Status: ACTIVE AGAIN!!!! :D

Between a Little Piece of Heaven and the Danger Line


After we had made love (again) and I had recovered from all of its amazingness, I got up and headed to the bathroom. Ever since I had suggested we had a bath together, the idea had stuck in the back of my head, forming itself into a perfect romantic scene that I now really wanted to happen. I cared for Zacky like nothing else and I wanted to show him that, especially the morning after his first time. So, pretending to only be going to the toilet, I had escaped from Zack’s warm arms and was now standing in the bathroom naked, pondering on how to set the scene.

Firstly, I actually went to the toilet, then I turned on the bath, slowly running in the hot water as I searched the cabinet for some bubble bath soap. I found some and poured a decent amount in before I snuck out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. I then dug in my suitcase for the packet of red candles I had brought along, knowing I’d need them for a cheesy moment to try to blow Zacky away with my sweetness. Once those were in my hands, I grabbed my lighter and ran back into the bathroom, only then realising that I actually hadn’t had a smoke in a while. Zacky was a good distraction from my bad, but impossible to stop, habit. Cautiously, I placed half of the candles around the bathtub, the other half littering the bathroom elsewhere, and then lit all of them, the smell of roses starting to fill the air.

After I’d dipped my hand in the bath to check the water’s heat, I put some cold water in, soon deciding the temperature was perfect. I hope he’d like this... I just wanted to show him how much I loved him by doing sweet things for him and really trying hard for him.

“Bri? What are you doing?” Zacky called, sounding slightly worried about me. “Brian?” He called again when I didn’t reply and I froze. The room wasn’t perfect yet! I wanted roses! But this would have to do. Quickly, I flicked the light switch off and practically flung myself in the tub, knowing it wouldn’t take long before he’d come in the room. I was right. I was still adjusting my position in the tub when Zacky slowly poked his head around the corner.

“Hey babe,” I beamed as shock spread over my boyfriend’s face.

“Oh Bri...” Zacky whispered, trailing off and not quite finishing my name. “I- I don’t know what to say...” My smile just got larger as I continued to overwhelm my lover. This was exactly what I wanted. I knew he felt special and loved.

“How about you come join me?” I suggested and Zacky nodded before entering the room, shutting the door behind him.

“You are too sweet...” he told me after he had climbed into the bathtub, sitting down in front of me in between my legs. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into my chest, wanting his touch again.

“I’m only sweet because I love you so much,” I said softly in his ear before reaching around a bit more to place a tiny kiss on his cheek. I gave him a loving squeeze as Zacky rested his hands on my arms, as if he didn’t want me to let go.

“So what’s the plan for today?” he asked after a few moments of sweet silence of us just enjoying each other’s company in the romantic setting.

“I thought we’d go hiking and go out on a boat and do some fishing before we go back home. If we catch anything, I’ll cook it tonight for us.” I grinned as I explained my proposal to him, already knowing that it was going to be great. Anything with Zacky was terrific.

“Sounds good to me,” Zacky commented as I reached over and grabbed the white mesh bath sponge. I dunked it in the water and then proceeded to run it gently but firmly over every inch of Zacky’s body. When I got near anywhere sensitive, I’d move it slower and begin to trail a fingertip or two behind the sponge, just to be a tease. Zacky occasionally groaned at my actions, an uncontrollable shiver running down his spine when I touched him just above his pubic hair line. He obviously liked it, but I think I enjoyed it a lot more. Since I’d had two huge orgasms in the past less than twelve hours, I didn’t get an erection from the teasing, but that didn’t matter. I still loved being with Zacky.

Before the water started to get cold, we got out of the bath and helped dry each other off before getting changed appropriately for hiking and fishing. After quickly eating breakfast, we hiked up the giant steep hill we were already partway up and ate a picnic at the top. The view was breath-taking, and I couldn’t have asked for a better place to take Zacky to for a weekend. We got back to the crib in less than half the time it took for us to get up the hill, where we quickly jumped in my car before driving back to the lake. There, we took out a boat and went fishing, catching a few decent sized fish each. I selected the best looking one to cook for tonight and stored the rest in my portable chiller box, already packed with ice because I knew we’d catch some fish to take home. Then we headed back to the crib for our last meal before we went home. Once again, I was going to do my best to spoil my lover. He deserved it.
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Oh yeah, we're back! :) We're both sorry that we had no time for this story, but now that we're on break from our studies, we're gonna keep on writing!

Do comment and tell us how excited you are :)