My Favorite Show

One Shot

I laid my head against Kennedy’s shoulder as the TV screen flickered with my favorite show Maury.
He hummed softly in my hear as he ran his fingers through my hair. Every so often he pressed his lips against the top of my head.
At the commercial break I stood up and stretched. “I’m gonna get some water, want anything?” I asked looking down at him.
He shook his head in reply, his light brown hair swinging as he smile at me. “Nah, it’s okay babe. I’m good.”
I leaned down and kissed his forehead before scurrying off to the kitchen. I quickly grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water.
My fingers lightly touched the top of the counter as I trailed them behind me while I made my way back to the living room.
“Miss me much?” I asked, sitting down next to Kennedy.
He snapped his phone shut and looked up at me, “Uhm, yeah,” he smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
“Who were you talking to?” I questioned, placing my head back onto his shoulder.
“Uh, just John,” he answered, his fingers trailing themselves through my hair again.
He’s not one to lie Jessie, just remember that. I silently reminded myself while Maury came back on the air.

“God I love this show,” I said while the end credits rolled across the screen, “I don’t know why but at least it’s not trash like Jerry Springer,”
Kennedy chuckled in my ear as he flipped the TV off, “I know you do babe. You know what I love?”
“Uhm,” I stretched the word out as I turned my head to look at him, “fan girls screaming your name and trying to get in our pants like every single night?”
He rolled his eyes. “Guess again.”
“Waking up to find out that John was sleep walking again and is in your bunk?”
He scrunched up his face, “Not so much.”
I laughed “Tell me Kennedy, I like when you say it.”
His lips twitched up into a smile as he placed his forehead against mine, “I love you Jessie,”
Softly he pressed his lips against mine.

I jumped awake as my phone rang next to my head, groaning, I rolled over and answered it, “Hello?” my groggy voice answered.
“Hello, is this Jessie?” a strange voice asked from the other end.
“Who is this?” I shot back, sitting up quickly.
“This is Cassandra with NBC, you’re dating, uhm, Kennedy Brock right?”
My breathe caught in my throat “Yeah.”
“Okay, well I’m calling with the Maury show. And we are having a special about secrets tomorrow and he called and asked if he could tell you a secret on our show. We have your flight booked and there is a hotel near by that you can stay in. I hope you can make it,”
“Yeah,” I squeaked, and hung up the phone. “Kennedy! Are you home?” I called into the house, but got no reply.

I got up and started pacing the room.
“A secret? Oh god. He’s cheating on me. While he’s off on tour he’s fucking different girls,” tears started to over flow my eyes and run down my cheeks, “I can’t go and do this. I can’t have him tell me that he’s cheating on me in front of so many people,”
My breath got stuck in my throat and I had to put my head between my knees before I could calm down.

Slowly I reached for my phone again and dialed my friend Jimmie.
Tears were quickly falling down my face when she answered “hey baby, you lookin’ hot today,” she said slurping her drink.
“Jimmie, I think Kennedy is cheating on me,”
“And the sun just turned lime green,” she mocked, “what in the world would make you think that?”
I told her about the phone call.
“Want me to come with? Is there a way that I can come with? I’m not sure. Want me to beat him up? Cause I’ll do that too,”
I couldn’t help but laugh a little, “No, I just needed someone to talk to before I went crazy. He’s not even here right now. Do you know where he is?”
“Why would I know?” she scoffed, slurping more of her drink.
“He’s your brother,” I groaned, laying back down on the couch, “I thought maybe he told you. What if he’s cheating on me right now?”
“I’d kill him,” Jimmie simply stated, “he’d be dead.”
I rolled my eyes, “As much as I thought you would help you’re actually not.”
“You know, a lot of people tell me that,” she laughed, “want me to come over, I can ditch Pat and we can pack your stuff for tomorrow.”
I sighed “I’m not sure, I mean, should I even go?”
“Yes!” she yelled and I could hear Pat grumbling in the background, “You have to go,” she cleared her throat and told Pat that’d she be back. “I mean, if he wants to tell you this secret, he must not have the balls to do it with no one else around. He needs this to be able to spill his secret. Whether it’s cheating or the fact that he’s actually a girl,”
“Jimmie,” I groaned, “Could you be serious right now?”
“I am!” she exclaimed, “And I’m seriously on my way,” she called out a goodbye to Pat and then I heard her car starting.
“Jimmie, you really don’t need to come over here,” I said, quickly sitting up and looking around my messy house.
“Yes I do,” she answered, “I need to make sure that you go to the Maury show tomorrow.”
“I’ll go,” I answered, quickly starting to pick up around the house.
No matter what I say, she’s still going to come over.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll be there in ten minutes,”
I sighed and closed my phone, grabbing dirty dishes and running into the kitchen.

