Just Know That I Will Remember You

Chances Lost

I blew it big time. I let me anger get a hold of me again. And now she was gone. Frankie led her away somewhere. In a way, I didn't care, because I knew that I probably didn't deserve her. And her and Frank were alike in so many ways. Even though I barely knew her. They both have suffered abuse and neither of them have really had realy friends. Me and Mikey are his only friends. I remembered Frank moving in with my family. He ha called me from his cell one night, and I answered, but there was nothing on the other end. I waited a couple of minutes, and finally his small voice said, "........gee.........help........" I was at his house in a matter of seconds. I found him bloody and bruised on the floor just like I had found Caitlin, and I got scared. I called an ambulence. Nobody could find Frank's dad. I know he's afraid that his dad will come back someday and try to kill him, which is one of the reasons that we eventually moved. Because who would look for us in South Elgin, Illinois?

I instantly felt connected to this girl. I can't explain it, but I felt like I just needed to talk to her. We walked out and I saw I backpack and purse lying on the ground. "I wonder who those belong to," I said aloud. "Some rescue crew Gerard is," she said scooping the things up. "Those are yours?" I asked. She nodded. "Damn! That backpack looks stuffed! Whats in there?" i asked bewildered. "Well, some books, some of my artwork, some songs......." she said. "Wait.......you write songs?" I asked, getting excited. I had played guitar since for as long as I can remember. "Ummm......yes...." she said sounding slightly nervous. "Is that a bad thing?" I shook my head. "No! Not at all! It's just that I've played guitar since forever and Mikey does bass and Gerard sings.....we tryed to get a band together, but we never could find a drummer." Her face lit up. It was a beautiful sight."Do you guys have any songs?" she asked excitedly. "Well......thats the other thing. We dont have any songs, either." I said sadly. "How about you? How many you got in that backpack?" I asked incrediously. "I have a couple, but my favorite that I wrote is 'Skylines and Turnstiles' for sure," she told me. "Sounds interseting," I said. "Sing it for me," I said. Her face went white. "No, I cant sing," she said. "I've never sang for anyone in my life. my mom heard me once and she said that I sounded like a cat getting run over by a milk truck," she said sadly. Obviosly this bothered her. I turne her attention to her mother for a minute. "Do you live with only your mother?" I asked. "Yeah. My parents got divorced when I was five. I live with my mom." she said, sounding surprised that I had asked. Now I decided to push things. "How about your dad?" I asked. "I don't know where he is," she said, bursting into tears. I did the only thing I could think to do. I held her in my arms. And she let me.

God, why the fuck was I crying so much today? This was the third time and i was getting really annoying. But I didn't mind it too much becuase Frank was holding me,and I knew that he, not Gerard was really the good one. "Thank you so much," I said, once I had stopped crying. "I don;t care how corny this sounds, but you really are the nicest person I've ever met." I said to him. I instsntly felt stupid. Where did I get that? Some cheesy 80's movie? But to my surprise, he smiled. "Thanks. Let's go somewhere. Where do you want to go?" He said, doing it again. Asking me what I wanted. I was really starting to like this guy. "I don't know. I'm kind of tired." I said. "I could walk you home," he offered. "Really? That would be great," I said. And I meant it. I really did. We started walking and we talked. About music, our family, everything. He revealed to me that his father used to beat him and nearly beat him to death, so Gerard had him move in with his family. "He really is a nice guy. I don't know what went on back there, and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but just know that he's like a brother to me and deep down, he's the greatest guy," he assured me. "I don't have to search that deep to find the nice in you," I pointed out. "You just seem nice naturally." He laughed. "Obviously you haven't seenme around preps," he stated. And before I knew it, we were at my house. Alone.