Sequel: The Fleury Life
Status: Completed

The Crosby Life

Welcome To The Crosby Twins Home

Marc-Andre led me back into my parents' home, and when we entered, all conversation stopped. I stepped close against Marc-Andre and he kept his arm over my shoulder.
Taylor was doing the dishes and Sidney was arm wrestling with my father. My mother was just watching.
I kept my eyes down. "I'm sorry, mum." I said to her, and she got up and came over and hugged me.
"It's ok, Sierra. They told me how stressed out you are and I understand. I'm sorry for being nosey." She said to me.
I hugged her tightly back, and Marc-Andre went to sit in a chair to watch my brother and father arm wrestle. "You are going down, old man." Sidney said and they all laughed.
"It's ok, mum. I know why you were doing it. It's my fault for losing it." I said softly.
My mother pulled away from me and tapped her finger under my chin. "You are so much like me." She said and kissed my cheek.
I smiled at her and she went to go help Taylor in the kitchen, who dropped and broke something. I walked over to the guys and watched them with a curious look.
Sidney and my dad were leaning over the center side table in front of the couch, trying to beat each other. Sidney was over powering our father, and it was quite enjoyable.
I was still standing and Marc-Andre motioned me to come over by him. I stepped over Sidney's legs and Marc-Andre carefully grabbed my upper right arm and pulled me down to sit with him... well more like on him. I was sitting in his lap.
My heart sped up and I bit my lip. He wrapped his arms around me, and I laid back against him. His chin rested on the top of my head. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest, and I hoped he didn't notice.
My mother came into the living room just as Sidney beat my father. "Haha!" He exclaimed, laughing. "I told you that you were going down."
My father rubbed his arm. "Yeah, yeah. I used to be as strong as you, back in the day when I played hockey." My father said, standing up.
Taylor started mocking our father from the kitchen. "Haha, Sidney kicked your butt dad!" She said and our father raced in the kitchen.
"Oh yeah, little goalie girl!" He said and Taylor started to laugh and squeal. Sidney, Marc-Andre, and I all looked at each other, and started to chuckle silently.
Our mother sighed. "This is what happens when you two are home." She said, more playfully then actually meaning it. Sidney and I both grinned.
Our dad entered the living room with Taylor draped over his shoulder. She was pounding at his back, squealing and laughing. "Put me down dad!" She called and he threw her into the couch. She laughed some more.
"Be careful, Troy!" My mother scolded at him. His children and Marc-Andre laughed at him. He just gave a shrug with a smile.
Sidney looked at his watch and glanced at me and Marc-Andre. I could sense the amusement in his eyes at us, and I shot him a 'don't you dare' look. He just shook his head. "Shall we get going?" He asked.
I shrugged and Marc-Andre said, "It's up to you. You are the driver." I nodded.
Our father belched and we all looked at him as our mother smacked him with a dish rag. "Excuse me." He said and I chuckled.
"Welcome to my family." I whispered to Marc-Andre. I felt his body shake as he chuckled quietly to himself.
Sidney walked over to the door and put on his shoes. "Alright, lets go then." He said. I really didn't want to get up out of Marc-Andre's arms, but I knew I had to.
I carefully pulled away and stood up, walking over to the door and slipped on my ballet flats. Marc-Andre followed.
My mother came up and hugged Sidney, me, and Marc-Andre respectively. "You three take care, ok?" We all nodded. After she hugged Marc-andre she stepped back. "And I hope to see you again soon, dear." She said with a smile that Marc-Andre returned.
"I'm sure you will." He said.
Taylor rushed up and hugged me and Sidney, then looked at Marc-Andre. "Next time, you should help me with my goaltending skills." She said.
I started to laugh and my mother said, "Taylor! Don't be so blunt about it." Taylor looked ashamed.
Marc-Andre waved it off. "It's alright. I'd love to help you out." He said kindly, and my heart just warmed.
We finally started to head out the door, and my mother and Taylor waved at us from the door. I slid in behind Marc-Andre and Sidney got the car going.
"Well, that was fun." Sid said, smiling in the rearview mirror at me.
I nodded and leaned back in the seat. "Yes, it was. Now let's just go home. My wrist is starting to act up." Just as I said that, it twitched in the spasm. I shook it.