I was quietly humming to myself when I heard the doorbell ring.
While wiping my hands dry on my jeans I slowly walked down the hallway and opened the front door to reveal Jimmie, with Kennedy next to her.
“Dumbface here lost his keys,” she said, while Kennedy gave me a small smile.
I looked down at the floor and let them both into the house. Kennedy gave me a small kiss on the cheek and walked past me and into the kitchen.
“He won’t spill anything to me,” Jimmie said, placing her arms around me in a hug.
I leaned against her and let her rock us back and forth, “Let’s go upstairs,” I said.
She nodded and with her arm still wrapped around my shoulder we walked up to mine and Kennedy’s room.

“Okay so, you have a hot outfit so when he’s forced to tell you his secret he’s going to be even more nervous than before?” Jimmie asked, looking at my small suitcase.
“Got it,” I smiled, pulling out my nice low cut red shirt with a pair of jeans that clung to my curves.
“Oh geeze,” she smiled, “make sure you put some nice curls in your hair, he loves that,”
I nodded my head and grabbed my curling iron and my make up bag.
“Okay, I think you have everything,” she smiled at me, “want to go see what Kennedy is up to?”
I shook my head, “I don’t want to see him right now. It makes me sad.”
“I don’t think you have anything to worry about honey,” she said, pulling me down to sit next to her on the bed.
I frowned at her and flopped onto my back, “I don’t want to go tomorrow Jimmie, I really, really don’t.”
“Jessie honey, you have to go. There’s no way of getting around it,”
“I know. I just wish that this never would have happened,”
She started to rub my back. “Do you want to spend time with him? Maybe if you pretend that the phone call didn’t come you can spend some good time with him before tomorrow,”
I shrugged, “you just want to go home,”
“Pat is comfy,” she laughed, “I’ll stay here if you want me too. I just think that you’ll regret it if you don’t go spend time with him right now,”
I nodded my head, “You’re right. Go on home, I’ll go ask Kennedy if he wants to watch a movie or something.”
She hugged me one last time before getting up and leaving.

“Hey Jessie,” Kennedy smiled as I walked into the living room.
“Hi,” I whispered, and sat down next to him.
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him, “Wanna watch a movie?”
“I was just about to ask you that,” I chuckled.
Kennedy kissed the top of my head before getting up and putting a movie in.
When he sat down next to me he put his arm back around my shoulder and I leaned in next to him.
Acting just as if my world wasn’t crashing down around me.

I awoke the next morning curled up in Kennedy’s arms as we shared the couch.
My eyes scanned over to the clock and I shot up, knocking my head against his.
“Ow Jessie, what the hell?” he groaned, sitting up.
“We have to leave,” I answered, running my fingers through my hair, “We have a plane to catch,”
“Oh yeah,” he answered and looked down at the floor, “I’ll go start the car.”
I watched as he quickly left the living room with a frown on my face.

I didn’t talk to him in the car.
I didn’t let him hold my hand while we walked through the airport.
And I made sure that I fell asleep against the window instead of his shoulder.
I hope he gets the hint.

“Jessie, could you at least talk to me?” Kennedy pleaded when we were put into our dressing room.
I frowned, “I need to get changed,”
He gave me a broken look as pointed to the bathroom door.
Quickly, I grabbed my bag and ran into the room, locking the door as I did so.
I plugged my curling iron into the wall and stripped myself of my clothes, quickly putting on the ones that I picked out the night before.
When the curling iron was hot I started to put some loose curls into my hair making sure that they looked just as they did at my junior prom.
I heard knocking at the door as soon I started, “Jessie, please,” Kennedy mumbled.
Without a glance I just wrapped some of my hair around the curler and sprayed some hair spray, “Kennedy I’m a little busy in here.”
“You can’t just push me out of your life!” he exclaimed in frustration, his hands banging down on the wooden door.
My eyes flickered to my reflection in the mirror. Half of my hair sat in beautiful curls while the other side laid flat against my head. “I don’t have to see you until I we go out for you to tell your secret to me. And I don’t think I can.”
I could hear him slid down the door while I continued to do my hair.

