Status: active, but comments are much appreciated! ^-^

Victims of a Crime


"Damn," he mumbled against my lips. "I actually thought you were enjoying that one, too."
"I was," I whispered.
Matt pulled us apart and pretty much bitchslapped Zacky.
"What the hell man?" Zacky asked in rage.
"Dude! She's fifteen! You need to stop this now!"
Zack came over to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Do you remember the first time you kissed Val?" he asked Matt.
He nodded. "Well, yeah. It was amazing. I was pretty sure I found my wife."
"Exactly. I don't see myself kissing anybody else but Kadie anymore."
Matt sighed. "You know what? Go ahead and make out. I'm not the one telling Gates." He turned and went into the kitchen, being followed by the other guys.
Zacky pulled me into a hug and started to kiss my forehead.
"No, Zack," I said, pushing him off of me. "I-I need to go talk to Matt. Okay?"
He reluctantly let me go.
Matt was in the living room on a couch, drinking a beer. "Matt, can I talk to you?" He seemed startled but followed me into a bathroom. I locked the door.
"What's up, hun?" Matt asked, concern in his voice.
I ran my hands through my hair. "I don't know what to do," I mumbled, my voice becoming shaky.
"Why? Kadie, what's wrong?"
"I, um, really like Zack."
"We've established that."
"And, I've, uh, well, um, never had a boyfriend."
"Really? I still don't see the problem."
"And this kid who's obsessed with me is coming out next week."
"Go on."
"And he asked me out earlier over the phone."
"You aren't sure of what his reaction to you and Zack is gonna be."
"Yeah. He's been known to be violent. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if he sees me with Zack, I'll be a bloody mess."
Matt hugged me. "It'll be okay, Kadie baby."
Tears cascaded down my cheeks. He was right. Everything was gonna be okay.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's a filler, nothing really exciting, I know. I'm liking the relationship Matt and Kadie are starting to have. It's nice.
So, uh, yeah. Haha. 10 subscribers is pretty awesome, but can we make it 13? It's my favorite number. ^-^ 13 and you get a chapter today. How does that sound?
My writer's block is gone. Yuy! I'm going to go celebrate with Swiss Cake Rolls. nomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom. (:

PS - the chapters used to be named after song titles, but I'm going to just name them after things that happen.
PSS - I'd really like to have a banner for this story, but I lack the awesomeness to create one. I just want a picture of Zacky and this girl: with the title and whatever else you feel like putting on it. Credit it and whatever, I don't care. Kayy?