Just Know That I Will Remember You

Gettin' It On In Barnes and Noble

I blinked groggily from the chair I saw seated in. Where was I? I lazily glanced around. Holy shit! Barnes and Noble! Damn it all, I knew that I was close to it. Why the fuck did Josh have to tackle me like a ass? Everything started coming back to me. The night before, this morning, some guy throwing me over his shoulder. I quickly looked up. There was a boy about my age standing in front of me. He had long black hair and the sexiest brown eyes ever. I'm not the kind of person to beileve in love at first sight, especially as young as I was, but I wasn't so sure anymore. He caught me staring at him. "Are you okay?" he said, rushing to my side. I tried nodding, but instead a silent tear slipped down my cheek. "God, I'm so fucking reatrded...." he muttered to himself. "MIKEY!" he yelled. A tall skinny guy with emo glasses came from behind a bookshelf. "Jesus Chist, Gerard! You're gonna get me fucking fired! What is the problem?!" Mikey yelled. "Get me an ice pack or something!" Gerard snapped. "Why do you need a goddamn ice pack?!" Mikey screeched. "BECAUSE THIS GIRL JUST GOT THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF HER FOR WHAT LOOKS LIKE THE SECOND TIME TODAY NOW STOP ASKING ME QUESTIONS AND GET A FUCKING ICE PACK, DAMN YOU!" Gerard shouted. I'm pretty sure everyone in Barnes and Noble hear him, too. Mikey's eyes fell on me and his eyes grew wide. "HOLY SHIT! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" he screamed like a little girl. Gerard rolled his eyes. "Mikes, are you sure the doctor didn't make a mistake? Are you SURE you're a boy?" Mikey ran away to a door that said STAFF ONLY. "Don't worry I'm getting the damned ice pack!" he yelled over his shoulder. Gerard laughed. "Sorry about my brother. He's kind of...........retarded." Gerard told me. "It's okay," I said my voice cracking. Great. First he gets to see me get the shit kicked out of me, see what I looked after I get the shit kicked out of me, and now I cant even fucking talk to him. No wonder I had never had a damn boyfriend. I must be fucking retarded or something. Another tear slid down my cheek. DAMN YOU TEARS! I yelled in my head. Gerard noticed my tear and his face softened. "Come here," he said, and he lifted me off the seat for a moment and sat down then sat me on top of him. "But, I'm too-" I began. "Don't you dare say you're too heavy, because you're not," he said sternly. A small smile formed on my face. So I did what a "normal" girl would do in this situation. I put my arms around him and laid my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes. "Maybe life doesn't suck after all..." I mumbled to myself. "What? Didn't catch that." Gerard said looking down at me. He was tall. A helluva lot taller then me. I was short though, so almost everyone was taller then me. "Nothing," I said quickly blushing. I suddenly became aware of the fact that our faces were only three inches apart. We could kiss right here in front of everybody. Just as I was thinking this, his face started getting closer and closer to mine....................

This day fucking rocks. Well, from my point of view anyway. Not Caitlin's. But She was sitting on me and our faces were only inches apart. "I shoud kiss her..." I thought. And ours faces got closer and closer until Mikey ran up to us and yelled, "I HAVE A FUCKING ICE PACK, YO!" I sighed. "Goddamn Mikey...." I muttered under my breath. Mikey looked at me and Caitlin and tilted his head in confusion. "Were you guys gonna get it on?" he said slowly. "Umm......NO!" I said quickly. Mikey's face lit up. "YES YOU WERE! YOU GUYS WERE TOTALLY GONNA MAKE OUT! OH MY FUCKING GOD! GERARD'S IN LOVE WITH-" Mikey broke off. "Sorry I don't know you're name," he said to Caitlin appologetically. "It's Caitlin," she responded quietly. "GERARD IS IN LOVE WITH CAITLIN!" Mikey said running around Barnes and Noble in circles. "Mikes, exactly how many bags of skittles did you have today?" I said quickly trying to change to subject. But today Mikey just wasn't going for it. He continued running around shouting. Sure, I love my brother, but the idea of strangling him is so damn tempting sometimes..........................