Status: ACTIVE AGAIN!!!! :D

Between a Little Piece of Heaven and the Danger Line

Little Drummer Boy

Matt's words hit me like a bitch slap to the face. He wanted to go on? We couldn't do this without Jimmy. Jimmy was one of a kind and we would never find somebody to take his place. “No.” The words slipped out of my mouth softly. Three pain filled faces looked at me. “We're not ready, we can't do this.” I could feel my chest constricting, how could I go to a studio when the mere thought of one sent me into a near panic attack?

“Zacky, we gotta do this, for Jimmy.” Matt pleaded, I knew where he was coming from, but I couldn't go there.

“Yea Zacky, Jimmy would want this.” Johnny pitched in, the first time he had talked to me in weeks. I shook my head, both in protest and to stop the formation of the tears I felt building up. “Why can't you see that Jimmy would want this?” I shrugged, looking down at my shoes.

“Because, he thinks it's his fault Jimmy's gone.” I felt my blood run cold, when did she get her? I looked over at Val, her hands were on her hips and she was glaring, there were a few bags from Panara bread around her feet, and two full drink holders on the table beside her.

“What!?!” Two stunned voices rang out, filling my head with their disbelief. Brian just shook his head, he had told me that it wasn't my fault, but I still couldn't, wouldn't believe him.

“Dammit Val, why?” I snapped at her, she fixed her glare on me, and let me tell you it was fucking scary.

“Because Vengeance it's not your fault. It never was. You need to finish this album and realize that.” I shook my head and went to get up, I didn't need to listen to this. Strong arms prevented my getting up, I looked up at my
restrainer, and glared at him.

“Matt get your fucking hands off of me.” I was weak from the lack of food, and couldn't put up much of a fight, but that didn't mean I didn't try.

“We'll talk about your self blame later, but right now, we're talking about getting back in the studio, and you know we need to do this.” I sighed and nodded, and forced myself not to look at Brian. I don't know why they couldn't see that if I had just forced him into the car he wouldn't have been attacked. We still didn't really know what happened that night, we just saw the bruises and cuts all over his exposed skin.

“How can we do this, when he's not here?” I asked, pulling at straws I didn't want to do this, I couldn't do this.

“Because, it's what he would have wanted, what we need to do. This is gonna help us heal.” Damn Johnny and his words of wisdom.

“Who would we get to lay down the drums?” Brian asked, the first time he had talked since the meeting started.

“What about Dean?”

“No, the guys are doing their own album right now.”


“Nope, they're on tour.”



“The drummer from The Maine.”

“No, I think they're recording.”


“The guy from that pop punk band that Benji told us about?”

“Yea him.”

“They're on tour and recording.”




“Mike who?”

“Mike Portnoy, he was Jimmy's idol.” I spoke up, everybody was tossing names back and forth, but I knew that there was only one person who could do it, and it was Mike. The room froze, and I knew we had found our guy.

“Let's call the label and get in contact.” We called the label and they told us they would get on it. Everybody left not long after, leaving me and Brian.

I refused to look at him, I don't even know why. He came over and pulled me in to tight hug, I returned and together we cried on each others shoulders. “I don't think I can do this.” He shushed me and cooed words that I didn't catch in my ear. Soon we were both calmed down and just lounging on the couch. I was laying down on the couch and he was on my chest, he wanted to switch positions, but I wouldn't let him. I didn't want to crush him.

“Baby, you're not fat.” He told me for the fiftieth time. I just shook my head. “You're not, you're perfect just the way you are.” I wanted to believe him.

“Babe, you don't have to lie.” I told him, he shook his head, but we dropped the issue for now. A mischievous smirk appeared on his face.

“I believe somebody was trying to distract me before we were interrupted.” I grinned and this time he cupped my face and began to pepper my face with little pecks, never hitting the spot that I wanted him to.

“Babe.” I whined with a slight giggle, “Stop teasing me.” He chuckled and went in for the kill, the spot right behind my ear where my “A” tattoo was. I shuddered and warmth filled me entire body as the sweet sensations spread. I flipped him over so I was straddling his waist and he looked up at me, something burning in his eyes. I grinned down at him and leaned in for a kiss. It was soft at first, then it became more demanding, I nipped at his bottom lip, almost begging him to open his mouth. He obliged, and I slipped my tongue in his mouth. Fireworks burst all around us, and electric crackled through my veins, it felt so right.

A cough made us jump apart, “Oh shit, I uh, I forgot my wallet.” Our heads jerked to the stunned face of our lead singer. Who was pointing at his wallet that was on the coffee table.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh, Matt found out!!

So I want to know if you know what drummer's I was talking about, please submit a comment with the drummers full name, what band they are in, and their most current album, and the commenter with the most right will get a sneak peak at the next Zacky chapter.

On anther note, I'm sorry it was so short. I'm shoot for a really long one next time.