Status: ACTIVE AGAIN!!!! :D

Between a Little Piece of Heaven and the Danger Line

Who Needs Soup?

I waited a few minutes before going back in to check on my sick boyfriend, he needed to be fully asleep and unaware for this to work. When I entered his room, I ignored the mountain of tissues that had accumulated at the side of his bed, and leaned over him. He was passed out, and snoring harshly out of his open mouth. I smiled down at him softly, brushed a lock of hair from his face, frowned at the heat radiating from him, and plucked his phone from the bedside table. I would need that too.

I left the house got to my car and backed out of the drive way speeding all the way across town. Brian Elwin Haner Sr's. house was a sight in itself, it wasn't lavish like most would think, in fact it was small, located in the middle of suburbia, and looked almost exactly like the house three houses down. It was also the home that me and the guys ran ramped in for our teenage years, I could see the tree line of Central Park from the drive way. I got out of the car and strode up to the front door, it was red, and knocked impatiently. A moment later a familiar pair of brown eyes were in my face.

“Hey Mckenna, is your dad here?” I asked her politely, she nodded and let me in the house.

“He's in his office.” She told me meekly, she had always been shy. I grinned at her and walked the path to the office. I knocked on the door and opened when Papa Gates said it was open. His head shot up when he saw who it was, eyes lingering on my fire colored hair for a few seconds.

“What brings you here Zacky?” He asked almost sounding defeated. I gave him a look over, his eyes were surrounded by purple bags, and he looked at least ten years older.

“I think you know.” I told him, sitting down on one of the chairs in the room. The office consisted of a couch, a laptop stand, three recliners, and several guitars.

“Look this is between me and Brian, you need to stay out of it.” He told me, with a stare that dared me to say otherwise.

“It became my business when I found him passed out cold in a puddle of broken glass and Everclear.” He inhaled a shocked breath, and snapped his eyes to mine, “Yea, your little chat with him, it about landed him in the hospital for alcohol poisoning. If he hadn't texted me telling me how sorry he was, he would have continued to slam bottle after bottle.”

“I'm failing to see how this is still any of your business.” I sat up straighter in my chair, and gave him the stare down, he returned it, obviously wanting to be right about this.

“Sir, I don't mean any disrespect, but that man was heart broken that you of all people, told him that he wasn't your son anymore. He expected that from his mom, but not you. He was scared to tell you he was gay because he didn't want to have to face the possibility that you would act how you are now. We've been together roughly two months now, and we've been through a lot of shit together. I'm not going to sit back and let you slowly kill your son.” I was whispering, and everybody who knew me knew, it wasn't when I was yelling angry you should be scared, it was when I was calm angry.

“I don't see how I'm slowly killing him, and what do you mean you've had a lot of problems, if you're having problems then you shouldn't be with my son.” His tone was snappish, and I knew he didn't want this conversation to be happening.

“You're slowly killing him because, while he won't admit it, he's becoming a fucking alcoholic. If you could just get over you're little drama and accept your son he wouldn't feel the need to drink his pain away. I know you may not fully agree with our relationship, but I love him and I don't want to lose him.” I growled lowly, not wanting Mckenna to hear us yelling at each other.

“What problems are you two having?” He sighed, leaning into the couch he was sitting on. I tossed back and forth on whether or not I should tell him, but in the end spilled on all my drama, Johnny's drama, and Brian's drama of the last couple months. He let it all soak in, then looked at me, a new respect in his eyes. “You almost had the first Avenged baby, I always though it would be Matt and Val.” I groaned and rubbed my hands over my face, he obviously was ignoring everything I said about Brian.

“You know what, why don't you grow up a little and call when that happens.” I snarled and left the house. I peeled out of the drive way and sped all the way to the mom-and-pop grocery store that didn't have much business. When I got there, I went in and grabbed all the makings for chicken pot pie, the best sick food ever.

When I got back to the house I quickly prepared the casserole and put it in the oven. Brian was still sleeping when it was done, so I plated it up, and went to his room. I set his phone down where I found it, and gently began to wake him up. He groaned, but slowly opened his hazy fever clouded eyes.

“Eat this.” I pushed the plate towards him, I had laced it with a couple of cold pills. He hated to take medicine, so it was the only way he would. He pouted and shook his head slowly.

“No.” He whined, pushing his face into his pillow. “Don't wanna.” He was congested, and sounded like a five year old, who didn't want to take a bath.

“Bri Bri, c'mon honey, if you eat you might feel better.” I cooed, brushing some hair from his sweaty face. He leaned into the cool touch of my fingers. Then began to cough miserably. I set the plate down, helped him sit up gently, and patted his back until he stopped. “Better?” I asked him, fluffing his pillows and helping him lean into them.

“No,” He whined, “I want my head to stop hurting.” He sniffled, then blowed his nose.

I picked the plate back up and straddled his thighs, “C'mon honey, I'll feed you and it'll make you feel better.” He sighed and let me feed him. After he was finished he laid back into his pillows droopy eyed and full.

“I love you.” He whispered before he fell back asleep. I smiled, got up, tucked his blankets all around him, and began to clean up the mess of tissue’s all around his room. After that was finished, I settled on the other side of his bed and turned the TV on. I mostly channel surfed because nothing was on, but soon found myself lost in a Criminal Minds marathon, oh the joys of finding serial killers.
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