Sequel: The Fleury Life
Status: Completed

The Crosby Life

Day Off

Marc-Andre and I quickly put Wednesday night behind us. The next day we spent the day together, just us time, and it was great to just get out and be with him.
It also helped us relax for our weekend games. We won against the Flyers on Saturday, pretty much killing them. (The crowd did too.) We had a little trouble on Sunday, but with our confidence in Marc-Andre, and the confidence in himself, (with a little help of Dan putting Sid and me on the same line in the last period) we were able to win the game in a shootout, and gratefully take the two points.
Monday was a day off, but I went to the arena anyways to get some strength and conditioning training in. It took a lot of convincing to be able to get the Lamborghini from Marc-Andre, but I was able to steal it for a few hours.
I was surprised to find Gonch and Geno both at the rink as well, and I slipped on my skates quickly to join Gonchar in his strength training. He was recovering from strep throat, so I didn’t talk to him a whole lot to make sure his throat healed quickly.
I did skate up to Geno however. He was on the ice, shooting pucks at the net, but he wasn’t on ice. “Hey, how are you feeling?” I asked him, icing him slightly.
Evgeni gave me a look for icing him. “It’s still sore. Hopefully it feels good soon.” He replied, shooting a puck at the net. “Why are you here?”
I did a small figure eight around him before dropping to my knees and started stretching out my legs. “Everyone hopes your foot feels better soon.” He smiled at that. “I’m here just to be here.” Geno gave me a look. “Conditioning, Evgeni.”
“Oh.” He said softly. “Jordan’s annual spring party is soon, right?”
I nodded and leaned forward. “Whenever this weather perks up. Which I hope is soon.”
Geno chuckled and I saw him leaning off of his right foot. “Get off the ice, Evgeni.” I said in a tone that made him look at me. “I can tell your foot is bothering you. You need to rest it.”
Geno rolled his eyes with a sigh and picked up his stick. “You are so much like a mother.” He mumbled, but in a good humored way.
I grinned at him and drifted beside him as he walked off. “Yeah, well, someone needs to mother you hockey players around here. Who knows what trouble you all would get in without me.”
Geno laughed. “Goodbye Sierra.”
“See you later Geno; good luck at the Dapper Dan awards ceremony tonight.” He smiled his thanks and I went on the ice to do some conditioning.
My conditioning looks a lot like figure skating, because of the amount of stamina strength needed for it. Ever since I was a little girl, I would play hockey of course, but I figure skated as well to help with my strength. I have used it in my warm-ups and exercising ever since.
Since I had my hockey skates on though, because I hate the normal figure skating skates, I couldn’t do any intricate jumps and twirls, like the Axel’s (not like I can do those anyway since I never did huge stuff with figure skating). I did do a lot of small jumps, like mainly 1-2 spins in the air.
As I did one of the jumps on the ice then though, I took off from the ice perfectly, but I landed hard on my right foot and my ankle buckled underneath me. I cringed and laid on my back for a moment, letting the throbbing set aside.
Sergei and our strength coach skated up. “Are you ok?” Sergei asked, kneeling next to me as I stared at the ceiling of the rink.
I nodded my head slightly, flexing my ankle. “Yeah, I think so.” I sat up and rubbed my ankle now. “It’s been a long time since I haven’t been able to land such a small jump like that before. My ankle is weak.”
Gonch held out his hand to me and I took it gratefully. He heaved me onto my feet and our conditioning coach took a look at my ankle, flexing it in his hands. “It must have weakened from your Achilles incident. You didn’t use it a whole lot during that period, and haven’t done a lot of strength and condition aside from practice, have you?”
I shook my head guiltily. “No, I haven’t. I know I should have been though.”
Our coach stood up and looked between Gonch and myself. “Both of you should go rest now. Sierra, do some exercises at home. You need to work on your ankle.”
I nodded and followed Geno off the ice, although I didn’t go down to the locker room. I only had my skates on so I just took them off there and left the rink.
Once I was home, I opened the door to smell something delicious. I followed my nose to the kitchen to find Marc-Andre baking cookies. “Smells delicious in here.” I giggled.
Marc-Andre turned around with a huge smile on his face. “It better. I am making all of this for you.” He took me in his arms and kissed me. “And Jordan asked me too for his little get together with Ariana.”
I laughed at him. “What, is Jordan a child now?” The two of us grinned. “So she is here?”
Marc-Andre nodded. “Yes, Kris was here too. You just missed him. He will be back later though.”
I nodded and stole a couple of cookies. “Alright, time to go see the young Letang.”
I walked out of the kitchen with Marc laughing and calling after me. “She’s a year younger then you, hun.” I ignored him.
I walked into the living room, where Jordan and Ariana were playing a card game. I looked over the girl. I have met her before, but I never actually have been able to talk to her for long periods of time. She is extremely shy.
Ariana Letang was extremely pretty. She had very long light brown hair with the most entrancing green eyes. Her fair skin made her eyes pop out even more, and her small 5’3” frame made her very petite.