We drove down the highway, with the windows cracked open. The wind screwed up my hair, but I loved it. It felt great.
We pulled into the off road that led to our place, and I noticed Marc-Andre looking all around. "You haven't seen this area in pictures, have you?" I asked him.
He looked back at me and smiled. "No, you have never shown me picture of this area before." He said and I smiled back at him.
We pulled into our driveway and I hopped out of the car, taking the keys, and went inside while the guys grabbed Marc-Andre's bags.
When I opened the door, Aislinn ran out and went straight to the grass. I could see her black fur in the dusk. "Aislinn!" I called to her, racing past Marc-Andre.
"Her cat." I heard Sidney say and I saw Marc-Andre nod.
I scooped up Aislinn, who meowed in protest at not being able to eat the grass. I held her with my right arm and stalked inside with her. After Sidney closed the door, I let get go and she ran off somewhere. "Crazy animal." I grumbled under my breath.
Sidney walked into the kitchen and turned on the light. "What shall we do tonight?" He asked, tossing his wallet on the counter, and plugged in his phone.
I shrugged and I tossed Marc-Andre's smaller bag over my shoulder. "A movie?" I answered. Sidney and Marc-Andre exchanged looks, and they both shrugged.
"Doesn't matter to me." Marc-Andre said, kicking his hockey bag over to where Sidney's sat.
"Movie it is. With popcorn of course." Sidney said, searching through a cabinet for the popcorn.
I laughed. "You spoil us, Sid." I said jokingly, heading up the stairs to show Marc-Andre his room. "Come with me." I said, looking back at Marc-Andre. He followed.
I led him up the stairs and turned right, heading to the main guest room. I shoved the door open and turned on the light. I set Marc-Andre's bag on the bed. "Here you go." I said and he stepped in.
He looked around. "It seems quite...." He hesitated and thought. "Douillet." He finally said, and I realized he didn't know how to say it in english. I smiled.
"It is." I replied to him and point out the door, just to the left. "That would be the bathroom, you and I will have to share." I said, since it was technically my bathroom. He nodded. "Which pretty much tells you that that is my bedroom." I said, pointing to the room that was angled from across the hall. "And Sidney's is that one." I said, pointing to the one at the end of the other side of the hall. "That other bedroom is actually a storage at the moment." Marc-Andre laughed.
"Shall we head downstairs?" He asked me softly, as I started to head out of the room.
I nodded just as Aislinn ran past me and hopped up onto the bed. "I will meet you downstairs in a second. I'm going to get comfortable." I said, and then pointed to my cat. "She pretty much claims this room as hers. So if you have a bed buddy, you know why." I smiled and left Marc-Andre to get to know my cat.
I closed the door to my bedroom and slipped out of my capris and shirt. I put on my pajamas; my penguin pajamas. It was a tank top with an adorable penguin on it, and shorts that had little penguins all over them. I plugged in my phone before I headed downstairs.
When I came downstairs, Sidney had all the popcorn ready. He had claimed the smaller couch for his own, and laid out across it. Marc-Andre sat in the bigger couch, munching on the popcorn. I sat down at the other end of the couch, and Marc-Andre put the popcorn bowl in between us.
"What movie are we watching?" I asked, taking a handful of popcorn.
"Pirates of the Carribean." They said at the same time.
My eyes lit up and I pulled down the blanket that hung on the back of the couch. "I love this movie." I said as it started.
At one point through the movie, I decided to lie down. I had my head on the pillow that was rested up against the arm of the couch, and my legs were curled up around the middle of the couch.
Towards the end of the movie, I felt myself drift of. I was vaguely aware of what was going on. I could sort of hear the guys talking, but I didn't wake up.
I felt the couch leave from beneath me as someone picked me up and craddled me against their chest. I could also feel them walking up the stairs.
I made a sleepy moan, and I felt my head nuzzle against the arm that was holding me. I could feel myself being put down in my bed, and the blankets were drapped over me. I let out a half asleep sigh and felt soft lips on my forehead and I heard a soft goodnight.
And that was the last thing I remembered before I slipped off into a deep sleep.