Status: ACTIVE AGAIN!!!! :D

Between a Little Piece of Heaven and the Danger Line

Say Anything

I don't know how we made it to the bedroom, I was all about walls today. After I had shoved him into the wall for the third time, he grew a little frustrated and picked me up. My protest was light. We crashed into his room where he threw me on the bed and quickly rid himself of his shoes, jeans, and socks, leaving him in only a pair of black silky boxers. He crawled on top of me and left me with breathless kisses, his hands and lips were everywhere and the sensations were driving me insane. His nimble fingers were playing with my nipples in one second and were grabbing at my hair in the next. His lips were covering mine for a minute then they were trailing wet circles down my body. I was going into overdrive, and he was turning me into a pile of heated flesh. I jumped in slight shock as his fingers played with the waist band of my jeans and boxers, I lifted my hips in silent permission to take them off. As soon as the cool air hit my heated skin I shivered lightly, and remembered where this was going.

“Are you okay?” He asked his lust filled eyes boring into mine, I nodded slowly. “Are you sure?” I nodded again, how could I not be sure with him? He trailed hot kisses in a line down my torso, I moaned and whimpered at the sensations running through my body. Then I was engulfed in wet heat, it was too much.


I don't know how long we'd been laying here, but I didn't want to move, my muscle's felt like jelly and my mind was numb. “That's was...” I trailed off, unable to find the words.

“Yea.” He chimed in, knowing what I was thinking, “That thing you did with your tongue, it was...” He trailed off this time, and I nodded knowing he would be able to feel it.

“That thing that you did with your fingers, was so...” I shuddered with the memory, he nodded too. We had rendered each other speechless. My phone started to ring and I groaned, it was my mother's ring tone. I picked the phone up and brought it to my ear.

“Hey mom... No mom... Yes... Tonight?... When?.... Alright I'll see you then, I love you.” I sighed and put the phone on the bedside table before cuddling back into Brian's arms.

“What did she want?” He asked gently, threading his fingers through my hair.

“She wants me to come over for dinner, in an hour.” He groaned as did I, then we untangled our limbs so we could get up. “I want to tell my parents about us.” I told him shyly, it had been on my mind for a while now. He froze, and slowly turned to look at me.

“Are you sure that's a good idea?” He asked finally, tossing a shirt on over his flannel sweats.

I sighed and finished putting my clothes back on, “Yea my parents won't care, they just want me to be happy.” He looked skeptical for a minute, but nodded none the less. After one last make-out session, I left his house and headed to my parents. I second guessed my decision when I noted that both my sister and brother were here as well, but I knew I would have to tell them sometime or another. I got out of the car and was ambushed by two little blurred figures, Gavin and Gianna. I picked the pair up and twirled them around, making them giggle.

“ZACKARY JAMES BAKER!” I cringed at the sound of my sister's voice, “Put those kids down and give me a hug.” I laughed and put the duo down and went up to my sister and gave her a big bear hug. She pulled back to get a good look at my face and zeroed in on something on my neck. “You realize you have a huge hickey on the side of your neck right?” I groaned and instinctively brought my hand to my neck in hopes of cleverly disguising the mark. She laughed and shook her head, this was a lot like old times.

“Mom is going to kill me.” I moaned, Zina just laughed and lead me into the house to face my doom. The inside of the house smelled like lasagne and fresh garlic bread, I smiled, knowing that there was going to be a small pan made up of lasagne without ricotta cheese, just the way I liked it.

“She's in the kitchen, might as well face your doom now.” My sister joked, I poked my tongue out at her and she laughed, pushing me towards the kitchen. I gulped and went into the large room, it was homey with a dark, almost brown yellow painted walls, brown weathered tiles, and matching counter tops, it was my moms dream kitchen and looked like it had stepped out of Italy, she was pissed when I had it remodeled for her birthday one year. My mom and dad were at the counters cutting up some fixings for a salad and my dad was mixing together his famous dressing, it was good to be here. I sneaked up on my mom, and wrapped my arms around her waist. She jumped and turned around, hit me with her spatula, and wrapped me up in a big hug.

She took in my appearance and her eyes narrowed in on my neck, “Zackary James Baker, what is this on your neck?” She asked glaring only slightly as she flicked the mark. I winced and covered it with my hand.

“Chill mom it's just a hickey.” I laughed, and kissed her cheek. I hugged my dad and went over to the bar stool's there were three in a line across the island where they were preparing last minute dishes for dinner, my brother was occupying one, my brother-in-law the other, and I took the last. I decided now was a good a time as ever to tell my parents about Brian, and with so many witnesses it meant I wouldn't have to repeat myself.

