Status: ACTIVE AGAIN!!!! :D

Between a Little Piece of Heaven and the Danger Line

Interview Blues

The next morning I woke up and left without waking Zacky. He seemed almost as tired as me, so instead I wrote him a quick note to say that I love him and to give me a call when he was awake if he wanted to go out on a date after my interview. I then quickly went to my house to take a shower, pretty myself up with make-up and hair product and grab a quick bite to eat before I headed off to my interview. Of course, I couldn’t get Zacky off my mind, and the moment that had almost happened last night. Argh I can’t believe we were so close! Again! Was this destiny’s way of telling us that we just weren’t meant to be lovers? I didn’t believe in fate or anything like that, so I shook that idea from my head as I pulled into the parking lot of the magazine’s building. Please don’t let them ask about me being gay...

An hour later, I had already done my photo shoot for the page and my interview was finishing up. The woman interviewing me was flirting like crazy and seemed relatively ditzy for an interviewer, but she wasn’t the worst I’d had before, so I could ignore it.

“So, just one last question, Syn,” she said, her notepad poised with her pen, even though she was taping the whole interview with her tape recorder. “Everyone’s dying to know, what’s happening with you and your band mate Zacky Vengeance?” Fuck. I scowled at her as I leaned forward in my chair. She too sat forward, as if she knew she was about to get a huge scoop of gossip.

“I thought one of the rules was no interviewing about the celebrity’s personal life,” I stated coldly, feeling the annoyance well up inside of me.

“There was an exception made for this interview, since you two being in a romantic relationship is the hottest story at the moment,” she continued eagerly. There was no way in hell I was going to give this stupid bitch information about my gay love life.

“I’m not answering that question. This interview’s done,” I commented as I stood up. I grabbed my leather jacket off the back of my seat and stormed outside. Minutes later, I was sitting in my car staring at the beach, the waves and beautiful sight calming me down. If only my father could accept me for who I was, then I’d be able to address the fans and everything would hopefully be okay. I sighed as my head fell forwards, my forehead resting on the top of the steering wheel as my thoughts haunted me. My phone then started ringing, and as soon as I saw it was Zacky I answered it.

“Babe? I got your sweet note. When do you wanna meet up?” Zacky’s cheerful voice echoed in my head, filling me with peace.

“I’m not too sure,” I groaned as I rubbed my temple with my free hand. That fuckin’ interviewer had stressed me out so much I was getting a bad headache.

“Are you okay?” Zacky asked, sounding very concerned for me.

“Not really.”

“Let me guess, interview went bad?”

“Everything was fine until she asked about us,” I replied. “I know it’s stupid. I just really feel like shit right now. But don’t worry, I’m not drinking or anything stupid.”

“Good. You should come over and I’ll make you feel better. We’ll go out once you’re happier again,” Zacky suggested, but it sounded more like an order. I told him I’d see him soon, hung up and then drove around to his new house, briefly forgetting that he had a new house and almost driving to his old one. When I arrived, I walked in without knocking and found Zacky in the kitchen, attempting to balance an ice cream cone with ice cream in it on the bench.

“Need a hand?” I questioned as I rushed over to him.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he said as I took the ice cream from his grip. “I know it’s not really the right time for ice cream, but it’s a nice enough day and I figured it might make you feel better.” As he spoke, he made another ice cream and passed it to me before cleaning up after himself.

“You’re too kind,” I said after licking one of them a few times. The ice cream was delicious.

“Come on, we’re going for a walk,” Zacky said as he took his own ice cream off me. His dogs followed us out the door and down the street, Zacky and I walking quietly as we slowly ate the scrumptious treats.

“I think I should get upset more often,” I joked once I had finished. Zacky beamed at me before he pushed the last of his cone in his mouth. “Oh, you have a little something...” I pointed to the corner of my mouth, trying to show Zacky where the ice cream was on his face, but then decided screw it, let’s show some public displays of affection. I leaned in and slowly licked the tiny blob of ice cream off his cheek, earning an even bigger smile from Zacky.

“You really shouldn’t tease me with your tongue,” Zack commented before giving me a huge hug. Wow, I can’t believe how happy he had made me in such a short time. All it had taken was a little surprise and some fresh air while in his company. I really love him. As Zacky moved out of my arms and we continued walking straight ahead, I stared at his stunning facial features. I really wanted to make love to him, to show him how much I loved him, but we always got interrupted. I reached out and grabbed his hands, turning him to face me as we stopped walking.

“Zacky, baby, run away with me this weekend,” I proposed, staring deep into his hypnotic emerald eyes. “Just you and me. Please.” I watched as Zacky’s mouth fell open with shock, and as he tried to find words, I felt the rejection sinking in. He didn’t want to. I could already tell. At this rate, we were never going to make love.
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As always, thanks so much for commenting and reading :)