She also seemed to have a red blush to her cheeks, indicating that she was constantly shy. She looked up at me when she saw me standing that the door, and her face flushed even more. “Hello.” I said with a smile.
Ariana smiled shyly. “H…hi.” She said and Jordan turned around.
“Sierra, when did you get home?” He asked.
“Just now. I didn’t realize we had company.” I stated, still smiling at Ariana.
“I… I’m sorry if I’m intruding for anything.” Ariana said hastily.
I shook my head and gave the cookies to the two of them. “Its fine, Ariana. You are welcome here any time you’d like.”
Ari bit her lip and smiled shyly. “You may call me Ari. And… thank you.”
“Alright, Ari. And it’s no problem, everyone comes here anyways.” She chuckled slightly. “I’ll leave you be now. I have a boyfriend to help.” I walked away.
I was aware of Jordan following me. Once we were out of sight from Ariana, I turned to face him. “What is it?”
Jordan smiled and took a bite from the cookie. “Thank you for giving me the confidence to talk to her.” He started. “I really appreciate it.”
I shrugged. “Anything I can do to help.” I smiled. “So, what’s going to happen?”
Jordan leaned against the wall. “Nothing. She’s a great girl, but I think I just want to be friends with her. I don’t think I’d ever be comfortable with Kris breathing down my back. Especially if things got serious- having him for a brother-in-law would be scary.” I laughed. “Plus, she has eyes on someone else anyways.”
I raised my eyebrow. “Oh, does she?” I asked, very intrigued.
“Yeah, but Tanger doesn’t know. She is scared to tell him, or the guy.” I gave Jordan the look and he laughed. “You can’t tell.” I gave him another look. “I know, you never tell. It’s a Blackhawks player.”
My jaw dropped, completely flabbergasted. “No!” A smile stretched on my face.
“Oh yes, you should talk to her sometime- try to convince her.”
Marc-Andre called from the kitchen. “We’ll see. Maybe at your “Spring Fling” I’ll have a chance to speak with her.” I started to walk away. “Don't leave her alone, Jordan.” I warned as I turned my back to him.
“So?” Marc-Andre asked as I entered the kitchen.
I went over to help him put the cookies in the cookie jar that was in the shape of a Penguin. “No go for the two of them, but Ariana has feelings for a Blackhawk.”
Marc laughed and looked at me. “You aren’t serious?”
I nodded my head. “Oh baby, I definitely am.”
The two of us laughed. “Kris is going to love that when he finds out.”
I smiled and kissed his cheek. “Yes, but he won’t find out from us. Right?”
Marc-Andre pulled me against him and spun me around while I giggled. “Of course not. I don’t want to die anyways.”
I rolled my eyes while laughing as Marc picked me up and sat me on the counter. “Kris won’t be that mad, Marc.” I said, taking a cookie for myself. “He will just moan and blame himself for not keeping his sister away from the Hawks.”
Marc leaned against me and took a bite of the cookie from the other side. “You’re right. But it won’t be that bad. We only play against the Hawk’s once a year, unless we meet in the Finals of the playoffs. So she won’t be torn too often.”
I chuckled. “She’ll cheer for the one she loves anyways. If I were her I’d say screw my brother.” I laughed, and Marc-Andre laughed harder.
“You don’t mean that.” He said with a smile.
“You’re right, I don’t. But I am not allowing you and Sidney to play against each other, or I will be torn.” I licked my finger that had melted chocolate on it.
“How do you plan on keeping that from happening?” He asked quietly. “Do you really think we will be on the same team all of our careers?”
My shoulders slumped and I dropped my gaze. “No, but I wish.”
Marc placed his hand under my chin gently and lifted my head to look at him. “It won’t happen for a while, sweetheart, whenever it does happen.”
“I’m retiring before everyone gets split up.” I said suddenly. Marc-Andre knew of my plan on retiring after I get married, but the fact I said that surprised him, as well as myself. “When everyone’s contracts are up; yours, Sid’s, Jordan’s, Kris’, Geno’s, everyone’s; I’m going to be so heartbroken and torn. I love everyone on our team, and seeing them go will be heart wrenching.”
Marc-Andre kissed my forehead. “I know, angel, but that’s why you keep in touch through email and phone.” He said softly. “We are all one big happily for the most part; no one will just leave and be out of our lives forever.” I nodded and he stroked my cheek with his thumb. “And that’s still a few years off.”
I wrapped my arms around Marc’s neck and he held me close. “Kris is a free agent this summer.” I mumbled against him.
“Tanger won’t leave, Erra. Don’t worry about it.”
I nodded and leaned back as Marc looked me over. “I need to shower and strengthen my ankle.” I said, trying to get off the subject of everyone leaving.
Marc-Andre smiled softly and picked me up off of the counter. “Then go shower. I will help you with your ankle later if you want.”
I nodded as he set me down. “Ok, I’ll be down in a bit.” I said as I started to run up the stairs to our shower.
I wiped the tears from my eyes; the tears I held back until I was out of sight, and climbed into the shower and let the hot water run over me. Thinking about everyone leaving was hard, and I know that when the day comes, I’ll be the one in tears, not wanting anyone to leave.
But Marc-Andre was right. We are all very close, and we will stay in touch all through our years.
The retiring part I’m also not looking forward too. Marc-Andre and I still have a lot to talk about with that- hooray.
But no worries, it won’t be for at least a few years yet.