to see. When he was sure, he swung the door open.
"I am so sorry, Kadie. I didn't mean to, you know, but the door was open, and-" I held my hand up to stop him.
"It's cool, Bri. Why did you want me?"
"Just wondering if you wanted to go out for lunch with the guys. We're headed to a nice Italian restaurant on the other side of town. Zack's request."
I nodded. "Sure. Sounds like fun." I hugged him. "Thanks for taking me in. I promise I won't screw up this time."
He hugged back. "Anytime, hun."
The guys were waiting downstairs. I think I was going to go for lunch, whether or not I wanted to. I couldn't look at Zacky, even though he wasn't going to do anything like that again. At least while he was sober.
We piled into the Suburban again, with the same seating arrangement as before. Zacky and I stayed as far to the windows as we could.
The silence was eating me. "So, Brian, why aren't the girls coming?" I asked.
"Val's got a baby shower to go to, all of them went with," Matt replied for him.
"Oh," was my response.
I kept glancing over at Zack, and he was doing the same. That was something I'd gotten good at - knowing when I was watched.
His jade eyes were examining my hands. He wanted just to touch them, but I wouldn't let him. Things were just too awkward, and that wouldn't help.
Matt turned the radio on, much to my relief. Your Betrayal by Bullet for my Valentine started playing, and I gladly sang every word at the top of my lungs. Which of course earned me looks from the guys.
Jimmy joined in with me. I thought he would be much more vocal and happy than he was. It just didn't seem right.
I gave Jimmy a high five when the song was over. "Thanks, bud."
He smiled at me, his ten billion kilowatt smile that showed his personality. "No problem, bestest buddy."
I looked at Zacky, and caught him smiling at me. It disappeared just as soon as it formed.
"Zacky, I don't want things to be like this between us."
His smile returned. "I'm sorry, Kadie. Really, truly, sorry. I was so stupid. I should have known better than to do that. Just, don't tell anybody. Especially Gena. She will pound my ass in so hard..." he trailed off.
I squeezed his hand. "I forgive you," I whispered.
He just smiled wider.
♠ ♠ ♠
Zackylicous, I thank you for your comments.
Because I love comments. (:
I guess I've been updating twice a day. Is that okay with you guys?
I've got a band competition Saturday, so don't expect an update to be long, if there even is one. I'll try, I promise.
So, what should happen between Zacky and Kadie?
What should happen at the restaurant?
Lemme know. (;