Just Know That I Will Remember You

Giggles and Phones

As the blood flows down my arm and spills in little drops on the carpet(thank god the carpet was red) I hear the front door open. I hear drunken laughter and a glass break. Great. My mom brought home one of her boyfriends. I sure as hell wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. Suddenly there are footsteps on the stairs. I quickly pull my sleeve down to cover my cut and put the razor in my drawer. My mother knocked on my door. "Enter," I said. She slipped in. "Heeey Caitlin...." my mom said, her words slurred. "Bonnie, come back!" I hear a male voice cry from her bedroom. I narrowed my eyes. Why couldn't she just rent a crappy hotel room? It's not like the men she slept with stuck around anyway. "Mom, I knlw you're desperate for comanionship, but do you have to bring your fuck buddies home?" I snapped. Which is something I've never done. My mom and I have always gone about our seperate ways, ignoring eachother. I had never snapped at her before. Only because I had never had the opportunitty to. Her eyes narrowed at my question. Her eyes quickly scanned the room and they fell on our phone that was laying on my bed. She picked it up, quickly crossed the room, and hit me with it across the face. I fell to the ground. I touched my lip. It was bleeding. There was also blood on the inside of my mouth. "WATCH YOUR MOUTH, YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BITCH! I'M AM YOUR MOTHER AND YOU WILL TREAT ME WITH THE RESPECT I DESERVE! WHY IS THE PHONE EVEN IN HER ANYWAY?! IT'S NOT LIKE YOU HAVE ANY FRIENDS THAT WOULD CALL YOU!" and with that, she took the phone that was still in her hands and hit me with it in the side of the face. All I saw after that was black.