Status: ACTIVE AGAIN!!!! :D

Between a Little Piece of Heaven and the Danger Line

OMG You're ZV

I knew they were all right, I knew that I should do something more legal about Gena, but I couldn't. I don't think I was strong enough, there would be ramifications, bigger than her coming to my house and attacking me every so often. I glared into my rear view mirror, the bruise on my face was getting wose, and I'm sure if I pulled my shirt out and looked inside the shallowly scraped skin would a shade redder than this morning. I nudged my car up, and pulled up beside the window of the Taco Bell I was getting lunch from. The person working drive thru squealed when she saw who I was, my Mountain Dew and taco salad flying everywhere. Gotta love our fans.

“OH MY GOD YOUR ZACKY FUCKING VENGEANCE!!!” She yelled, pointing, bits of lettuce and ground beef sticking to her uniform and hair. I nodded, a small tight smile on my face. “Can I have your autograph?” She asked, almost to fast for me to hear. I nodded and she thrust a pen and my receipt out the window. I quickly scrawled my customary signature, and handed it back to her. Then I had to wait an extra ten minutes while they remade my order.

I drove down to the pier and ate at one of the tables that were spaced along the old wooden structure, it was peaceful and nobody bothered me. I had a lot of thinking to do and I went over everything in my head, after an hour of though I knew what I had to do. I told Brian I was going to get a restraining order and I was, but I also had to move. That house was slowly sucking the life out of me, everything that went down in it was killing me. The fights we had recently had been tame compared to what Gena could do, and every room had a horrendous memory in it. So I did it, I went to the police station, filed a DVP, went to my realtor, put the house up for sale, and bought a lot of boxes. Maggie, the realtor, was going to come over in the next few days and show me a few profiles of houses she thought I would like.

I was packing my office first, it would be the easiest, Brian came in when I was carefully stuffing boxes full of books and labeling them with my messy left-handed scrawl.

“What's going on?” He asked taking in the scene, a hint of confusion in his voice. I dropped a few more books into the box and face him.

“Well, I've decided that if I'm going through with the DVP, I have to get out of this house to, so I put it on the market and am in the business of looking for a new house.” I told him, a real smile on my face, I was bettering myself, and it was all his fault. I knew if it wasn't for Brian I would be back in the same toxic relationship with Gena. It would be a game of cat and mouse, her as the cat and me as the mouse. I was over it, for real this time. The smile on Brian's face was worth it too, he knew I was trying, and it was all going to work out. He picked up a flat box, and quickly assembled it, then went over to my desk. I absentmindedly finished packing my books, and moved on to the figurines and keepsakes that littered the surface.

“Zacky, what's this?” Brian asked, disbelief in his voice. I turned and saw him looking at a folder, it had a long roll of blurry black and white prints stapled to the front. I felt the color drain from my face and a familiar pain in the bottom of my stomach. I tried to push back the low sob that was building up, but it didn't quite work. “Babe, what's- Are you okay?” His tone went from confused to concerned in less than a second. I gently took the folder from his hands and unraveled the tucked under parts of the roll. It was a sonogram picture, and you could see the blurry outline of a developing fetus.

“Gena got pregnant about a year ago, we found out a few weeks before we went on tour, the day before we left she had a sonogram appointment, she was due a few days before we were scheduled to get home. I wanted to tell you guys so bad, I was ecstatic, I've always wanted a baby, but she wanted to wait, to make sure everything was going to be good.” I took a deep shuddering breath, “A few weeks into the tour she told me she had a miscarriage.” I took another deep breath and debated breaking my own rule of no smoking in the house, “Then a few months later I got the insurance statement, she had really gotten an abortion.” He took a deep breath, and held me as I mourned the child I would never get to know. He led me to the couch, where I eventually cried myself to numbness, whispering soothing words the entire time.

“I can't believe the bitch would do that.” he murmured to himself, but I heard, a small watery smile made it's way on my face. He loved me so much, and I couldn't fathom why. He was perfect and all I had brought to the relationship was problems.

“I'm sorry.” I whispered, hiding my face in the crook of his shoulder. “I'm sorry you have to deal with all my problems.” I took a deep breath, “I'm sorry all you've had to deal with are my problems since the beginning of this relationship.” I began to kiss his neck lightly, leaving little nips here and there, a soft sigh emerged from his lips. I grinned internally, and slowly moved my nips towards this jaw line, lightly grazing the line and moved to his ear. Flicking my tongue out I lightly lapped at his ear lobe, nipped at it, then whispered some gibberish word in his ear, and then I blew a spurt of cool air. He shuddered beside me and a low groan slipped from his lips.

“Babe, stop.” I ignored him and moved my hands to run delicately over this small amount of skin that poked out from under his shirt, “Babe stop we gotta talk.” His hands gripped mine and he broke away from my teasing mouth. “Babe, I don't care if I have to deal with this drama for the rest of my life. I don't care because I have you. I mean yes it might get old sometimes, but at the end of the day I still have you and that's all that matters. I love you Zacky.” the sincerity shone in his eyes, and the love, admiration, and a small amount of sadness. “I can't believe there was almost and Avenged baby and that bitch killed it.” He growled, well more like snarled, in disgust.

“It's the worst feeling in the world. I had even asked Larry about baby merch, I was gonna deck the kid out.” I told him softly, gripping his right hand with my left. He squeezed mine lightly, a sign that he was here for me. We talked about this and that for a while, and we even got my office and a few other room packed up. There were quite a few boxes full of things I was going to donate to charity. All in all the day had been a success.
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Thanks for all the support and comments it really means a lot, so please tell us what you think!