Sequel: The Fleury Life
Status: Completed

The Crosby Life

Problem Solved. Fixed? No where near.

Well the doctor visit went great. And I severly hope you noticed the sarcasm in that.
I can't move my wrist, it hurts like God wouldn't like me to say, and the doctors haven't got a clue to why.
The x-ray apparently showed nothing out of the ordinary, which, HELLO, something is definitely wrong. Please, overused my ass. Excuse my language.
It doesn't help everyone is avoiding me. Not that I blame them, since I'm the most crankiesy person on Earth right now. I chewed out Pascal for no reason the other day; that was fun.
Currently, storming about the doctors office is getting me a few looks. And clearly, I don't care right now. I can't play hockey, my wrist feels like someone keeps smashing it with a hammer with every movement I make, and no one has a clue on why.
Do you blame me for being pissey?
Marc-Andre is the only one who seems to dare to be around me lately, and for that I am thankful. He is the only one who can keep me sane, and he is doing it quite well.
They all had practice today, especially since pre-season is over (it's October), and I'm stuck in this place, waiting to see if any light will be shed upon this God awful situation.
My prayers must have been heard.
The doctor came in, the happiest soul in the building. I gave him a questioning look and he pulled me into an awkward hug. "Umm..." I said, but he quickly cut me off.
"We have it! We finally know what is wrong. And we couldn't see it because the problem is so tiny and interestingly rare, that we weren't looking for it!"
I just stared at him, having no idea what he is talking about since I haven't been informed yet, which is his job.
The Doc raced to the x-ray thingy ma bob (hey, I'm not a doctor. I'm still only studying. I have no clue what it is) and put the x-ray up on it. He pointed. "What do you see?" He asked me.
I walked forward and squinted, pushing my brown curls from my face. "I don't see anything." I said, turning to look at him.
"Exactly!" He exclaimed and now I knew I was clearly lost. He took my wrist in my hand, touching gently to that bone that sticks out in the wrist. I cringed but he continued. "The problem can't be seen because it is so small. The problem is that a piece of the bone around here had broken off when you hurt it last time. And now, due to use since you didn't know about it, the nerve has shown itself and now the two pieces of bone that are not connected because it was separated, are rubbing against the nerve."
He sounded so excited, but I was horrified. "That's even possible?" My voice squeaked.
He nodded. "Not often, and not in places such as a wrist, since nerves don't have access. But my hypothesis is that playing hockey had done something to cause this all to happen."
My head was starting to feel really dizzy. "And now is this fixed?" I asked softly.
He grinned even more and I wanted to smack him. "A simple surgery will take care of it." He said.
I coughed. I never had surgery in my life. "A SIMPLE surgery?" I choked out and he nodded. I fell back into a chair and rubbed my temple.
"It will only take an hour or two. Three at the most." He explained as I called Sid's phone.
"And when can I get this done?" I asked the Doctor, just as Sidney's voice mail came on. I handed the phone to the doctor to inform the voice mail of what went on.
When he finished, he said, "A couple weeks, possibly the end of the month at the latest. But first, I will have to give you suppliments to build up some strength in your wrist."
I nodded and started to gather me up as he wrote up a prescription. "I want in as soon as possible." I said, my voice more confident than how I felt.
He handed me the slit of paper and I phoned Marylene to pick me up since the guys were at practice. "I will call you when I schedule you in."
I headed out the door and called, "Kay." over my shoulder.
I sat on the bench until Marylene Fleury, who is the same age as me, picked me up. "Everything ok?" She asked me.
I nodded. "Yeah, the problem is solved, but to fix it requires surgery." I sighed as she headed down to Mario's place.
"Well, at least it is fixable." She said. I looked over at her. Marylene Fleury is the opposite of her elder brother. She is very outgoing and more serious, where as Marc is extremly shy and always smiling, he rarely stops.
But one thing about Marc-Andre, is that he is very competitive. Which is not something you would call him when you meet him.
But the one thing that first made me fall for him, is his smile. And the fact he always smiles. In the last game of the Stanley Cup finals, after he made a huge save, I noticed the biggest smile on his lips.
Marylene and Marc-Andre do have one thing in common though. They both are extremly down to earth, and they know their priorities in life.
I shook my head and came back from my dream world as Marylene pulled into the driveway. I hopped out of the car and waved to her. "Thank you for picking me up. I really appreciate it." I said to her, smiling.
She smiled back and nodded. "No problem, anything for my brother's girl." Marylene said with a wink.
