Status: Finally finished it. yay!


Chapter two.

I’m running and running, into the parts of the town that even I don’t know. I don’t even know if my parents own this part of town. I'm surrounded by trees that look haunting in the night, every now and then, I'd trip on some over grown weeds. It soon occoured to me; I'm in a forest.

Panic rushed through me,I’m in a forest. “ Eh.....?” I said. I heard rustles behind me. “ W-who’s there?” I said as loudly as I could. Someone got me from behind, and grabbed my arms. I struggled to get loose like a crazy woman.

“Stop moving or they’ll hear you!” a boy whispered. With enough moonlight shining on his face, I could identify him. It was that boy from earlier today, what a coincidence. I heard more rustles. “ He’s got to be here somewhere!” I heard a dry voice said. “ I know! That’s why we have to search more!” a woman’s voice snapped at the man. “ Let’s go!” the woman said and soon later, their voice sounding fainter and fainter.

“Phew, they’re gone,” the boy said, giving a sigh of relief. I did what I wanted to do earlier that day. I stood up,” Thank you!” I said quietly and I bowed. “ What for?” He looked confused. “ For earlier today, you dodged that water balloon for me. So thank you!” I said bowing again. “ Oh. That was you? Why were they throwing stuff at you anyways?” He asked, like a confused child.

After I basiclly explained my life,he said, “ So why's a rich girl like you doing here in the Blackstones forest?” He asked. Then after I explained the runaway plan, he just said,“ Well guess what. I’m on the run too. So we might as well go together. My name’s Kaou by the way,” He smiled gently holding out his hand. “ Sophie” I said taking his hand in mines. It might have been my imagination but I think he flinched after I said my name. I decided to brush it off.

After a long walk, sufficating walk of silence, we managed to find a abandoned village right outside the forest. “Wow,” I said when I saw the village. “ Wow what? This place is a dump,” Kaou said. “ Well it might be but it certainly is better than my bedroom,” I said walking towards the village. He followed, slowly. I ran back to him and grabbed his arm. “ Well come on slowpoke!” I giggled.

“ Hey, I think we should pick a house, to you know, hit the sack?” He said pointing at a small house. It was a nice looking cottage-styled house. I'd rate it a 7 compared to my room. “Sure,” I said yawning,” Race you.” and then I bolted while laughing like I haven't done in a such a long, long time. He ran too of course, accepting my challenge breifly. He was surprisingly fast. Kaou ran past me and stopped at the door waiting for me to catch up. “ Heh. I wi-,” He started but his stomach growled.I Iaughed instantly and he did as well--blushing slightly.

“ Let’s see what food we can find,” I, who was still laughing, grabbed his arm and walked around looking for food (potatoes,lettuce, e.t.c.). We stumbled across a garden which had what we needed to eat. We both knew, deep inside that we couldn't live like this forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter two. :) Also, edited a bit.