Status: ACTIVE AGAIN!!!! :D

Between a Little Piece of Heaven and the Danger Line


About a week later, I was free of my cold and Zacky was moving houses. Of course, the whole band wanted to help, so we took the day off to all help Zacky shift boxes and furniture. It had been one hell of a day so far. Val and Johnny were focusing on moving boxes in Johnny’s car, and Matt and I were moving the furniture, both trying to be the strongest. We were always friendlily competing whenever we did weights together, but now that Zacky was watching I was more determined than ever to beat Matt in a contest of strength. Zacky just stayed at his old house, putting the last few essential things in more boxes in between dishing out orders to the rest of us. It was great to see us all working together as a team, even though one of us was... missing. I felt like we were one again, and it was good. We were healing.

“I’ll tie this on. You wanna ask Zack where he wants it left?” Matt asked after we had manoeuvred Zacky’s desk onto Matt’s trailer, right behind one of his couches. I happily obliged and went inside, noting that the other two were currently away so Zack and I were alone. Zacky was in the kitchen, carefully packing the last of his plates and cutlery that he had been using for the last few days.

“Hey, babe,” I said as I entered the room and Zacky looked up at me, happiness filling his gorgeous green orbs.


“Matt wants to know where you want your desk,” I said casually as I carefully walked around other boxes to finally get to where my boyfriend was standing.

“Ummm...” Zacky wondered aloud as I stood behind him and then wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled into his neck. “In the room that’s the second on the right.”

“Awesome,” I mumbled into his neck before placing a gentle kiss on his soft skin. Oh how I adored this man... I had for so long, but now I was finally allowed to show it... I couldn’t be happier. Zacky spun around in my arms so he was facing me and put his arms over my shoulders, his hands resting behind my neck.

“You really should stay the night after everything’s been moved,” he said as he gave me the puppy dog eyes look to try to make me feel guilty.

“You know I have an interview tomorrow morning,” I whined. “I can’t stay up late with you, even though I would love to.”

“Who cares? Do it anyway. Please?” Zacky almost begged as he pouted.

“Come on, Bri! Let’s go!” Matt called from the door, probably not daring to enter the house and walk in on us in case we were making out or something.

“I have to go,” I stated to Zacky before kissing him sweetly and letting go of him.

“Brian...” Zacky started to complain.

“I’ll think about it okay? Promise,” I said as I walked out of the kitchen and back to Matt. I told Matt where Zacky wanted his desk and then we drove over to his new house and unloaded the trailer just as Val and Johnny were leaving to get more boxes. The rest of the day proceeded pretty much the same as that, and I was really tossing up what to do about tonight. I really wanted to spend time with Zacky to make up for the lack of fun things we had been doing lately because I had been sick, but my common sense told me to go home early and rest for my interview about our next album.

Eventually, the time came where we had finished moving Zacky’s stuff and we were all at his new house, chilling with a beer each and chatting casually about everything. Then, it started getting late so Johnny left, soon followed by Matt and Val. I walked out with Matt to say goodbye and thanks for giving a hand with the moving as Zacky excused himself to go to the bathroom. When I walked back in, I found Zacky in the lounge, staring upwards at the ceiling. I paused where I was, confused at what he was doing.

“You would really like it, Jimmy. It’s a great house,” I heard Zacky say quietly before looking away at the ground and sniffing. I knew from where I was standing that he was holding back tears.

“Baby...” I whispered as I walked into the lounge. Zacky looked surprised as he saw me and then he quickly wiped away a tear. I pulled him into a hug, knowing that would be the only thing he would want right now. “It’s okay...”

“You should get going,” Zacky commented after a long moment of silence. He pulled out of our embrace and walked over to the kitchen where he got out some two minute noodles for his dinner.

“I’m not going anywhere tonight,” I said as I leaned in the doorway of his kitchen. What I had just seen had made up my mind. I just couldn’t leave him alone when he was feeling down. I watched as he froze before turning around to face me.


“Yeah. Really,” I replied, a smirk playing on my lips. “So, two minute noodles?” Zacky nodded, still slightly in shock that I had chosen him over my beauty sleep, and then got out another packet for me. We made them together and then put them in one huge bowl to share and we crashed on one of his couches as we ate them. Near the end of the food, I watched carefully to see what bunch of noodles Zacky picked and quickly found the end of them before he could and put them in my mouth, attempting to recreate the typical movie scene. The noodles rose out of the bowl and Zacky realised what I had done. His grin was so huge he almost dropped the noodles. We both leaned in and shared a small kiss before quickly finishing the food.

“You really are too sweet,” Zacky commented as he went to the kitchen to dispose of the bowl and forks.

“Hardly. Does your bed need to be made?” I called out and Zacky returned to the lounge, standing in the doorway like I had been before.

“Gosh, Brian, I didn’t think our relationship was all about sex,” he said in a teasing tone. I jumped up off the couch and met him in the doorway, slipping my hands onto his hips and pulling them roughly into mine.

“We haven’t even had sex yet,” I growled in my sexy voice before I went to kiss his neck. We had gotten close a few times after my sickness had gone, but Zacky wasn’t quite ready or it was too painful for him.

“Let’s go make the bed,” Zacky chuckled before walking backwards and leading me upstairs to the room he had declared as his bedroom. The wooden frame of his bed was in the middle of the room (that Matt and I had placed there earlier, dirty thoughts filling my head uncontrollably as we had done so), the mattress up against the wall and large boxes in one corner of the room, probably filled with clothes and sheets and whatnot. Together, we put the mattress where it belonged and then covered it with sheets and blankets. After that, we both got ready for bed, even though it was still relatively early.

“I am so tired. My arms are killing me,” I admitted as I plonked myself in the bed, stretching out as Zacky went and closed his curtains.

“Which, by the way, your muscles looked sooooo sexy today,” he commented and a smile spread across my face. I was glad he had noticed my efforts. “How on earth can I ever thank you?” Zacky purposely made his voice sound innocent and I grinned.

“By coming to bed with me,” I answered a bit too quickly, earning a cute giggle from Zacky in response. Zacky slipped into bed next to me and pushed himself up against me. I loved his chest so much... I groaned when our lips came into contact and I soon deepened the kiss. I just had a feeling that he was going to make it worth staying up late.
♠ ♠ ♠
Before you ask, yes this is going to be continued in the next chapter ;)

Comment quickly with awesome comments and it might be updated a bit sooner!