Will You Be My Boyfriend?

one of one.

Sean pranced around the stage, moving his hips and occasionally sending a wink to the side of the stage where Ian Watkins was watching. He occasionally forgot that Ian was standing there, pouring his heart and soul into the crowd, putting his everything into the music and not into impressing Ian. Just before the last song of the night - It's High Tide Baby! effectively, so Ian had to come on stage anyway - Sean made his way towards the Ian and pulled on his hand, dragging him into center stage. Sean pressed his lips to Ian's, earning more than a few screams from the crowd. "Ian Watkins," Sean breathed into the microphone, resting his forehead against Ian's. "I'm in love with you." Ian smiled lightly, masking the panic that filled his mind and every inch of his body. What? Was he hearing this right? "That's nice." He replied, cuing the rest of the band to start playing. Sean's face dropped but upon realizing he quickly regained his happy facade, grinning again. His heart still fell to his feet, feeling the pain. About a quarter of a way into the song, he couldn't stay happy and the tears slowly started to roll down his cheeks and he avoided Ian. Normally, they'd be all over each other but this time, Sean made sure they were on opposite sides of the stage. Gavin was the only one that really noticed, and stood in between the two. As soon as the song finished, Sean rushed off the stage, not doing his usual 'thank you and goodnight'. That was when Gavin realized that Sean's 'love' for Ian wasn't just a stage thing. It was real.

"I'm stealing your spare bunk tonight." Ian yawned, slinging one arm around Sean and the other around Gavin. Sean tensed up and stared at the floor, ignoring everything that was happening around him. "Er, it's filled with our crap," Matthew frowned, biting his lip. "Can you share Seany's?" Sean's head snapped up and he froze his eyes wide. "I guess I have no choice, ay?" Ian laughed, flashing a quick grin at Sean who had almost stopped breathing. "W.. What about the sofa?" He murmured, staring at Matthew with a look on his face that said what-the-fuck-did-you-just-do. It was a look that Matt couldn't pick up. "Jay's on it, duh." As soon as those words left Matt's mouth, Sean died a little inside. He was going to be sharing a small bunk with the person whom he loved.. And to make it worse, he knew. He knew and he didn't feel the same way. Gavin glanced sympathetically at Sean, knowing there was nothing he could do. "Oh yeah. Forgot. Sorry Jay." He breathed, squeezing his eyes shut. A dull pain seemed to float idly at the back of them when he opened them. He just didn't want to fucking live anymore.

"Seany," Ian murmured hushedly. "I'm sorry about earlier." Sean turned over so that his back was facing Ian and pressed himself up against the wall as far as he could go. This didn't make a difference as Ian snaked his arm around Sean's waist and pulled him back. "Stop," He whispered, his warm breath tickling Sean's ear. "I love you too." He murmured, burying his head into Sean's neck. The younger boy's breathing shallowed and his eyes widening, staring into the pitch black wall. "No you don't." Sean said sharply, crawling over Ian lazily and jumping down. Ian followed him into the bathroom, and locked the door once they were in. "Don't lie!" Sean spat, glaring at Ian with pure hatred. But that pure hatred blocked something else, something that was begging to get through.. Love. "I'm not lying. I wouldn't lie about something like that. I love you. I really do." Ian stated, kissing Sean softly. It was a kiss that made Sean see the truth in it, a kiss that made Sean crave for more. "I.. I love you too, Ian." Those five words made Ian smile lightly and he pushed Sean against the sink as they shared another simple kiss. "Good, now will you be my boyfriend?"
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