Just Know That I Will Remember You


"So.........I guess I'll see you later," I said sadly. Because frankly, I didn;t want to leave her. We were talking and talking and life was perfect. Just like up on the moive screen.........I gasped. "What?" Caitlin asked, sounding alarmed. "I just got an idea for a song," I said excitedly. "Really? Come inside," she said, half-dragging me into her apartment. "Lets go in my room. I have lots of paper and music stuff in there," she told me. Now, I had two opionions on this. 1) We were going to write an awesome song, and 2) a hot girl was literattly dragging me into her bedroom. Control your teenage hormones, Frankie, I told myself. We walked into her room. Almost all the wall space was covered in posters. It was awesome. She had a guitar case on one side of her room and a keyoard on the other. She also had a giant stereo with stacks of cds everywhere. "Whoah......" I said. "Sorry it's so cluttered. I never have people over," she said apologetically. It wasn't really clutterred, but she obviously thought it was. But her room was amazing. It was clear that music was her life. "alright here's some paper. Write down whatever you were thinking. I'll be right back," she promised. "Okay," I said. I looked down at the paper and began to write. I few minutes late she returned with a six-pack of dr pepper and a large orange bowl. "This always helps me think," she explained. I looked in the bowl. It was full of skittles. "Are you kidding me?" I asked her. She blushed. "I know it's weird, but-" I cut her off. "No! I'm the same. I love skittles. And Dr. Pepper is is the shit!" I said. She smiled with relief. "So, what have you got so far?" she asked. I handed her the paper. She began to read it out loud:

Late dawns and early sunsets
Just my favorite sceane
And holding hands and life was perfect
Just like up on the screen
And the whole time while always giving
Counting your face among the living...............

"Wow! This is amazing, Frank!" she exclaimed. "No, it's not that great," I said, shaking my head. "You don't give yourself enough credit. This really is good. Trust me," she said. "Okay. Can I see that song you wrote? Skylines and Turnstiles, right?" I asked, I really wanted to see what she wrote. I needed to see it.