Timidly I opened my mouth, “Mom, would you hate me if I was gay?” I questioned, ignoring the looks I got from the men in my family, she looked up and without missing a beat responded.

“Nope, you're still my baby.” I smiled at her words.

Taking another deep breath, “What about if I was bi?” I tried, still ignoring the looks from my family.

“Absolutely, then you'd be a slut, pick one or the other, I did not raise any sluts.” My brother choked on his drink, and my dad finally caught on to what was going on.

“Oh, okay, well I guess I'm defiantly gay.” My mom just looked at me, popped a carrot in her mouth, and chewed slowly.

Then with a concerned look, she patted my back, “Honey, you say this like it's something we haven't known for a long time already.” It was my turn to look at them all shocked, I looked at my dad and brother's they shrugged and nodded, like it was nothing. “What I really want to know is who you let suck on your neck like a little whore.” She again flicked the hickey on my neck, I blushed at her choice of words. Matt, my brother, laughed and so did my dad.

“Brian.” I mumbled, into the beer that had been placed in front of me.

"What was that sweetie?" My mother questioned, a hint of laughter in her voice.

"Brian." I told her clearly, my cheeks tinted pink, we'd never really talked who I was dating before, it was an unspoken rule. She would never like my girlfriends, and I would never like them that much either. It was more of an I didn't want to be alone thing. She understood and so did I. This was new territory for the both of us.

"Brian as in Brian Haner, Brian?" My dad asked, a hint of being uncomfortable in his voice. I nodded ever so slightly. My mom squealed and my sister came through the door.

"What's going on?" She asked, looking back and forth between the men in the room and my mom.

"Oh, Zacky, just came out of the closet." Her husband told her. Zina's face was priceless, but what came out of her mouth next would have me shocked for the rest of my life.

"Dammit, Zacky you couldn't have waited a week so I would get the pool money?" My mouth hung open in shock, they had a pool on when I would come out?

"Who won this so-called pool?" I asked, calmly trying to hide the fact that I was a little hurt by this admission. They couldn't have just asked me? My little brother held his hand up.

"I won, but I'll split my winnings with you." He offered with a grin, I scoffed, but nodded none the less. If they were going to be on me, they better fucking share the pool.

"How much is this pool?" I asked as people began to gather a large amount of money together.

"About two grand." My mouth hit the floor, two grand? That was bull shit, they were crazy. Let's see it was my mom, dad, Zina, Matt, and Charles, that would have to be a four hundred buy in for each of them. Surly it wasn't that big of a discussion on what my sexuality was. Then again it was my family, everything was a huge discussion. Down to and including what my neighbors were thinking when they installed the ugly ass dolphin fountain in their front yard. That was just how my family worked.

"I just want you guy's to know you suck right now." I told them as dinner was being served in the dining room. I was only on speaking terms with my niece and nephew, and they were telling me about how the kids at school were jealous that I was their uncle. I smirked with pride in my eyes, I remember how the kids at school would tell me I wasn't going anywhere. Look at me now, a multimillion record seller with more money than I knew what to do with. It was the greatest revenge. I told them as much, too.

Dinner ended with an awkward note, they thought I was really mad, but I wasn't it was just nice to let them see that betting was wrong. My mom came over to me, wringing her hands, a sad look on her face.

"Your not really mad at me are you?" I chuckled and shook my head, letting her know I wasn't. She sighed in relief and pulled me into a giant hug. I loved my family. This little routine went on until all of my family was assured that I wasn't angry and Matt tried to slip half of the money into my pocket, but I told him to keep it. He was trying start his own band, and I still to this day remember how hard it was to get to a point where there wasn't a need for some extra cash here or there.

We were back in the studio, putting the finishing touches on Nightmare, inspiration had hit. Me and Brian were shredding it up with fury. It was the most inspiration we'd had in a long time, and it felt great to be back. We still hadn't heard from Johnny, but according to Matt, Val had fucked his face up big time.

The studio door opened, and we got to see first hand what Matt was talking about. Johnny had a split lip, two black eyes, and his nose was swollen. He looked remorseful, and I could tell that he wanted to say something. I opened my mouth, but he shook his head. He took a deep breath, and opened his mouth again, only to close it. He resembled a fish.

"I'm sorry, I was an idiot. Forgive me?" He finally asked.
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I'm sorry about all those mistakes that are in there, I'm very medicine intolerant and still under the effects of a pain pill I took yesterday morning.