Status: Work In Progress....



Johnathon carried Willow to his home, whispering to her sweet, worthless words. He laid her in his bed, sweeping hair from her face. The nymph smiled up at him. His plans were moving slowly, but working none the less. Though Willow was resistant to give into him.

He just needed her to fall for him. A few sweet gestures, a bunch of flowers. The major key to a girls heart, though, trust. He would plant seeds of trust, let her tell him everything. It almost made him not want to go through with his plans. But that little bit of doubt was squelched by the need for power.

Once the little rat was out of this place, it would be his. Again. The way it had been. Where the dark creatures of the underbelly came crawling from their holes, terrorizing the sweet and innocent. Back to when he had girls falling at his feet.

He looked back to the nymph. He hadn't seen her in ages. Not since he had been thrown out of power. She hadn't aged, and still looked amazing. It had been the giants decision to not ban him, in case the new girl wasn't capable of handling Monanthony. They had set him up here, with the Figtoner as his only company. No one was to know he was still residing in Monanthony, only Willow, Ramone, and the giants.

He remembered it clear as day....

The kings fist came down onto the floor, shaking them all. Johnathon steadied Willow, and she smiled her thanks. "That is it! I refuse to let you tell me what to do, mortal! You think you may come in, suggested to be kept? No past rulers have been kept past their time!" He bellowed.

"But think about it. If the girl is unable to rule over this magical land, then what? You find another one worthy? You let her ruin the land? We have no idea what will happen! With past rulers, you've known they had matured years beyond their age. Old souls, if you will." argued Johnathon. Ramone quivered behind him, with Willow's frightened eyes peering up at him.

The king seemed to think this through. It was true, they barley knew the girl. She was a last minute pick at the ever approaching birthday of Johnathon. He sighed, and nodded. A smug smile of satisfaction settled on Johnathon's face.

The girls face lit up at the sight of a Snookler, her smile widened when Willow explained her new place as ruler of this wonderful land. Johnathon and his new companion sat just behind the bushes, watching the twat.

"So, this is my replacement?" he said with obvious disgust. You could almost she the purity and goodness radiating from within her little body. The dark creatures slunk back, unwilling to be touched by her goodness. Hisses were inaudible, but Johnathon's ears picked them up. He glared as his most loyal subjects were rejected.

This is when he knew, deep down, this was going to be a ruthless fight to rule this world. It would involve betrayal, death, seduction, and at last resort, a war.

He exited the bedroom, to see the Figtoner eyeing the door. "No, she is off limits. Lets go, we'll find this weeks blood supply." he said, grabbing the rope and knife from the counter.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, its crap. sorry.