Status: ACTIVE AGAIN!!!! :D

Between a Little Piece of Heaven and the Danger Line

Sex Talk

“Come on, Zacky...” I whined, trying the puppy dog eyes again. “You know it would be amazing...”

“Now how would I know that?” he continued as we both sat up properly on my couch. “I don’t think I’ve ever had make-up sex...” He left his sentence hanging in such a sexy way; I instantly felt turned on.

“Want me to show you it?” I suggested, trying to keep my voice deep and sexy to turn him on too. When he didn’t reply, I leaned in to kiss him, but he backed off right before our lips touched. Confused, I moved backwards and looked into his stunning green orbs for an answer.

“Are we really going to have sex?” Zacky questioned, his nerves very evident in his voice.

“Do you mean right now? Or eventually?”


“Right now, I don’t know. Probably not because you don’t seem okay with it,” I replied and he nodded his head slowly. “Eventually, though, I don’t know. I’d really like to.”

“Can I ask if you’ve... had sex with another man before?” Zack asked slowly, sounding unsure of not only himself, but me.

“I have...” I answered quietly, having no clue how he’d react to that. Please don’t do another Johnny reaction... That was the last thing I needed.

“Okay... Like, casually? Or really intimately?” Zacky continued and I paused. I knew what he probably wanted to hear. He most likely wanted me to say I was only ever in love with the men I had had sex with, but it wasn’t like that. Of course, Zacky noticed my hesitation and raised his eyebrows, waiting for my answer.

“Both,” came out of my mouth instead of a little white lie. I guess I just couldn’t lie to Zacky. “More intimately than casually though.” I became nervous as Zacky looked down at his hands, probably thinking about having sex with me.

“But I wouldn’t be casual, would I?” he whispered, not meeting my eyes. I gently touched the bottom of his chin and tilted his head up so he was staring into my eyes.

“Never. I love you far too much,” I said softly and I knew instantly that Zacky approved by the way his eyes lit up. With a smile, my hand dropped from his face into my lap. “So how has your eating programme been going?”

“It’s been going good. I’ve put quite a few pounds back on,” he answered with a little grin. “I feel a lot better, in more than one way, so thanks.”

“Can I see?” I continued, wanting him to prove he wasn’t lying. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust him, I just really wanted to make sure he was going to be okay. I cared about him too much to sit back and watch him slowly kill himself. Though, I don’t know why I think that, considering we both smoke... a lot.

“I’m not beautiful enough to show you,” he replied after a pause. A mischievous grin spread across my face, picking up on the hint he had dropped.

“You are so, babe. Let me show you how much more beautiful you are?” I suggested, knowing he’d con on to where I was taking this conversation.

“Without sex?” Zacky asked cautiously and I shook my head.

“No sex. I promise. Besides, you’re not quite back to your normal weight, are you?” I asked and his eyes fluttered back to the ground. I didn’t think he was. His clothes still seemed a tad too baggy compared to what they usually were like. I knew he was feeling sad again, so I raised my hand to his face, turning him so he was facing me. Then, I pulled his head forward and crashed my lips into his, feeling the amazing warmth spread all over me. Boy did I love this man... After a few closed lip kisses, Zacky ran his tongue over my bottom lip before giving it a gentle bite, causing me to moan. I gladly opened my mouth and as our tongues danced, I threw my hands into his hair. As I tugged gently on clumps of his hair to get a little moan out of him, I moved my body so I was straddling Zacky’s hips, pushing him hard into the back of the couch and our make out session became extremely heated. Zacky’s arms were soon wrapped around my waist, pulling me into his body as if he just couldn’t get me close enough to him.

My hands left his hair and moved down the back of his neck, then onto his broad shoulders. I enjoyed feeling his body, especially now that it was getting back to its sexy self. One of Zacky’s thumbs slipped underneath the top of the back of my jeans, making me gasp and pull away momentarily from him. I was not expecting him to suddenly do that, but I wasn’t complaining at all. Before he could make a comment on my reaction, I locked my lips back onto his, and as he moved his thumb around on my skin slowly, I felt some pressure from underneath me as he became excited.

I suddenly broke away from him and reached for the bottom of my shirt, swiftly pulling it up and over my head. Zacky stared lustfully at my chest as I threw my top onto the ground. I then cupped his face and reconnected our lips, both of us instantly returning to the passionate kissing, but this time Zacky moved his hands over my naked back and chest. As they ran down my chest, they slowed down before eventually reaching the top of my jeans. A long groan escaped me, followed by another one as Zacky teased me by running one of his fingers underneath the material.

“I feel like a virgin again,” Zacky managed to say as he left my lips to start kissing my neck.

“Why is that?” I asked breathlessly after moaning.

“I dunno... Something about you...” he replied, his lips skimming over my skin as he talked, sending a shiver down my spine. His lips were soon sucking at my neck again, his hands placed firmly on my waist. Using the couch, I pushed myself up off him and stood in front of him.

“Come on, beautiful, let’s go to the bedroom,” I said in a husky voice, realising we were both evidently excited about each other. Zacky’s grin was so unbelievable and after we linked hands, I pulled him towards my bedroom. We didn’t make it halfway. In the hallway, Zacky pushed me up against the wall, pressing his mouth to my neck again. I moaned in surprise and pleasure as I reached for his top. His shirt was soon on the ground and our bare chests were pressed together, the skin on skin contact just winding us both up even more.

“How beautiful am I?” Zacky asked after he had pulled away from my neck. I looked down over his naked torso, liking the fact his ribs were now not visible. I picked my eyes back up to his.

“You are absolutely gorgeous, babe,” I whispered because I was so breathless. “Now let me prove it...”
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I just had to put in the links to Brian's chest lol. Don't drool over him too much! :P
Comments are much appreciated :) Thanks to those who do take the time out to write a little something for us.