Sequel: The Fleury Life
Status: Completed

The Crosby Life

The Dinner Disaster

During the drive to Cole Harbour, Sidney, Marc-Andre and I caught up on the week that we were seperated from each other. Obviously, my week was the least exciting, so Marc-Andre and Sidney did most of the talking. Not that I minded.
We pulled into Cole Harbour and Marc-Andre started to laugh as he saw the sign. I chuckled along with him, noticing how Sidney's face turned a soft pink color. "Home of Sidney Crosby, fits well enough." Marc-Andre said, looking at my brother who only shrugged.
"Sidney, street." I said, as Sidney was just about to pass the street we had to turn into.
"Woops." He said, just like when he almost missed the ramp. I laughed at him again and he looked back at me. My chin was still resting on my arm, which was on the back of Marc-Andre's seat.
"What's with you?" I asked him curiously. It wasn't like him to not be paying attention.
He shook his head as we pulled into our parents driveway. Taylor was in the front yard with her friend and quickly disappeared into the house when we appeared. "Nothing's wrong." He said, his voice almost distant.
I knew he was hiding something, but he got out of the car before I could say more. I hopped out of the car, and lost my balance since I put more of my weight on my left leg, which was still bothering me.
Marc-Andre caught my shoulder and steadied me. "Faites attention." He said softly to me, smiling his sweet smile.
I smiled back at him. "Merci." I said to him, starting to walk up to the house, following behind Sidney.
Sidney opened the door and I peered around his shoulder and got a huge whiff of great smelling food. We walked in the door just as our mother came out of the kitchen.
"My children!" She called, racing over to take me and Sidney into a big hug. "Oh, darling Sierra. How are you feeling?" She asked me.
I pulled away from her and looked at her. "I feel just fine, mum. Besides my wrist I feel almost as good as new." The smile that spread across her face was huge.
My mother looked at Marc-Andre. "Why, hello there dear!" She said to him. "Join in on the hugs!" She pulled him into a hug and he laughed.
"Thank you, Mrs. Crosby." He said. I loved how polite he is. Sidney is right, he is a gentleman.
My mother beckoned us into the kitchen. She had already disappeared but talked anyways. "It is great for you to join us Marc-Andre." She said to him. We walked in the kitchen and I sat down at the table. "It is always a pleasure to see you!"
My mother loves people, especially those on our team. "It is a pleasure to see you too, Mrs. Crosby." Marc-Andre said, sitting down in the chair next to me.
"I hope you like spagetti, dear." Mum said and Sidney looked over her shoulder to see.
"Yum." Sidney and I said together, and we started to chuckle.
Marc-Andre was smiling. "I do like spagetti." He said, and I had to bite my lip to keep from giggleing from the way he pronounced it.
My mother was racing around the kitchen as our father came down the stairs. "Good good! You should really enjoy this then!" She said.
"Smells great down here." My father said, holding my brother's shoulder in a greeting. He then turned to smile at me. "My girl, how are you doing?" He asked.
I grinned. "I'm great, dad." I said to him as he tossed a roll at me, that went straight over my head. I watched it fly over and tried to grab it without success.
Marc-Andre grabbed onto it and held it out to me. "Woops." My father said as I took the roll from Marc-Andre, and whispered a thanks.
"Well well. If it isn't the goaltender." My father said, smiling and shaking hands with Marc-Andre. "It's good to see you Marc-Andre." He said.
"It is good to see you too, sir." Marc-Andre said, smiling.
"Taylor! Set the table!" My mother called up stairs to my sister.
Taylor raced down the stairs, quickly counted how many of us there were, and grabbed all the dishes needed and set the table in the dining room.
When it was all set, my mother ordered us to go into the dining room and she would bring out the food. Marc-Andre and I sat next to each other while Sidney and my father sat at each end. Taylor and my mother would sit across from Marc-Andre and I.
We all had taken our seats when my mother brought in a huge pot that was filled with noodles. She placed the amount we wanted on our plates and disappeared back into the kitchen.
I sipped the sparkling cranberry juice that was in my glass when she came out with the sauce. She left us to deal with the sauce on our own, and went back into the kitchen to grab the fresh rolls.
My father was first in getting his spagetti sauce, and the weight of the pot was too much for me to pick up with my wrist. I almost dropped the whole pot, until Marc-Andre grabbed it. "Damn." I said, holding my wrist.
"Are you ok?" He asked me. I nodded and he poured the amount I wanted.
"Thank you." I said gratefully to him. He smiled at me and passed the pot to Sidney.
My mother finally came out with the rolls, and corn bread, and sat down for her own dinner. I eagerly took a corn bread muffin and ate it, savoring its taste.
We had all dug into out food. "This is great, mum." Sidney said and the rest of us mumbled in agreement.