“Hello Ms. Burton, we need you to come stand in this room,” a woman said, poking her head into mine and Kennedy’s dress room.
He had left a few minutes ago, I think the same lady pulled him out.
I smoothed my shirt out over my torso, and followed behind her.
“So, this room is soundproof, so you won’t be able to hear anything that he says, and vice versa. You cannot see them either, but there is a camera, it’s right over there. I’ll come back in when they’re on air so that you can stand in front of the camera, okay?”
I nodded my head and sat down on the red couch.

I stared into the camera waiting for the woman to come and get me.
At this very moment Kennedy was telling all of Maury’s viewers his big secret.
His secret that he couldn’t tell me at home.
His secret that is probably that he’s probably cheating on me.
“Ms. Burton, it’s time for you to come out,” she called, motioning for me to come forward.
As I walked behind her I thought of all the things that I could do when Kennedy tells me his secret.
Hopefully I’ll be able to hold myself together.
“Wait here until he introduces you,” she gave me a small smile, “Good luck,”
I took a deep breath and stared down the hallway.

I knew the layout, I knew that I’d walk down the hallway and then down the stairs.
People would either cheer or boo for me. And I would take a seat next to Maury.
“And we welcome to the stage, Kennedy’s girlfriend, Jessie!”
I took a deep breath and walked out, the lights were so bright that I had to force myself not to squint. I made sure to hold my head up high as I continued to walk down the stair.
And even though the people were cheering for me, I felt myself wanting to cry.
“Hello Jessie,” Maury smiled, extended his hand for me to shake, which I quickly did before I sat down. “Your boyfriend tells me that you’re a big fan,”
“I watch your show every single day,” I smiled, hoping that it was cloaking my real emotions.
He chuckled, “Let’s get down to business, do you have any idea what Kennedy’s secret could possibly be?”
I shrugged and looked down, “I’m afraid that he’s cheating on me. I mean, isn’t that what it always is? Oh God, I hope he’s not cheating on me.”
“What would happen if he had been cheating on you?”
“I don’t know,” my voice cracked as I spoke, I wiped at my eyes and looked up “I have no idea. I’d break up with him. No matter how much it would hurt,”
Maury nodded my head “How about we bring him out and see what the secret his?”
The crowd cheered “Kennedy welcome back,”

I tried to not look over at the entrance, but I just couldn’t help myself.
Kennedy walked out onto the floor, the whole crowd was cheering, which was weird.
Don’t they normally boo when someone is cheating?
His black skinny jeans clung to his legs as he made his way over to the chair next to me. He had on a nice blue button up shirt.
Before he sat down he kissed my forehead and took my hand in his.
“Go on Kennedy, tell her your secret.” Maury said, motioning towards me.
I turned to face him, “Yeah Kennedy, what’s your secret?”
“Jessie, I love you with my whole heart.” I nodded my head and waited for him to continue, “And I just brought you here, to ask you one question.”
He dropped down to the ground and pulled out a small box. A ring box.
“Jessica Mae Burton would you marry me?”
“This is what you brought me here for?” my voice cracked again, I could feel the tears streaming down my face, “you made me worry and you made me sick to purpose to me?”
He bit his lip and nodded, “I’m sorry.” he started to get up.
“Yes Kennedy, I’ll marry you,” I grinned as I threw my arms around him in a hug, “But if you ever make me worry like this again, I’ll have your nuts,”
Kennedy laughed and hugged me back, before pulling his head back and kissing me.
The crowd went wild as he pulled away and placed a beautiful ring onto my finger, “I love you,” he whispered, pulling me back into his arms.
“I love you too,” I said, hiding my face in his neck.

I knew this was my favorite show.