Status: ACTIVE AGAIN!!!! :D

Between a Little Piece of Heaven and the Danger Line

Love Like Woe

I watched as Brian and Michelle tossed words back forth. Brian was getting increasingly frustrated with her, and finally he snapped as she spouted off some bull about him fucking some other girl. He crossed the room and cupped my face, we traded a couple of sloppy kisses that left me dazed from the passion. I numbly noted that Michelle stormed past us, and slammed the door of the studio. I was also barely aware of the fact that everybody was staring at us, with a look of indifference on their faces. I could care less.

“Let's go babe.” I heard Brian, he gave me another small kiss as I nodded, then I took his hand and lead him to my car. He pushed me up against my car, and cupped my face, before capturing me in a slow, gentle kiss. It may have started off that way, but I soon wanted just a little more, so in my signature move. I started to nip at his bottom lip. I felt him smirk and soon the kiss was deepened and became more frenzied. I loved to bite, nip, graze, I don't know why, but I did, it was my thing. I was a biter. I guess it was a good thing that Brian seemed to like being bitten.

"Hey, I thought that momma Baker didn’t raise no sluts!" I heard Johnny call from somewhere to the left of us. Blindly I put my hand up and flipped off his general direction. He responded with a loud cackle. I felt Brian smirk into my lips and slowly pull away.

"Oi watch who you're calling a slut short shit." He called over his shoulder. This earned more laughs, blushing we got into the car and peeled out of the parking lot.

The ride to my house my short and full of some weird techno band playing on the radio. It had a catchy tune though, and I found myself humming to it as I ran my thumb in circles on Brian's hand, it was resting on the gear shift. Today felt right, like something was going to happen, something good.

We pulled into my drive way and the smile grew on my face, it was the one place, well besides Brian's, we could be free, we didn't have to worry about keeping up appearances for the fans, didn't have to worry about freaking our friends out, and it was the one place we could do what ever the fuck we pleased (besides his house of course). We got out of the car and headed to the house, as soon as I opened the door, all 100 pounds of Majesty was on top of me as she licked my face. I laughed and tried to push her off, but she wouldn't budge. Brian took mercy on me and pushed her off with a stern pat on the nose. She looked at him with indifference and huffed, then turned with a little glare before walking to the living room.

“Your dog is fucking weird.” I snorted, he didn't know the half of it. We flopped down on the couch, and Brian smirked, before leaning over and trying to capture my lips with his own, I backed away with a smirk, nope, not gonna happen we had work to do before we had fun. He pouted, and I almost relented.

“Babe, we got work to do.” I sighed, pushing him away with a hand to the chest. He huffed and got up, I heard the front door open and close harshly. I sighed, I told him from the get-go, and we agreed, that the band always came first. He came back a few minutes later with his guitar case and an apologetic look.

“I'm sorry, I was thinking with my dick, and we all know when I think with my dick I become a dick.” I tried to stifle my snicker, I really did, but it still managed to slip out anyways. He sighed, “You have a cute laugh.” I blushed.

“You have a cute smile.” It was his turn to blush. “We have to get to work, the sooner we get finished, the faster we can play.” I purred into his ear, causing the hairs on the back of his neck to stand up and goose bumps to appear. With a cough, we got to work, and three hours later we had written a full guitar part for 'Danger Line'. My stomach growled and I blushed, Brian smirked and pulled me off the couch.

“Looks like someone's hungry.” He teased, I blushed. While yes I admit I had been an idiot, I still had trouble eating in front of others. It was going to take some time to get over. “Hey now, none of that.” A long slender finger pushed my chin up gently, a heart warming smile on his face. I couldn't help but to grin back at him and place a peck on his cheek. Dinner was composed of burgers and fries, it was good, I had been having a burger craving for a while now. What can I say I love me some meat. Especially Brian's meat.

It was nothing romantic, but the smoldering looks we sent each other over the table were enough to keep my heart beating wildly, it was amazing, and I knew that I had to tell this man that I was in love with him soon. If we had learned anything in the past few months it was defiantly that life was too short not to wear your heart on your sleeve. After dinner we spent time together just washing the dishes, and having a bubble fight. It was like we'd been together for years, I guess in a way being friends for so long we skipped over the awkward getting to know you stage and right to the lets get naked cause I love you stage. We were trying to take it slow, but there were outside forces pushing us together that much stronger, and to be honest if he asked me to have sex with him right now over my kitchen table I would say yes.

After we washed the dishes we found ourselves on the couch watching Jackass. Brian was up against the cushions and I was pressed against his chest, his hand was drawing lazy little patterns on my cushioned hip sending tingles through my body. “Zacky, I have to tell you something.” He groaned into my ear, I turned my body around to face him, he looked scared and nervous.

“Babe, what's wrong?” I asked him, cupping his smooth cheek, a slight pout forming on my face. He brought his hand up to my lip and gently ran his thumb over my protruding lip.

“I love you.” He breathed, it was so low I almost didn't hear it. He looked down, almost like he was afraid of being rejected.

“Well, it's a good thing I love you too.” I purred in his ear, before straddling him, and capturing him in the most loving kiss I could muster, and nipping on his lower lip to deepen it. It soon became the most heated make-out session we'd ever had before, it was magical, and I wanted more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwz they love each other!!

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