Status: ACTIVE AGAIN!!!! :D

Between a Little Piece of Heaven and the Danger Line


I could hardly believe that I had gotten the first ‘I love you’ off my chest. And I definitely could barely believe that this was Zacky’s reaction. He was straddling me while sharing the most passionate kiss in the whole entire world. And when I say the most passionate kiss, I really mean it. I was soon breathless and as if Zacky could sense that, he left my lips and started trailing tiny kisses down my neck. His teeth occasionally caught a little piece of my skin, which only turned me on even more. But, strangely enough, my horniness didn’t seem like the normal kind. It felt like I loved Zacky so much that I wanted to show him that in a sexual way. And I really hadn’t felt like this in a long time.

“Thank you...” I breathed as Zacky was running his hands over my biceps while kissing my collarbone. He paused when I spoke and brought his head back up so our eyes were level.

“Thank you for what...?” he trailed off, clearly confused.

“For showing me what love can be like...” I replied, wiping the confusion off his sweet little round face. Instead, a smile graced his lips and I saw his eyes becoming damp.

“I am so glad we talked and that we started a relationship like this,” Zacky admitted and I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him as tightly against my body as I possibly could. He feels exactly like he used to; all that weight was back on. And thank God, because that was the way I loved him the most.

“Me too, baby,” I whispered, not wanting to ever let go of him. We both just sat there silently, savouring the moment for a while. “You are so perfect... I swear we were meant to be... I’m so glad that no barrier can stop us.” Zacky tried pulling out of the hug, so I released my grip on him. He moved so his forehead was resting against mine, his stunning green eyes piercing into mine.

“I know exactly how you feel,” he whispered sweetly, making me feel all gooey inside. Once again, we had just shared another picture perfect moment that I only ever dreamed about or watched in a movie. But this was real. And I loved it. I tilted my head upwards and gave Zacky a light kiss, slowly dragging my lips off his in an attempt to leave him wanting more. It worked, and he was soon kissing me again, letting my hands roam freely all over his back and broad shoulders. I found the bottom of his shirt and tugged at it, trying to pull it up and over his head. He seemed hesitant for a split second, but then eagerly pulled away from my lips and helped me take it off him. As silly as it may sound, his torso took my breath away. He was truly back in shape.

“You are beautiful, Zack,” I managed to say and he grinned.

“You’re more beautiful,” he said in a mischievous tone, making me smirk.

“Am not!” I protested, causing his hands to fly down to the bottom of my shirt. He practically ripped it off me to reveal my toned upper body. I had been using the gym more than I usually did in an attempt to look better for Zacky.

“See? Pure beauty,” Zacky whispered. For once, he didn’t sound self conscious. He actually genuinely gave me a compliment that wasn’t secretly putting himself down.

“I think I should shut you up,” I teased and Zacky raised his eyebrows.

“How?” he asked suggestively and I grabbed his waist firmly in my hands. I used that as leverage to pick him off me and set him down on the couch. With a gentle shove on the shoulder, I was able to make Zacky lie down on the couch and I leaned down over him. Starting at his neck, I began covering him in kisses, making a line down his chest to his pants. By the time I had reached there, both of us were very excited and wanting satisfied.

“Bedroom?” I suggested and Zacky replied with a short nod. I eagerly got up off the couch and helped Zacky up, both of us practically running there together. When we entered his bedroom, we both launched ourselves onto his bed and then quickly reconnected, our naked chests pressed hard together.

“Brian?” Zacky asked uncertainly after we shared a few sweet kisses together.


“We do this because we love each other, right?” he questioned and I quickly nodded. There was no doubt in my mind about the reason why I was doing this.

“Of course, baby,” I said and he nodded. Again, he let me push on his shoulder to get him lying down and I went back down to his waist where I placed a few kisses. Zack groaned, frustrated as I had a small difficulty with his belt buckle. But his pants were soon on the floor, followed by mine, and then I was lying on Zacky, grinding gently against his hard member with my own, the material barrier only creating more friction between us. I kissed him once more, then licked my lips as I moved down on his body. He moaned as I slipped my right hand under his boxers and gripped onto him. I flicked my fingers over his tip, knowing he enjoyed it because of the soft noises he started making.

After a few moments of teasing, I decided to pull his boxers off and get down to business. I started off nice and slowly, getting him slowly worked up with my hand first, and then took almost all of his length in my mouth. Zacky practically screamed with ecstasy as my tongue ran down the side of him. I looked up to see him gripping onto the sheets with his hands, eyes closed and a purely beautiful look on his face. This only made me grin as I continued to please him. I wanted him to be satisfied. I wanted to love him in this sexual way.

“Oh, Brian...” Zacky moaned as he arched his back slightly. My own erection was throbbing and hurting because I was overly enjoying watching and pleasing him, but his call of pleasure just made it even worse for me. I knew that Zacky was getting close to his release, but something just had to be done to me too, before my hard on killed me, so I stopped my actions.

“Babe... Can we make love?” I quietly suggested, not too sure how he’d take it. When his eyes flew open and I saw his stunning orbs filled with shock, I knew he was going to say no. There was no way he was ready.

“Okay...” he whispered scarcely, contrary to my thoughts. I moved my position slightly as Zacky spread his legs. “Please don’t hurt me...” I tried to give him a reassuring smile, but I knew it didn’t work because deep down, I knew this was going to hurt him.

“Wanna lube them up for me?” I asked in my best impression of a sexy voice as I held out my three middle fingers of my right hand to Zacky. He gladly accepted and he teased me immensely with the movement of his mouth and tongue over my fingers. With a groan, I pulled them out of his mouth, my member really hurting me. I did my best to gently ease one finger into him, remembering back to the first time it had happened to me. It had been uncomfortable and sore and first, but I had soon learned what pleasure it could bring. I tried to move another finger inside, but Zacky started to make discomfort noises after it was half in, so I stopped moving. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t think I can...” Zack gasped, a mixture of disappointment and pain written all over his face.

“It’s okay, really,” I said as I removed my fingers. I could always work on stretching him later. I knew that Zacky was about to start arguing with me, so I quickly put my mouth back on him to shut him up. Not too long after, he exploded, most of it ending up on my face. Once Zacky had recovered from it, he looked at me and burst out laughing.

“I’m sorry!” he managed to say between laughs. It didn’t matter, though. Seeing him that happy, in more than one way, was totally worth having anything on my face. Knowing I looked stupid, I gave him a smile and went to his bathroom to clean myself up. I returned to his bed, still with my painful hard on, but Zacky took care of that. When I had had my release, Zacky cuddled up to me on his bed and we just lay there, enjoying each other’s company and love. We fell asleep like that too. It was perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Some sexy time ;)
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