I laughed and headed into the house, cringing slightly as my wrist hit the door frame. I closed the door and was immediately bombarded by Austin, Mario's son.
I lost my balance and reached for the door, and Austin fell to the floor. "Oops, sorry." He said.
I smiled. "It's alright. But what are you doing here?" I asked him.
Austin held up a hockey stick. "Dad wanted me to grab this, so I did." He said to me and I nodded.
"Alright, you're excused for breaking in and stealing." I said jokingly, making him laugh.
"Thanks, Erra!" He called, racing out the door and back over to the main estate of the Lemieux palace.
I shook my head at the crazy teenager and tossed my mini purse on the table by the door. I plopped myself down onto the couch and picked up the latest hockey magazine.
My phone vibrated with a call and I nearly jumped out of my skin from it. I picked it up, seeing it was Sidney and I answered it. "Hello?"
Sid was practically yelling and I had to hold the phone from my ear. "Yes, yes it's all true. The surgery will be in a couple weeks or so." I said and I recognized as Marc's voice took over. I laughed as he started speaking in French about how great it was.
Then Coach's voice came on the phone. "It's true, then?" He asked and I replied with a yes. "Excellent, I hope to get you back here soon." He said.
I resisted rolling my eyes, since he couldn't see it. "Well, you know I will be at every practice I can." I said to him.
He laughed and the phone was passed back to Sidney. "We will be home in a bit. Then we can go out to eat." He said. "Marylene brought you home, correct?" Marc's voice added.
"Food sounds great, since I haven't eaten anything all day. And yes, Marylene dropped me off at home." I replied to them both.
"Ok, see you soon." Sidney said, and the line went dead.
I rolled my eyes and chuckled. They both were so silly, I loved them.
I was absorbed in my book and I lost track of time. Before I knew it, Sidney and Marc-Andre were bursting through the front door. I jolted upright and looked over at them. "How was practice?" I said as Marc pulled me into a big bear hug. "Can't...breathe..." I said, pushing against him.
He laughed and kissed me. "Sorry." He said.
"Practice was great. Everyone misses you though." Sidney said and I latched myself onto Marc-Andre's arm.
"Oh, they won't miss me for much longer, I'm coming tomorrow." I said to him and he smiled.
"They will be happy to hear that. I think Jordan was lost without mama Erra there." Sid said and I laughed, leaning into Marc.
"Shall we go eat?" Marc-Andre said, smiling down at me.
I smiled back at him and nodded, extremly happy. The surgery pushed to the back of my mind, because I knew that if I wanted to get better, I would need it. So I shouldn't be afraid of it.
We headed out the door to the car and Sidney and Marc-Andre started to jokingly bicker about who wanted to drive. "I'll drive!" I said, smiling as they both haulted and looked at me. I laughed. "I'm kidding, jeez."
Marc handed Sidney the keys. "You can drive." He said as we both slid into the back seat. My plan had worked. I am billiant.
Sidney drove down the street and headed to the main part of the city. "Where do we want to go?" He asked and I shrugged as I leaned into Marc-Andre.
"Anywhere is fine with me." Marc-Andre said, just as Sid slammed on the brakes and turned into somewhere that I was too lazy to look at. "Careful." Marc mumbled and I chuckled.
We hopped out of the car and I looked up at the resturant. "Really? Pamela's?" I asked Sidney and he grinned.
"Why, of course." He said, just as Jenna pulled in next to us.
She raced up and hugged me. "Sid told me the good news! That is so awesome!" She exclaimed happily as I tried to pull away from her. I'm not the most huggy of all people.
"Yes, yes. It's great. Can we just go eat?" I asked, just as my stomach growled so loudly they all went quiet. I blushed as the three of them burst out laughing.
I mumbled and stalked off into the homey little resturant.
We all sat down, Marc and I in one booth, and Jenna and Sid in the other. We ordered our favorites and the food came quickly, thankfully.
By the time we were finished, the place was packed for lunch. We quickly paid and got out of there. "What now?" Asked Jenna and the rest of us shrugged.
I looked at my phone. "I have to pick up something from the pharmacy." I said and hopped into the passangers seat of Sid's car. Marc was allowed to drive since Sidney wanted to go with Jenna.
"Ok, meet you back at the house." My brother said, just as Jenna pulled out and headed off in the other direction Marc-Andre and I were going to.
"Thank you." I said to him and he smiled over at me.
"Anything for my sweet angel." He replied, half in English, half in French. I smiled at him and handed him the slip to give to the lady.
My prescription vitamins (that seems strange to me...) were huge and I had no idea how I was supposed to swallow them.
I gulped as Marc-Andre laughed and headed down the interstate. "Maybe you can crush it and put it in applesauce." He offered.
I nodded slowly. "Uh huh." I said.
Marc laughed again and took my hand in his as we headed back down to Mario's house.