Status: ACTIVE AGAIN!!!! :D

Between a Little Piece of Heaven and the Danger Line


“What the fuck are you talking about Brian?” I snapped whipping my head around to look at him. He lit a Marlboro and threw his lighter on the dash board, I watched as he took a long drag and slowly released it.

“What am I talking about?” He snorted, and let out a bitter chuckle, “That's rich, for the past couple of days you've been depressed as hell. I though you were happy, I guess I was wrong. Then again you obviously aren't over Gena yet.” He spat her name out like it was dirt. I huffed and shook my head.

“Pull over.” He whipped his head around, his eyes turning into slits.

“Excuse me?” He growled.

“I said pull the fuck over.” He huffed and jerked the car to a stop on the side of the road. I flung the door open, got out, and slammed the door shut. I wasn't going to sit there and listen to his bull shit.

“Where the fuck are you going?” He yelled, I heard his car door slam shut.

“Away from you asshole.” Today was just to much, I can't believe that one of my best friends couldn't accept the fact that I was in love with a man. I couldn't accept the fact that the man I loved thought that I wasn't happy. I needed a nice stiff drink, and there was a bottle of Jack in my fridge waiting for me to drink. I felt a hand wrap around my arm and pull me about faced. He was standing there a glare on his face, and his lips were little more than a thinned line.

“Zacky get in the fucking car.” I shook my head, nope not gonna happen. I tried to jerk my arm from his hand, but I was still weak from my bout of stupidity as I liked to call it. “Dammit Zacky don't walk away from me.” He huffed frustrated. His grip was now only on the fabric of my jacket sleeve so in a swift motion I took it off and began walking again. I didn't get far before my arm was again jerked back and it was brought up to his eye level. I looked down and saw what had caught his attention, three ugly red claw marks. They were slightly puckered and scabbed over. I also knew what he thought they were. “Dammit Zack now what are you doing to yourself?” He growled.

“Let's just go to your place and I'll tell you.” I huffed, and began trudging back to the car. We were both angry as we got into the car, the drive was tense and full of awkward silence. When we got to his house we stalked to the door, he slammed it open, I slammed it shut.

“Now what the fuck is going on?” He yelled as the door slammed into it's frame, he pulled my arm up and stuck it in my face. “Dammit Zacky am I making you depressed enough to do this to yourself?” He asked, no longer sounding angry, but defeated. I ripped my arm away from him.

“Give me your fucking hand.” I yelled, he looked at me confused but handed it over. I lined up is three middle fingers perfectly with the scratches on my arm, “I bet if your hand was a little bit smaller, like Gena's it would fit perfectly hmm?” Realization came over his face, it was like somebody poured a bucket of ice cold water all over him.

“That bitch, what the fuck was she even doing touching you?” He snarled, throwing something off of the hall table, it clattered to the floor with a dull thud. He was pissed then again so was I. Why was it that when we finally got together that all the drama started? Gena couldn't give two shits about me a few weeks ago, now that I was happy she was all up in my business. Its fucking ridiculous.

“I don't know probably to tell me how much of an ugly fat ass I am again.” He looked at me weirdly then I think it dawned on him what I meant.

“You mean that bitch said that shit to you and made you doubt how beautiful you are?” I sighed knowing he had caught my meaning and nodded slowly. Something was thrown and smashed into the wall.

“She also wanted money again, and as you can see got pissed when I wouldn’t give her any.” I gestured to my arm and his face contorted with anger.

“I'ma kill that bitch, where the fuck is she?” He asked way beyond pissed off now. I shook my head I had no clue where she had run off to when I told her to get the fuck off my property and threatened to call the cops.

“I don't know the last time I saw her was when I told get to go to hell.” I shrugged it off I was used to her bull shit by now, and I tried not to let it bother me.

“Is that why you've been so upset lately?” He asked seemingly calmed down, as he pulled me into a hug. I nodded, while I may have tried not to let it get to me the things she said there was no lying about the fact that it did on a daily bases.

“When someone tells you how ugly you are on an hourly basis just because I wouldn't give her the new pair of shoes she wanted or the new outfit, it tends to stick.” It wasn't the first time that we had talked about my issues and almost positive that it would be the last time. The thing that was bugging me the most right now is Johnny, hes been our brother for almost a decade now. How can he hate us just because we had seized to act on our feelings and be together? Didn’t he want us to be happy? We would never hate him for who he was in a relationship, unless it was a twelve year old girl or something like that. Yet he just sat there and told us that we weren't normal and basically that he hated us.

“Why does Johnny hate us? Doesn't he realize that we would never hate him about who ever he dated or fell in love with?” He asked lowering his head, voice cracking. I wanted to be the strong one for once, I saw the heartbroken look on Brian’s face when Johnny gave him the look of disgust.

“I don't know. I wish that it wouldn't matter to him though, he is our brother how can he turn his back on us? How can he throw away years of friendship?” I wanted to know the answer to that too. We moved from the entry way to his plush couch and for the first time in our relationship, I held him while he cried. I would have too, but this time it was all about his hurt.

“Are you happy with me?” He asked later as we made dinner together, it was the most domesticated we had been in a while and it felt right.

I put the salad I had been working on down and looked at him, “Of course I'm happy, when I see you I'm the happiest I've ever been. There's just something about you that makes me feel, as corny as this sounds, complete.” His eyes reached mine and I'm sure he saw the sparkle of happiness in them, just like I saw it in his eyes. Together we finished dinner, working together like we'd had years of practice. Then after dinner we sat on the couch and watched rerun's of the Jeff Dunham show.

“You know, I think we had our first fight today.” I told him, a smirk on my face. He looked up at me, I was laying on his chest, and it felt just right.

With a cocked eyebrow and a smirk of his own, he leaned up and huskily whispered in my ear, “You know they say that after the fight come the mind blowing make-up sex.” I shuddered as his voice sent tingles down his chest.

I ran my thumb over his bottom lip, “They do now do they?” I asked him in a sultry tone. “I guess we'll just have to find out one day hmm?” He sent me a pout, and I couldn't help but laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
So today, I wrecked my mom's car into a hillside. It was either that or flying off a hill. I'm all good though promise. I only hit my head a little.

Thanks for all the comments and subscriptions, it's amazing really.