We all chatted throughout the dinner. My father talked more towards Sid and Marc-Andre, while my mother talked to all of us.
It was towards the end of dinner when she directed her attention to me. I was bickering with Marc-Andre playfully, because he took the last corn bread muffin when I was reaching for it.
"So, Sierra." She said, after Marc-Andre finally gave me the corn bread and I bit into it. "We all saw the paper, what is going on with you two? Anything I should know about?" She asked. Typical for a mother, butting in where she wasn't invited.
I gulped down the corn bread and tried to hide my reddening cheeks. "No, mom. There isn't anything you should know about." I mumbled. But she clearly wasn't convinced.
The rest of the conversation stopped around us, and both Sidney and Marc-Andre were squirming uncomfortably. "Sierra, I have to know what is going on with my children. If you like someone..."
I cut my mother off and stood up abrutly. "Mother! This isn't your business. I'm a big girl now, and you shouldn't butt in! Especially if I am telling you the trust when I say, I DON'T KNOW!" I didn't mean to yell, but I had had enough of being asked things that I want to be true, but aren't.
She looked shocked, and Sidney cleared his throat nervously. I saw Marc-Andre sit back in his chair to take attention off himself through the corner of my eye. "Sierra~" My mother tried to talk again.
I looked at my father and asked, "May I be excused?" He nodded silently and I stormed out of the dining room, and abrutly out of the house, slamming the door behind me.
I walked down the street, tears stinging eyes and I finally stopped at a pond. I sat down in the grass, my knees up to my chest, and stared at a frog that was staring back at me.
I wiped my eyes with my good wrist and talked to the frog. "Why can't everyone just stop talking about the stupid rumors?" I asked the frog. He actually croaked in response. "I can't take it. And I can't take it because I want to be with him, I want it all to be true." I choked out to the frog.
Again, the frog croaked in response, as if it knew what I was saying. It hopped towards me and I lightly touched its head. It croaked again.
"I really, really like Marc-Andre." I whispered to the frog, petting it's head with my finger softly. "I want to be with him..." I broke off and wiped my eyes again, and took a deep breath.
The frog croaked and shifted it's eyes to something behind me. I heard the crackle of a leaf and I turned around to see Marc-Andre walk up to me. His face was soft, and worried, and I turned back around. I couldn't face him right now. A long ribbiiiiiit came from the frog.
I felt Marc-Andre stop directly behind me, but I still didn't turn around, or say anything.
"Sierra..." He hesitated and I felt him kneel down and place his hand on my shoulder. The frog, curious at the newcomer, hopped up to Marc-Andre. He picked it up, and I finally turned around to look at him.
His dark eyes settled on me, his eyes so soft I could melt. "Sierra, what's wrong?" He asked me, holding the frog in one hand, who kept croaking, almost as if it wanted something to happen.
"Nothing is wrong." I mumbled, dropping my eyes from his, and staring at the frog. Its black beady eyes stared right back at me.
Marc-Andre held out the frog to me, and it jumped into my lap. His finger slipped under my chin and he lifted my chin up to look at me. "Talking about the rumors," He started. "And us," He hesitated slightly. I wanted to pull away but he continued. "It makes you uncomfortable, and angry." He stated. I couldn't tell him he was only half right. "Why?" He asked. "Do you not like us together in public?" He asked, his eye's filled with hurt.
I quickly corrected him. "No!" I exclaimed, the frog croaked in protest at my yell. "That isn't it." I said, lowering my voice and my eyes.
His voice was soft, and filled with something I couldn't detect. "Then what is it?"
I lifted my eye's to him and I could feel more tears stinging my eyes, but I held them back. I couldn't tell him all of the truth, not yet anyways. So I settled with what was true, but not all of the explanation. "It's not something I'm used to. And I don't like all the attention." I mumbled softly.
Marc-Andre laughed and pulled me into a hug. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. "Is that all?" He asked me. I nodded my head against his neck. "You had me worried, I thought you didn't want to be around me."
I mumbled my replies into his shoulder. "I always want to be around you, Marc-Andre." I said quietly.
He pulled away from me and wiped a tear from my cheek. "You should not need to cry. It tears me up when I see you sad." He said quietly, taking the frog from my lap and placing it at the edge of the pond.
The frog croaked a goodbye and hopped into the pond. "Shall we head back?" He asked softly, standing up.
I nodded and he held out his hand, which I took gratefully. He pulled me to my feet and I rested against him for a moment, just savoring his touch.
We finally started to head back to the house, side by side, just as I would soon realize as it was meant to be.
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Tee hee... I love the frog. Every time I read this chapter, it makes me want to have a pet frog.